Chapter 8

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Justins POV

I had finally parked my car up and saw her at the window of Starbucks, so i walked in nervously...

Justin:"What do you want?" i snapped at her, she left a small chuckle

Katie:"First of all, my name is Katie, and secondly, how've you been?" she winked at me,

Justin:"listen, Kate, i don't wanna play know games, is this baby mine or not"



Katie:"Come to my house for a bit babe!"

Justin:"Listen now, is this unborn child mine OR NOT?!" I asked strickly

Katie:"Come to my house then i'll tell you! or else your never gonna know" I had know choice, i couldn't move forward with y/n unless i did this "Ok." i answered, She smirked at me and took her hand in mine but i yanked back before she had a chance for her hand to fit into mine.

***Katie's house***

"Haha, dont act like you've never been here before! relax baby" he words made me cringe, "Katie I have a GIRLFRIEND, i'd prefer you to not talk to me like that" i snapped at her. "Whatever" i heard her say whilst coming towards me

Justin:"I'm here now, can you tell me?"

Katie:"We just got here! chill Justin..want a drink?" she asked awkwardly

Justin:"No, listen I'm leaving..."

Katie:"Nooo! Okay okay, i'll tell you..."

Justin:"Go on..."

Katie:"I-i lied, i'm jealous okay! im not perfect like your girlfriend, i have nothing! im lonely Justin! what do you expect me to do!?" she started to cry, i kinda felt sorry for her...

Justin:"Come here" she came over and i just cuddled her, ONLY to comfort her, nothing more, but i was so relieved that there's know baby which involves me!

I sad her down on the sofa "Listen Katie, i have to go-" "No! no please please please" she sobbed, why is she so upset?

she was just cuddling me for about 20 minutes now, I gotta admit, it felt wired but she'll get over this in know time and i'll go tell y/n the news and we'll hopefully trust each other again.

"Your so hot" she whispered in my ear which made me shiver "Thank you" i replied which no emotion, she started to kiss my neck, at first i stopped her, but she couldn't stop and it felt pretty good...

y/n POV

Justin hasent been home for ages now! i texted him a couple of times asking when he'll be back, but i had know reply,Typical.

I was bored out of my mind! so i decided to look through my contacts until my finger landed on Ryan...We left at a very awkward state, i better clear this up with him.


Hey Ryan, can i come round?

i instantly got a text back


sure thing

so i decided to to go just in a warm jumper & leggings as it's pretty cold outside, i just did my makeup a little and put my hair in a messy bun and made my way to my car.

Justins POV

i really didn't want anything to happen between me & Katie, but it started to get heated up and i just couldn't help myself to kiss her, it was nothing compared to y/n. We continued to kiss without realizing someone had come home until we heard "KATIE?!" this tall guy yelled, Shit.

"Wait? BIEBER? GET THE FUCK OUT!" he'd obviously recognized me, I was praying in my head he wouldn't tell the media. "Listen no no Listen bro, she-she asked me to come i have know idea who she is I-"

"GET OUT" he kicked my out, literally dragging me from my top, that fucking Katie is such a bitch, shes completely fake.

y/n POV

i finally arrived at Ryan's house, i was really nervous about what happened but i better get this over and done with or we'll never finish this situation!

Ryan:"Hey...come in" he smiled at

i walked into hes house admiring the mess!

y/n:"Its so clean Ryan! how often do you clean your house?" i asked sarcatically to brake the awkwardness

Ryan:"Hahaha, shut up you"

we made our way to hes lounge and sat down

y/n:"Ryan, I-I don't know where to start..can we pretend know of the stuff the other day ever happened?"

Ryan:"What day?" he smiled, this is why i love Ryan so fucking much, Justin sometimes takes it to seriously...

y/n:"Friends hug right?" "of coarse they do!" we hugged, but i thought nothing much but just a friendship hug i guess!

Justins POV

I finally got home from Katies, excited to see my princess. As soon as i stepped in i called y/n, but had know answer? "Y/N BABY WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled towards up stairs hoping she was there, but nothing?

Her phone was on the kitchen table, i know this is bad of me..but I went onto her phone to see that she'd left me some texts, then i'd looked at her most recent texts to see it was to Ryan. i read that she'd be going there so i quickly hopped into my car and drove there.

y/n POV

Me & Ryan decided to make some food as we were both starving! so we started to set some ingredients to make a pizza!

we were at it right away, i was cooking and he came from behind and poured flour all over my head, "Ahhhhh Ryan! you fucking prick" i laughed, he then out of know where cracked an egg on my head "EGG HEAD!" He screamed, we obviously got into a food fight by now

i slipped into Ryan and we both feel on the on top of him

Ryan:"I love having a friend like you" he smiled I kissed hes head which made him laugh...Am i falling for Ryan? i asked myself in my head, we just stayed there admiring each other, here and then, some giggles would escape my mout

Justins POV

i finally got to Ryan's house, I walked up to the door to hear some laughter, i knocked, no answer, i let myself in...

y/n POV

Ryan burped and i couldn't help but laugh and whilst were were laughing, the door had opened and Justin walked in...

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