Chapter 26

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"Hello, you must be y/n! We have your results in I can confirm that....Ryan is NOT the father or your unborn baby" She smiled

I covered my hands onto my mouth and looked at Ryan is excitement. i breathed out a breathe i hadn't realized i was holding as i was so revealed!"Let's go" i said to Ryan, he was not as happy as i thought he'd be but i think He thought i was just being a little paranoid about this situation!

We both soon after left the hospital, i had gotten a ton of miss calls & texts from Justin but i was unable to answer "Y/n please don't leave me again :(" he texted about a million times!

We both got into a taxi and went back to the buses. As soon as we arrived i slowly creeped through the bus to see Justin sound asleep with he's phone in hes hand, hes so sweet! I quietly crawled onto the bed and just looking up the the ceiling until my eyes felt heavy and i soon after fell asleep.

Justin's POV

Being back on the road is great! I love doing this and I love how y/n surprised me in bed! i was so excited to see her beautiful face again beside me. i woke up pretty early to go to the studios again and left y/n behind.

Justin"Scooter tell y/n to come to the studios when she wakes up!"

Scooter:"Stella want's to have a tour of the studio and stuff...mind if she comes along?"

Justin:"Ermm...yeah that's fine i guess" not to impressed, i mean i like Stella she's an awesome girl to be around with! But something tells me she dosent like y/n?

y/n POV

I looked around to see no Justin beside me which was a bit of a bummer...i got a few texts from known numbers "Hey girl, miss me?" "My sexy gal wanna come round?" i decided to just ignore it and get on with my day!

Scooter:"Hey y/n! Justin's at the studio, I'm going now so if you wanna come?"

y/n:"Mm...yeah i'll come! give me 20 minutes" i smiled, he sighed loudly "GIRLS!" making me laugh, he chuckled too. I soon enough got changed into leggings & a baggy jumper and left my hair in a messy bun & kept my make up pretty simple.

The car journey took about 30 minutes but me & Scooter were just catching up with each other and stuff. When we arrived i walked in to see Justin singing he's heart out, I smiled to myself thinking how lucky i am to have such a talented boyfriend.

I looked to my left to see a is she doing here?! she gave Justin a flirty smile and rolled her eyes at me.

I walked over and sat as far away as possible from her hopping Justin would see me or something. Finally! Justin came out and i ran into he's arms, then i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, miss me?" i dropped my phone out of my hand, i was soon enough trembling in fear, I tried to get my breathing back to normal but it was literally all over the place!

"I-i need some air" i said and picked up my phone then ran out.

It was Ted...

Justin ran out after me "Y/n!! w-whats wrong?" he asked with a concerned voice.
"I-it w-was...nothing, it was nothing, I-i'm fine" i said and ran into the van which drives us around. i couldn't tell Justin that ted was ringing me! he would go insane!Beside i don't wanna ruin he's happy mood.

the driver drove me back to the buses which we at the arena, I ran into the buses and i soon got a phone call again.

Ted:"Hey, stop hanging the phone up babe"

y/n:"D-dont babe me, I- i don't understand?" I said trying my best not to sound scared but i was clearly failing at that.

Ted:"long story" he chuckled, he's evil laugh. Just then a cramp came to my stumche which made me whine in pain.

Ted:" practicing sex noises for when i next fuck you?" i could tell the smirk in he's voice. Just then, i remembered i wasent sure about the baby being Justin's...

"Ted, w-we need DNA test"

Just then i heard a door slam, i quickly shut the door, my breathing hitched up worrying if it was Justin..

"Wait what did i just hear?" I heard Ryan say clearly pissed off,

y/n:"N-nothing" I tried to defend myself

Ryan:"You've slept with someone ELSE?" I remained silent, I've never seen Ryan act like this before! to be honest he scared the shit out of me. he walked out of the bus and i ran after him

y/n:"You can't tell Justin about the, the-" i ran into the bus into the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. I heard Ryan running after me to check up on me. Only to see he's face in disgust, he left right after.

I just sat down and sobbed and sobbed, i was so scared, even if it's Justin's baby! I don't want this, i can't!

1 week later, my hormones are acting up like crazy! I don't have a bump luckily! but Justin noticed i was more moody then ever. Ryan has COMPLETELY ignored me and won't talk to me at all!

Stella has constantly been flirting with Justin which is driving me insane! but i'm keeping my cool to not let an argument break out between us! Justin's dancers are always here to keep me company and stuff which i love! But i seems as if Justin doesn't think i exists!

it was about 12pm and i had the BIGGEST craving for finish & chips but it was if every had forgotten me...Ryan is the only one who knows in pregnant pet he's being a dick!

Justin went to the club so i decided to call him up

y/n:"Hey Justin"

Justin:"Hey baby how are you?"

y/n:"I'm good, i miss you, a lot!"

Justin:"Oh...i'll be back soon i promise" then the phone line went silent and i heard Stella giggling in the background.

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