Chapter 42

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"Ted told me all about you, your just a player who is gonna break my sisters HEART!" Next thing i see Justin is lying on the ground holding onto he's face.

"ZACK STOP!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs pushing him off. Justin began to defend himself which just caused them to fight even more, I never thought Justin would have said this but... "HE RAPED HER!"

The room completely went silent while tears were welling up in my eyes. "B-bullshit" Zack said in complete shock running out of the house.We both watched through the window as he's car drove off leaving me & Justin sat on the floor.

He crawled over to me wrapping he's arms around me "Shhhhh" he kissed my head "I-i'm sorry you don't deserve this J-Justin" I bursted out crying before he could say anything he's phone started ringing

"Hey Scooter what's up?" he answered calmly, "Oh shit...Okay" with that he ended the phone call "What happened?" I asked. "I...Scooter's at the airport...i gotta go back on tour baby..." he looked pretty upset.

"Oh" I wiped my tears away and got up slowly "Well you better get going! I smiled at him weakly at him. "But i want you to come with me..." he answered hugging me.

"N-no you go, i'll come later if i decide to...i love you so much" i said holding back the endless tears.

"I love you more baby girl, I will be back in 2 weeks my princess" he kissed my lips and then left the door, I slide down and buried my head in my hands thinking through everything.

Instead of feeling sorry for my self I made my way to the mall to pick up a new phone after what happened to my other one, Then go straight to my parents house until Justin gets back.

Justin's POV

after the endless plane journey i arrived at my destination to see all my crew smiling and running up to me.I missed them so much but i only have y/n on my mind right now...well anyway i was straight of to rehearsals as usual.

y/n POV

"Hello Honey!" My mum greeted me at the door, i smiled and hugged her tightly missing her a lot after The Ted situation. I walked inside to see Zack sitting on the sofa, Instead of avoiding him i'm just gonna try and clear up the air between us.

"Zack can we sort this out now-"

"Fuck off y/n" he responded...I was a little shocked? he never EVER talks like that to me. I was just worried that He'd say something to mum & dad...well this is gonna be a long 2 weeks....

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