Chapter 43

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well this is gonna be a long 2 weeks....

I sat down on the kitchen counter while my mum was propering some dinner and i began to text Justin "I feel so lost without you, come back soon" and with that i felt my phone and got of the counter heading towards my room.

"You wanna tell mum & dad your lie? and also explain to her where Ted is" I looked over at Zack smirking.

"Zack!" I whispered in a shouting tone,I then began to make my way upstairs hoping my mum didn't hear but she interrupted me. "What's going on between you to? and what lie y/n? where Ted?"

I panicked and Just ran up to my room and locked it, Zack is only 2 years younger then me but he can be such a dick when he wants which frustrates me as he can also be the sweetest boy you'll ever meet!

"y/n sweetie open this door" My mum lightly banged which made me jump, I just curled up in bed and ignored everyone I inserted my earphones into my ear blocking out the whole world. I definitely needed some 'Me to'.

***2 weeks later***

Nothing has changed really, Zack is still giving me silent treatment and whenever u'm around him and mum he tries to bring up the subject which is making my mum really dad luckily hasent noticed anything so i feel okay about that!

"mum i'm going to the airport to collect Justin!" I screamed making her laugh. "Honey bring him round for dinner, We all miss him!" she suggested which me a little nervous to answer back knowing that Zack might start something.

"O-okay mum" i answered leaving the room and going to the front of the door and leaving. This whole 2 weeks i was thinking about Ted, He's completely dead now...we had our romantic times before we broke up but he went into a complete monster.

I arrived at the airport to see Justin waiting outside with all he's luggage with a huge grin on he's face. I parked and ran over to him to give him a hug, I was smiling ear to ear!

"I miss you so much!" I breathed out which made him chuckle. "Haha i missed you to baby" and kissed me. We walked over to my car whilst i was helping him put he's luggage into the back of the car.

I started driving when he I received a text, I looked over at it to see a message from my mum "Sweetie bring him tonight 8pm, I've propererd some really yummy food he doesn't want to miss!" I giggled from her text and continued to drive.

"What's up princess?" he said rubbing my knee. "it's just my mum, she wants us to go round for dinner" i smiled at him but still a little nervous because of Zack. "Yeah i'm up for it" He smiled at me.

"Ahhhh home sweet home" Justin said smiling sarcastically which made me laugh. I took up he's bags into our room and opened it up to start unpacking. i took one of he's pants out and a little note slipped out.

'Call me cutie' with a number bellow...What? i was so confused? I walked down stairs until I saw Justin drinking a glass of juice, I wanted to get this situation behind us before we move on any more.

"What's this?" I said handing him the paper calmly but inside i felt as if i was going to explode! He started to laugh "It's Ryan's! we were at a club and he was avoiding this girl so she asked me to give him her number!" He smiled at me.

I gave him a weak smile and began to walk up stairs to get dressed to my parents house. I took a shower and done my hair and make up, I didn't go to over the top but my make up was really pretty.

My hair was in lose curls as usual and i just wore skater skirt with a blouse on, Justin was dressed pretty smart too, he wore some jeans and a shirt. "You look beautiful" Justins eyes lite up looking at me.

we made our way downstairs until he pinned me to the wall, "Baby I need you..." he hissed in my ear. I moaned into he's ear in response "you can have me all you like AFTER this"

I smiled at him while he signed in stress, It made me giggle he's short tempered reaction.He opened the entry door for me and we walked over to he's Lamborghini and he drove off. "I love you" I said looking at him. "I love you more trust me" he said.

I got another text from my mum making sure we were on our way, my stomach was flipping I was so nervous! manly because Zack is acting like a dick he might say something. Justin pulled up to the drive way and we both got out.

"I'm so nervous" I said gripping onto he's arm, "Why? it'll be good to see your family again" he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. We made our way to the front door and knocked right away.

"Hello Justin!" My mum screatched pulling him into a hug which made us all laugh. "You look stunning!" She said to me while my dads head was pocking round the corner. "It's so lovely to see you again Justin" My dad said also pulling Justin into a hug.

We walked in but i didn't see Zack anywhere? "Mum...wheres Zack?" I whispered in her ear. "He's upstairs honey" she smiled. both took of our jackets and made our way to the table.

"Zack! Come downstairs!" My dad yelled, Then we all heard Zacks lazy foot steps stroll down the stairs. He glared over at Justin making me extremely uncomfortable.

We were all soon sat down, my mum made spaghetti which she obviously knows is Justin's favorite.

Justin's eye lite up when he saw it which made me giggle. "So...Justin! How was tour?" My dad smiled at him. "It was great sir! It was alot of work but it's all about giving back so.." he smiled at my dad.

I loved how open my happy my mum and dad was with Justin! he's family love me too which is really lovely. we all was eating until Zack spoke up making us all snap in he's direction

Zack:"Y/n would you like to tell everyone what Justin told me earlier on?" i gulped looking over at him in anger. "Tell them!" he grinned at me, I just wanted to slap him right now.

"What's going on honey?" My mum said looking over at me & Justin confused. "If you don't tell them, then I will!" he said warning us both, I looked over to see Justin clenching he's jaw, I was pissed.

We all remained silent but there was SO much tension in the air! It put me completely off my apatite. "Mum have you seen Ted?" My brother nudged my mum asking her. "No honey i haven't't seen him for ages!"

"Y/n & Justin will tell you...they are full of fucking lies" he mumbled, i looked over to see my dad angry too. "Listen what is going on! I'm fed up!" My eyes were slightly welling up knowing that Zack will tell them any minute.

Justin looked over at me and pulled me out of my seat "I think we better get going...thanks so much for this though-" Justin said, just then Zack got out of he's seat pinning Justin to the wall.

my mum & dad both got out of there seats to stop him, but it was to late, Zack punched Justin in the face screaming hurtful things in he's face while Justin was just trying to defend himself.

"STOP NOW!" My dad screamed while we were all screamed for them both to stop fighting. "THEY KILLED MY FRIEND! THEY KILLED TED!" my brother screamed which made us look at each other in complete shock...

Zack then began to hit Justin in symbols "YOU, FUCKING, IDIOT, YOU, WILL-" he said but just then...something i never thought Justin would stand up and say...


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