Chapter 30

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Stella:"Haha well...yeah" she smirked

Just then Justin walked in, in complete shock, "JUSTIN! SHE TOLD THE FUCKING PAPARAZZI!" I screamed into he's face, but he seemed to startled to even listen to me, i snapped my fingers in he's face which caused him to look at me.

Justin:"Stella...Maybe it's not a good idea for you to know...on tour with us.." Justin trailed of.

y/n:"Stop being so nice Justin! FUCK OF STELLA! YOU HEARD HIM! NOW LEAVE!"I screamed into her face smiling widely knowing how jealous she must be!

"Ahhhhh" i bent over in pain, the pregnancy is NOT gonna be easy, I have know choice but to have an abortion or something before it's to late.

"Y/n are you okay?!" Justin hurried over to me putting he's strong arm on my back checking up on me.

Stella:"Justin shes fine! she's just a drama queen" she smirked at me, i wanted to rip her fucking hair out right now. I would have attacked he but the pain was to big.

y/n:"I will fucking KILL YOU STELLA!" she & Ryan wrapped the bed sheets around there body and waddled out slowly which left me and Justin together, i slowly keeled down in so much pain

"I-is this even normal?" i questioned Justin as if he'd know about pregnancy!

Justin:"Of coarse it is! you'll get pains but you'll be fine, it'll all be worth it!" he smiled at me. a huge rush of guilt filled my insides...Justin will leave me if he finds out it's not he's baby...

Justin carried me into another room on the bus and placed me gently on the bed, he started to passionately kiss each other until we were both naked, I was sitting on top of him kissing down he's jaw line whilst he moaned in pleasure.

Then Justin took over and began kissing all over my body which soon made me have goosebumps, He was kissing me all the way down to my belly button whilst I ran my fingers through he's hair.

"Hey little baby, i can't wait for you to come into the world" Justin mumbled into my stomach kissing it over and over again. I quickly got up and tears pinched the back of my eyes but i was strong enough to hold them back this time!

I quickly put my bra & panties on, then curled up in bed with the bed sheets wrapped around me. "y/n are you okay?" Justin questioned with a extremely concerned tone.

"I'm tired, we will continue this another day" i lied to him knowing that if he finds out the truth...we will be over, theirs no way of fixing that.

Justin sighed loudly and got off the bed and started to put hes boxers on and was about to walk out until..

y/n:"Justin? please don't leave me" I said with puppy dog eyes. he looked at me then huffed loudly which made me giggle, He jumped into bed and wrapped he's arms around me tightly. then we both drifted of to sleep...


Everything is going really well so far! Justin's concerts are going amazingly! Stella has left us, finally! But she's still in contact with Ryan...which is bugging me a little as he spending less time with Justin and constantly on the phone! Which makes me have to lie to Justin about the baby and stuff...

we are on the road a lot, the media have kinda stopped with the baby subject which is a good start too! I just have no idea how long it'll be until i tell Justin the news...

Any way we were on our way to the next destination which means another 8 tours until Justin get's another little break! we were in the tour bus until i felt something cold go down my leg, it was as if i had just wet myself?

i looked down to see blood EVERYWHERE, i had the most umberable pain ever it wasn't normal! "JUSTIN!" i screamed catching everyone's attention to rush over to me.

i was on the bed and held my stomach so tightly which didn't ease the pain at all.

i couldn't think straight! it felt something i could never describe.

it literally felt abnormal "Holy FUCK y/n?!" "JUSTIN MMMMM Fuck, I-I need help" i sobbed absolutely terrified.

Justin:"M-maybe your on your period?" he re-ashored me

y/n:"I cant fucking ahhhhhh, get period whilst yo-" i could barley finish my sentence

"SCOOTER!" Justin yelled, all i really heard was yelling, i could make out what exactly they were saying because of the pain. i just continuously said "J-Justin help me" and was moaning in pain.

Justin's POV

I was freaking out! was she on her period? i was so confused! but I was mostly worried for Scooter finding out that she's pregnant, i understand we are so young but...we can start slowly!

"OMG Y/N were getting you help i promise baby" i said to her, beads of sweat continued to roll down her face. everyone was rushing round the bus trying to find medical things for her but there was know use...

we were about 10 minutes away from the hospital whilst i held her tiny hand tightly into my large hand, praying she'd be okay, "Justin i-" then she blacked out.

"y/n!!! OF FUCK, DRIVE FASTER! SCOOTER WHAT DO WE DO!" i said with tears in my ears filling up, only to fall down my cheeks. scooter look so worried too, we were all in shock because this all came out of know where!

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