Chapter 21

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Nicola:"He..he killed her..."

the phone call went completely silent, i shut the phone and just sat back into my car seat to run through the fact that i slept twice with a murder...

after about 10 minutes i made my way home and as soon as i went to our front door i was shaking uncontrollably i couldn't even knock on the door!

i kicked the door and within seconds Justin came running at the door.

Justin:"Where the fuck have you been? I've been worried sick!" he screamed in my face which caused me to let the tears fall down my cheeks

Justin:"W-wait, what's wrong, your bleeding!?"

y/n:"first you fucking cheated on me!" I looked down for a second to see blood stain on my dress, it was obviously from Ted pounding to hard into me

Justin:"I-i didn't cheat, it was just one stupid photo!" i shook my head and sat down in front of our house to find Justin following me and sitting beside me"

Justin:"I was worried sick you know...what's gotten into you?" As soon as he said that my phone started to receive a ton of texts but i was shaking & with the tears filling my eyes it was hard to see.

Justin snatched the phone out of my hand to see a ton of texts, he's face went from worried to anger.

Justin:"Who the fuck is this?! you cheated on me TODAY?" i sobbed even harder feeling so guilty but terrified at the same time.

the texts were obviously from Ted, i took the phone out of hes hand to see them

"Hey y/n, good fucking session"

"Baby come here i'm hard again"

"I know where you are...let's finish this business"

i felt sick

y/n:"J-Justin i need...i need to tell you something" i cried even harder if that was possible! i was flooding in tears, he put hes index finger under my chin so now we were making eye contact.

Justin:"Why are you shaking so much?"

y/n:"I..the boy who text ted, he was my ex i just went to visit & one thing led to another but i swear wasent meant to happen"

Justin:"Is that it?" he asked innocently with hurt look, i was trying my hardest to tell him that Ted basically raped me but theses words just wouldn't escape my mouth so i just nodded

Justin:"Oh...i...well we all make mistakes i guess, I'm just glad your admitting to it rather then me finding out.." i giggled

y/n:"W-Why arent you mad?"

Justin:"I am...Promise me you won't EVER do something like that again?" i nodded, he slowly picked me up bridle style inside to our bed room and layed me down gently.

He jumped into bed too

y/n:"I..i so scared"

Justin:"Of what sweetie?" he said gripping onto me tighter to make me feel safer, i shook my head once again "I can't tell you" i sobbed into hes chest

and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning i woke up to the bright light hitting my eyes which made me close them again. I looked beside me to see a very sleepy Justin ans smiled to myself.

Im so lucky to have Justin in my life! i got up slowly making my way down stairs until i heard my phone vibrate on the bed side table

I walked over looking at who it was and then i read a message which freaked me out completely

"Hey baby, meet me at my place i wanna finish some unfinished business ;) but if you don't come...i took alot of photos when we were fucking so i can send that to TMZ if you like? you got 5 minutes to reply..."

"I'll be there in 20" I started to shake, i quickly got dressed really quickly but i was in complete fear.

I couldn't remember him taking any photos? but i had no choice...he was threatening me now. Nicola was right...i'm so dead right now.

I heard Justin's voice which completely freaked me out thinking Ted was here "y/n where are you going babe?" i asked in a sleepy voice

Justin:"It's only me silly!" he laughed, I was shaking my fingers felt numb i was so scared

Justin:"Wait what's wrong?" i quickly ran out of the room into the kitchen to get a drink as i was feeling light headed

y/n:"I'll be back later..i have to go somewhere" i quickly made myself a toast and heard Justin's feet sprint up stairs

Justin'S POV

What the fuck was wrong with her?! i quickly ran up stairs to get dressed myself, i had no choice but to follow her and see what shes keeping a secret!

I dressed up within to seconds then i heard the front door open and close, i ran as fast as i could to see if she'd left yet.

when she left she i jumped into my car a drove after her, luckily there was another car in front of me so she couldn't spot me out! we were driving like this for about 15 minutes until she took a sharp turn to the left.

I drove down there road and saw her park her car up. I stayed far away from the house but i could see it easily from here.

She spent a while in the car but as soon as she got out, her face was stained with tears now and she was shaking, her cheeks were all pink too.She looked like she had the flu or something.

I tall guy came out the house and had a huge smirk on he's face, he yanked her by the hair a literally dragged her in and slammed the door, my heart skipped a beat and I bolted for the house.

I was soon enough standing in front, I heard a very familiar scream, it was y/n. My heart was beating so fast, she was screaming so much! I could hear her calling my name...

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