Chapter 18

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I looked at him with such a shocked face, I didn't know how to respond, He did this all for me...

Justin quickly rushed out of the room, I decided to leave him and give him space.

I don't mean to always scream in hes face but sometimes it gets out of hand and i just flip and scream my head off at him! I was just sat here in this very empty room wondering what was going through Justin's head right now.

within about 10 minutes really deep in thought thinking what to do with myself, but i got pretty fed up and decided to find Justin.

"Justin?" I quietly shouted which echoed throughout the entire house, know answer.

"Justin where are you?" I asked, I got worried he hadn't replyed to me...

"Justin seriously don't play any games, where are you!" I said with a bit more effort into a shout! He still didn't reply to me so i just walked down stairs and looked out the window but Justin's car was GONE! did he seriously leave me here on my own!

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket in relief! but then to find it out of charge, i through my hands up in the air in anger, why would he ever leave me on my own in the middle of know where!?

Theres know way i'm staying here on my own anyway so i thought i'd make my own way home not knowing where i'd end up...

Justin's POV

I was so upset this was suppose to be one of the happiest surprises for y/n but she..she dosent love me anymore.I decided to leave the house and just drive round a little to get me out of my negative thoughts.

I must of left y/n on her own for about 1 hour now, i think we've both calmed down hopefully so we can discuss this seriously.I parked up and began to walk to the front door and walked inside to this beautiful but empty house.

"y/n!" i yelled hoping she'd come running into my arms telling me that she loves me, all the things she said, it was all out of anger. "y/n!?" i yelled again but she hadnet answered?

I walked through out the whole house by now searching ever room over & over again but she was know where..

I quickly pulled out my phone to ring her but it went straight to voice mail, My heart started to race thinking she's just wondering around in an area she dosent have a clue of.


I was walking which felt like hours! i'm sure i didn't walk to long but it sure felt like it! I was so eager to go home after all this drama, i wanted everything to be back to normal, But he ended it now so i give up.

I saw a car in the distance coming towards me, I waved my hands up to get the drivers attention because know matter what, i don't want be stuck here over night near a forest...creeps me out!

"Hey beauty, what you want?" he questioned

y/n:"I...i'm kinda stuck phones run out of charge so could i use your's?"

"Sure thing" He song guy smiled at me, he seemed really friendly, he had 2 other guys in the back just gazing at me which made me blush.

I took hes phone into my hand and dialed Ryan, but he never picked up! i sighed loudly "Do you need a lift?" the guy asked from the car, i slightly nodded as i was so desperate to go home!

"Jump in, I'm Ben by the way" he smiled at me, I got into the car and sat at the front seat, as soon as my eyes layed onto the weed & drugs on the floor, i regretted getting in so bad!

y/n:"Ma-maybe i should go" I was Just about to open the car door then it locked...I looked beside me to see this guy Ben with a smirk "Let me take you where you wanna go beauty" he said

He started to drive and the guys behind me were stroking my hair and chuckling which made me really uncomfortable "Where you wanna go" Ben said "I-Just drop me off around here...i'll-make my own way back" i said nervously

He chuckled and continued to drive, it was pretty silent but i heard mumbling coming from the back of the seat but took know notice to what they were saying.

Ben:"Wait! your Biebers girl aren't ya?"

y/n:"Y-yes I am" trying to sound brave but totally failed!

y/n:"Actually it's complicated"

Ben:"haha well i see! you got alot of cash then?" he chuckled and looked back at the other guys at the back.

I was completely quite hoping this journey in the car will soon be over, I was shaking now deep in thought thinking that i'm basically being kidnapped and this time there will no way of getting out...

It had been about 2 hours by now, I had earlier on told the a house address close by to me & Justin's place so they wouldn't see our house to stalk on us but seemed like we were just going in circles!

"how far are me?" I asked

Ben:"Erm...i dunno" he chuckled

y/n:"Seriously where are me!" i screamed catching him of guard

Ben:"Ohhhh feisty chick we got here guys!" he laughed

y/n:"DROP ME OFF HERE NOW!" i yelled my heart out, He imidently stopped the car and looked me deep in the eye

Ben:"Can we have a foursome..." he questioned me with a huge smirk on hes face and hes pants started to grow around hes crotch


Ben:"Your not leaving us without fucking at least one of us..."

y/n:"Arggghhh your sick!"

Ben:"Fuck me now or else your just gonna have to be patience and go with us..." he chuckled which made me boil inside wanting to rip he's head off!

I waited a moment to get my head round this, if i do what he wants he will let me go, but if i don' stuck with theses sickos.


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