Chapter 34

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mum:"Some boy called Ted?" I dropped my tea and looked her dead in the eye she can't be serious.

Mum:"Look now you've made a mess!"

y/n:"W-why are they with T-ted?" i was soon trembling knowing that he's literally turned into a monster and is now way to dangerous to hang around with.

Dad:"y/n are you okay?" I nodded lightly and ran up to my room and locked the door immediately. That stupid retard how did he escape jail ONCE again!

Justin's POV

"Why did you fucking call her here bro!" he just looked down trying to make himself feel guilty, well he's a douche for inviting her.

I began to get ready for the meet & greet to start but y/n was on my i text her back telling her It was Stella who texted her?

I decided to drop the text out of the subject, that can wait for later after the drama that bitch Stella caused. When i began the meet & greet each time a running or crying belieber came, it just put a huge smile on my face.

Anyway getting on with the show, that went great but i'm sure they could all tell i was pretty down...I just am so confused with the whole thing, "Bro what are you gonna do?" Ryan interrupted me from my thoughts

Justin:""I have no idea...i think I've lost her this time"

Ryan:"Things will soon work out don't worry" i gave him a weak smile and he just began to play on he's phone. I was pretty bored and i know i should have texted y/n by now but...maybe its for the best if we just avoid each other for a bit.

y/n POV

"Y/N! Come down honey!" my mum yelled at me from down stairs, i unlocked my door and made my way down stairs, as soon as i stepped down on the finally step, i looked up then my eyes met with someone i'd never thought would EVER Step foot in this house again...

"Hey y/n!" Ted smiled at me

y/n:"N-no no no no, mum why's h here!" i screamed

Ted:"I can leave if you-"

Mum:"y/b don't be so rude! know ted your more then welcome to stay with us as long as you like" her words felt like a stab to could she do this...

y/n:"Well i'm leaving" i put my coat on and boots and was just about to leave until my dad stopped me. "No y/n, you are not leaving anywhere" he said in a strict tone.

y/n:"But he-he...he" I looked over to Ted he was smirking at me shaking he's head.

Dad:"He what y/n?"

y/n:"Nothing..." I lied, i have know idea what that dick is capable of and besides know one will look at me the same if they knew i was raped by him & threatened.

Mum:"y/n can i talk to you for a second please?" my mum asked, we both walked upstairs and made our way to her room, she sat me down which made a little worried to what she was gonna say. there were a few suitcases outside the door to?

mum:"Okay honey, you know it's mine and daddy's anniversary...well we are going away to Italy for 1 week! so Ted being the oldest, we've invited him to stay!" she smiled at me in excitement

My jaw dropped, "no, mum! i can handle myself!" i snapped at her.

Mum:"Listen young lady! don't you dare snap at me! we are leaving now." she aid and walked out the room carrying her bags and soon after i followed so terrified, i don't even have Justin to help me.

y/n:"Mum listen to me!" i screamed at her down stairs which made everyone look at me. she glared at me "We will be back soon! love you all"

with that...she left with dad, it was just me, Ted...and my brothers...we all took a moment to look at each other."Get the fuck out of this place Ted or ELSE!" I warned him.

"Or else what?" he challenged me, i wanted to smack that smirk of he's face, "I'm..g-going out" i said not knowing what to say after that. i took my jacket and my phone and left the house...

Justins POV

Scooter walked in and placed himself beside me, i shuffled a little to the left to give him so room, "Was she really pregnant?" Scooter asked making me go back to my thoughts about y/n...

I nodded feeling my eyes well up from the situation we were in, "Where is she now?" he asked. I hadn't a clue, i was just shrugged my shoulders

Scooter:"Okay well moving on and thinking of something positive! Stella wanted to do a song with-"

Justin:"NO! Stella is not coming anywhere NEAR all of us" i shouted and immediately left the room.I couldn't take this anymore! I began to dial y/n's number...

y/n POV

i saw Justin's name when i went through my contacts, i wanted to call him to pick me up but he hates me, i was so scared so I texted Ryan

"Hey Ryan, I'ts a little hard to explain but I need some help before it's to late" i texted right away but just then...My phone started ringing, it was Justin! my hear skipped a beat, i was so close to answering then...

I felt as if i was being dragged back, I tried to scream but someone cover there hand over my mouth and eyes..

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