Chapter 41

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I kept my eyes shut trying to sleep, but after about 10 minutes i felt a little tap on my shoulder and then i heard Justin's voice.

"I love you too"

I smiled to myself and fell back to sleep.

***The Morning***

"y/n baby?" i felt Justin's soft hands shake my shoulders, "Yeah?" I answered and looked over to see Justin completely dressed? "Where are you going?" I asked rubbing my eyes getting used to the bright sun light beaming into the window.

"I've got to go back on to the road babe" "What already?" i asked wanting him to stay in bed a little longer. "yeah..." he said putting on hes trainers and getting off from the bed.

y/n:"Is Stella gonna be with you..." i mumbled quietly

Justin:"I-i don't know, She did leave but like she came back and-"

y/n:"Whatever" i snapped at him about to grab my phone from the bed side table but remembering i'd dropped it when i was with Ted.

"Don't snap at me, I've done nothing wrong!" Justin strictly said, I remained silent whilst he walked around in the room clenching he's jaw.

"Why are you so angry?!" i shouted at him. "Nothing y/n.." he said not making eye contact with me looking through the wardrobes as if he lost something "Tell me Justin!" I moaned at him getting off the bed and walking over to him.

"What is it?!" i squalled trying to pull he's arm back looking into he's eyes. It felt as if we were looking at each other for ages until

"Your constantly lieing to me, I don't like it y/n, it HURTS!" He screamed into my face making me walk back in shock. He grabbed he's keys and with that said, He left completely.

I was completely left in shock! I slowly made my way down stairs to see Justin unlocking the entry door, I kind of giggled at him because he looked so pissed not being able to open the door, He was cursing under he's breathe.

"Don't laugh" he said which caused me to hysterically laugh dropping on the floor, I was laughing my head off for literally no reason at all. A small smirk appear on he's face. "Stop i'm made at you!" He shouted but in a playful voice.

"Arrggghhh i hate that I can't stay mad at you" He said bending down tickling my tummy which i was practically begging him to stop.

I started to have a tickle war with him which lasted about 10 minutes until we were both knocked out to the ground.

I was on top of him whilst we were both breathing heavily until I broke the silence. "Justin I truly am sorry..." i said feeling butterfly's in my stomach not knowing what he'd say. "I know.." He said clearing he's throat.

I slowly got off him seeing he's sad expression until he pulled me back into him. "Stay...I like it" he smiled then he held my face and started to kiss me so passionately, I missed this so much!

It was getting so heated, next thing you know we were both stripped naked. "Hmm...I missed this sexy body of yours" Justin whispered into my ear making we shiver from hes words.

I took over and kissed him from hes jaw line all the way down to hes neck while he was moaning in pleasure. He rubbed hes tip into my soaking wet pussy and inserted it in, He was moaning right away and I was riding him.

y/n:"Oh fuck Justin your s-so big!"

Justin:"Mmm baby girl, your so tight!"

he was slowly tugging onto my hair making my back arch slightly but not to painfully. "JUSTIN MMMM I'M SO CLOSE" I screamed "Me to baby, Oh fuck i'm so close" we were both at our climax until we came.

We were both on the floor panting like crazy! "I missed t-that soo much!" Justin breathe out "Y-yeaah" i said trying to catch my breathe. It literally felt like my heart was echoing in my ears.

We both were completely relaxed on the floor until i put my Bra & panties on feeling a little uncomfortable as we hadent slept together in a while.

Justin put on he's boxers and started to get changed while i was doing the same,I was just dreading the fact that any minute now Justin is gonna have to leave for tour...I wanna go but i jut feel so ashamed & embarrassed about the past situation.

we were both getting up from the floor until we heard loud banging coming from the door, I looked at Justin a little confused and opened the door right away to see my brother! I hadent seen him in months!

"OMG Zack!" I was about to wrap my arms round him but he stopped me. "Is this the fucking douche?" He said pointing a finger at Justin, I tried to back him away not knowing what was going on!

"Zack! What's wrong with you?" I yanked hes arm close trying to get a whisper from him but he protested. I was walking up to Justin and they both soon were literally right in each others face.

Justin looked as confused as I was, "What do you want buddy?" Justin said calmly trying to stop what ever was going on while my heart was racing with the way my brother was acting.

"Ted told me all about you, your just a player who is gonna break my sisters HEART!" Next thing i see Justin is lying on the ground holding onto he's face.

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