Chapter 33

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"Justin?" i heard a familiar voice call out. it was Stella i walked over and unlocked the door, "what are you doing here?" i asked without any emotion. then i saw she had a black eye.

Justin:"OMG What happened to your face!?" i questioned a little concerned, she started to crying.

Stella:"I-it was y/n...i saw her at the-the airport and said hi..a-and she just punched m-me" I couldn't believe what she was only made me angrier because she mentioned y/n again.

i pulled her into a hug and reashored her that i'd never let y/n do that again,I was still shocked!"Justin! i need to talk to you" i heard Scooters voice coming from outside. I looked at her and slowly got up and walked out.


Before you know it, Justin will be all mine! I'm only with Ryan to get Justin jealous, i don't like Ryan in that way. Justin got up and i just sat round until i realized he left he's phone!

i have my fingers wrapped round Ryan so i can get any thing i want or know anything i want! so he obviously told me what happened at the hospital, this is perfect.

this was the BEST timing! i squealed in excitement quietly and took he's phone, i looked down the messages he'd sent y/n, I have to admit i got kinda i began to type.

"Hey it's me...I can't believe what a selfish whore you are. why the fuck did you hit her?! I'm fucking Stella right now whilst i type! she's moving in with me too :) pack your bags and fuck off."

I typed as fast as i could, until i heard the dor handle twist, i shut he's phone and placed it where it was before, I smiled to myself knowing that he's gonna be all mine and that bitch y/n is gonna suffer.

y/n POV

I was half way there to my parents house, still over whelmed with feelings in my body, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly pulled over really nervous to who it was.

then Justin's name beamed up! i was trembling, i was hoping he'd say everything is okay.So i began to read.

"Hey it's me...I can't believe what a selfish whore you are, why the fuck did you hit her?. I'm fucking Stella right now whilst i type! she's moving in with me too! :) so you can pack your bags and fuck off."

Tears we swelling up in my could he say this to me, i just sat in the car with my head on the steering wheel, i felt to weak to move. I couldn't even text back, i was just imagining Stella and Justin fucking.

But Justin doesn't EVER text me like this, even if hes super super made! i was a little confused but...I just sat in the same position sobbing, until i got the courage to text back.

"I'll never forget the past we had together,I know you dont feel the same way but i cant fix the past, because if i could, i would. your always in my heart. I'll love you forever Justin"

i immediately pressed send knowing that I probably wont get a respond but at least he knows the truth, i was just so shock the way he text me like that. I began the engine again a drove off.

Justin's POV

My phone went off, Stella went bright red and ran out of the room which made us all a bit puzzled. well anyway I instantly thought it would be y/n, i have know idea what our relationship status is at the moment.

it is way to confusing and my beliebers are starting to tell that i'm upset with it all...anyway i opened up the text trying to hold my tears back.

I read her text over and over again, we were backstage before the meet & greet, i was just reading it not knowing how to reply or what to do about his. I wanted to text her back to come back to me! but it's to soon...

then I saw some swearing from the previous text i sent her? "WHAT THE FUCK STELLA!" i screamed making everyone jump,I ran over trying to look for her, i finally found her in the dressing room bright red.

i pinned her to the wall and looked her in the eye "What makes you think you can go and fuck things up!"

Stella:"I-i don't know what your talking about!" she yelled into my face.

Justin:"I don't want you anywhere near my crew or my family and friends! if you really want to stay with Ryan they you both can FUCK OFF! I've had enough"

i yelled making her flinch, she needs to know how fucked up she's made things now!

Ryan:"Guys whats going on?"

Justin:"I'm sorry Ryan but you can't fucking invite someone onto tour without asking me! you either stay here on your own, or you SLUT of a girlfriend can both fuck off"

Ryans face got red, I could see the anger build up inside of him, but to be honest i couldn't give a fuck.

Stella:"But i love you Justin..." i looked over to Ryan seeing him tear up slightly. I gave her a death look and warned her to leave, she soon left without Ryan, I kinda felt bad for Ryan though...

y/n POV

I stepped out the car ans knocked on the door, my mum opened it, followed by my dad. "Oh my goodness! y/n" my mum hugged me tightly,she then took me in and sat me down.

it was good to be back! we all talked for at least 2 hours about of feelings and whats going on in life and blah blah more stuff, but it made me feel so much better.

y/n:"So wheres theses duck brains?"

mum:" y/n! don't say that about your brothers!" we all laughed "there both hanging out with a old friend actually!"

y/n:"Really! who?"

mum:"Some boy called Ted?" I dropped my tea and looked her dead in the eye she can't be serious.

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