Chapter 37

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"It's about y/n!" he smiled. my heart was beating so fast wondering if that'd got her back safe.

Just then he's face completely dropped into a terrified expression....

y/n POV

I fluttered my eyes open to an agonizing pain in my head, it felt as if it was pumping with so much pain,Where was I? I blinked my eyes a few time to see Ted in front of my face.

I quickly got up which made me a little light headed, I fell to the ground and tried to get up but that only made things worse.

"Hello beautiful, nice nap you had there?" Ted questioning me walking closer and closer until he had my by the neck holding me down lightly.

"W-what happened?" i asked concerned to why we were no moved to a different location? it looked like we were in an empty house. "I thow a rock to your head and you passed out" he chuckled which mad me boil inside!

"I-i wanna go home" i began to cry, it only got him more angry, we was now on top of he while i tried to wriggle myself out of he's grip knowing that i had know use in trying to get away from him...he's to strong.

"Y-your n-not gonna get away with this, Justin will find-" then i felt a sharp pain through my cheek, he slapped me so hard, I began to cry harder and began to punch he's chest while was was just laughing at me.

"I'm gonna go out tonight and fuck a few bitches, your gonna stay here, and if you DARE leave, you'll see what happens" he got deep into my face which i tried to hide my terrified face but failed.

He got off me and began to take clothes from he's suitcase and dress up, maybe this is he's new house? it looked rather empty though? there was only a suit case and us...literally!

just then there was a knock at the door, a very tall blonde chick with a slutty dress on which literally only covered her boobs & butt walked in linked arms with a red head with also a very slutty dress

" girls are looking fine" Ted said looking over to me, clearly I'm not jealous of theses sluts.

And not even Ted! He can flirt all he wants, I'll never forgive him for what he did in the past and what he's doing now. the girls look slightly concerned to why I had puffy red eyes.

they all left and I heard the door lock, I wanted to scream for help, but who would rescue me, i don't even know where i am....

I looked across the room to see a window with all dust, I wanted to ask why he'd brought me here but i didn't want to suffer with all the pains he gives me! so i remind silent but i was screaming for help inside.

Justin's POV

Scooter hung up the phone without saying a word, and was just silent through out the whole car drive whilst i was nagging him to know what they'd said."Tell me Scooter!" I yelled at him.

"You'll find out" he said with no expression which made me even more worried. we soon arrived at this huge, and i mean HUGE police station.

We both got out and walked in, my stomach was doing flips i was so nervous to what's going on! there was a lot of officers were rushing round, they even had y/n's photo which I knew this was now turning into an EXTREMELY serious situation.

"Hello you must be Justin" A slim police officer said whilst putting her hand out for me to shake, i shook back nervously "Follow me" she said, me & Scooter was following from behind not knowing what was actually going on.

"So Justin, I have some news for you but we are gonna help as much as possible" she smiled, my eyes shot up looking at her in shock.

what does she even mean they'll help? I was getting more anxious while she made us wait for her to get her documents.

"Okay Justin, we've actually tracked y/n's phone down so we knew where she was exactly when you phoned us, But..." the officer trailed of which made me worried.

"when the officers arrived there was know sign of her, there was a trace of blood which we are trying to investigate. it was only a little blood which was found where her phone was left behind..."

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