Chapter 31

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we were about 10 minutes away from the hospital whilst i held her tiny hand tightly into my large hand, praying she'd be okay, "Justin i-" then she blacked out.

"y/n!!! OF FUCK, DRIVE FASTER! SCOOTER WHAT DO WE DO!" i said with tears in my ears filling up, only to fall down my cheeks. scooter look so worried too, we were all in shock because this all came out of know where!

We were finally arrived at the hospital, i picked up y/n which caused me to get a lot of blood on my hands, i was freaking out, we ran so fast into the hospital with all the crew behind me.

"WE NEED HELP!" Scooter yelled as soon as we stepped out foot into the hospital. everyone snap there heads into my direction to see y/n in my arms bridal style covered in blood...

a group of doctors and nurses cam rushing over to me and grabbed y/n out of my arms and ran off down the hall way calling for more help which caused my heart to skip a beat i was sweating i was so nervous.

"Please sit down, we will try our best" a nurses reshored me and ran off back into the room. All i wanted to do was to go into the room and just hold on her hand tightly telling her that everything will be okay.

"Will she be okay?" i asked scooter with tears in my eyes. "Of coarse she is Kid!" but he still didn't sound to sure...this can't be happening.

After about 2 hours a nurse came running out "you must be Justin!" she smiled and nodded lightly and gave a weak smile.

"We...we need to talk to you about something so if you could just follow me" she gave an unsure smile which caused my heart to beat faster. We walked into a room which looked kinda like an office. "Do you know w-whats happened?" i said without patience. "We will discus it now"

"Okay take a seat" the nurse said, i obeyed and sat down whilst another doctor walked in and sat down too. i looked at them but they both seemed kinda worried to tell me?

"Okay Justin, y/n has lost a lot of blood which has made her very dehydrated so we've attached a drip into her arm...we ran a few tests on her and i'm sorry to say but..She's lost her baby..."

"W-wait what?" my jaw dropped literally to the ground. how could this be happening

my heart dropped right out of me...tears stung my eye then escaped and rushed down my cheeks, she was talking to me but it was as if i couldn't focus on what she was saying,it all seemed like a blurr.

"Justin she is awake now, but we haven't told her the news...we were hopping you'd like to but if not we will" the doctor interrupted.

"N-no i'll tell her" They both led me to the way of y/n's hospital room. I was shitting myself knowing that in a few moments i'll have to tell her the news. Scooter's the only one who dosent know about y/n being was even pregnant! which is kinda hard to keep in now...

as soon as we walked in i saw y/n, he face was still as beautiful as ever. she looked so peaceful until she layed eyes on me. she squealed "Justin!" i ran over and hugged her so tightly, I heard her sobbing lightly on my shoulder. "Your okay baby" i kissed her, "We will leave you both" the nurse smiled and left.

Justin:"I was so worried" i shed a tear down my face.

y/n POV

I was so happy to see Justin's face, i have know idea what the fuck happened to me! but i'm glad i'm okay now!

Justin:"Y/n....i gotta tell you something" he held my hand in he's and looked me right in the eye.

Justin:"Well the doctor explained to me that you'd lost an awful lot of blood and..." he's eyes were swelling, he was on the edge or crying I could tell. "You've....l-lost the..." he cried.

I looked at him in complete shock a few tears rolled down my face and my hands were soon trembling. i looked at him with my eyes now filling with tears, I know it's not Justin's baby but...Justin's hurting a lot I can tell.

"It's okay" i rubbed he's shoulder slowly feeling so guilty but still so upset to loose my OWN baby. we stayed in a hug position for more then 5 minutes until we were interrupted.

"y/n your able to leave in your own time my dare" a nurse came which we both snapped out heads to her.

i smiled lightly and the nurses unhooked the drip from my arm and slowly dressed me. Justin was just looking at the ground so hurt...I never thought he'd be this upset...

we both got up and walked down the long hall way and then my eyes met with the crew. "y/n!" they screamed at me getting up.

Scooter:"Wow you both look really both good?" i looked at Justin to signaling him to just nod and Scooter rather then telling him i was pregnant. we all left the hospital.

scooter sort of ran of to the bus to tell the driver that we'd be back on the road, and we all just began to walk back. I walked over to Justin and held he's arm but he harshly yanked it out of my grip.

"Justin?" I questioned him not knowing what he's problem is. "Leave me alone" he mumbled. i tried to hold he's hand this time but he yanked it back again.

y/n:"Justin don't do this!" i said with a strict tone making everyone eyes land on me.

Justin:"What the fuck do you want y/n!"

Okay well i have know idea whats wrong with him! he was talking to me so rudely! I had enough of him. he needs to understand that i just came out of a hospital!

Ryan:"Bro calm down!"

Justin:"shut up"

y/n:"Listen i just want to talk-"

Justin:"Fucking leave me ALONE Y/N! i don't want to talk right now! why can't you understand that!" I could see the anger written all over hes face. I've never seen him turn so rude so quickly ever! He was making me angry inside too.

y/n:"What are you angry about Justin! i haven't done nothing w-"

Justin:"Because you lost the fucking BABY!" Just then scooter looked Justin dead in the eye. Justin looked at me as if he was about to explode! why does he have to take he's anger out on me! its not fucking fair!

Scooter:"Wait what did you just say Justin?"


I said words i regretted so badly not knowing how Justin will take it.


Justin:"Oh shut up..."

I said words i regretted so badly not knowing how Justin will take it. he was making me so angry!

y/n:"Okay okay, I'll shut up...but one thing you'll need to know, IT WASENT EVEN YOUR FUCKING BABY!"

WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!?!

Thanks so much for spending time to read this story!!!!! HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED IT!!! next chapter tomorrow! RT & FAV!!!
Thanks to the lovely @GrandeTreats for giving me a few ideas! · Reply
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