Chapter 4

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car engine started & was just about to drive off...

Justin:"Shit!" I cursed to myself.
i ran as fast as i could to my car in complete shock to just what happened that sec,the drove & drove, i was panicking i felt sick to my stomach, i couldn't imagine what he could do to here this very minute.. The car was literally know where to be found...

"PLEASE SOMEONE Plea-ase..Help..." I whimpered,The guys was drving like crazy i was shaking in fear,He took such Sharpe turns wherever we drove through a corner.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled in my face, i could smell the very strong smell of beer & vodka, i ending up giving up, i was so tired yet so terrified, but i had literally no energy to scream anymore so i just sat there in complete fear..

Justins POV
I had been trying for 20 minutes by now, she was know where, my everything, my princess to me, was gone. i was streaming in tears i had know clue what to do! i didn't want to dial the police just yet because they couldn't allow me to look for her so I continued to drive...

This guy kept looking at me in a pervy way, his eyes weren't focused on the road enough, the car went in the opposite lane, i screamed as a truck was coming our way, then he quickly turned the car while to the right lane but the truck was so close to us, it had slightly scrapped hes car. the car jerked forward like it was running out of gas,

"WHY DIDN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME WE WERE GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!" he screamed,his hand came above just about to slap me, I covered my face with my hands a whimpered, then all of a sudden i see him and the truck driver outside, both screaming and yelling at each other, this was my opportunity to run!

i quickly opened the car door quietly, but didn't realize i had slapped it shut. so both of the guys eyes looked at my direction...I ran & ran down, the guy was yelling for me to come back,but this didn't stop me from running, i started to loses my breathe after feeling like i'd run a marathon!

i sat down on the edge of the side walk, but there were 5 drunk guys coming to my direction, i was to weak to pull myself up and continue to run, my sticks were covered in blood by now, because the doctor had obviously told me to keep it cool and not top move round so much.

Theses guys were laughing and shouting...all i thought was "Why me"
they had come closer & closer, one of the guys whistled at me, the other guys were laughing and came closer until there were right in front of me, wait? i know who one of those boys are? i think Ryan? but i wasent to sure...

"OMG RYAN!!" I screamed and ran into hes arms,
Ryan:"Heeey, wait? y/n!!! what's wrong baby?"

i cried into hes chest, we were still hugging, finally i felt safe,
y/n:"Cal-l J-ju..stin"

Ryan sat me down with him and just hugged me and comforted me
he told all the guys to go, so they were all walking funny down the side walk, Ryan obviously snapped back into reality, i'm certain he wasn't drunk! we sat together, me shaking and crying and Ryan just telling me that everything's gonna be alright.

Justins POV

**phone ringing**

i picked up my phone to see it was Ryan calling me at this time? i picked up,

Ryan:"Hello Justin!?" he sounded very nervous & worried.

Justin:"Yes Yes Ryan whats wrong!?"

Ryan:"Its Y/N..."


Ryan:"Bro calm down, she's with me, i think you better come ASAP! She really needs you..."

Justin:"Ohhhh thank God, okay were the hell are you now?"

Ryan:"I'm on 5th Avenue"

Justin:"Okay bro i'll be there soon" with that i ended the call...a huge rush of relief filled my body, my baby girl is safe.


Me & Ryan just sat together, i still had tears falling from my eyes, such an eventful day! the blood had finally eased down..I don't know what it was, but i felt a spark between me & Ryan, i felt so much closer, i felt so safe with him,i looked him in the eyes, he smiled down at me

y/n:"thank you..." i whispered

Ryan:"of coarse! but for what?" he giggled

y/n:"for staying with me and calling Justin"

Ryan:"no problem y/n, your like a sister to me"

there was silence..

Ryan:"whats wrong" he asked in a very innocent look to him

y/n:"looooong story.." thinking back to what happened just hours ago made me cry again, it just wasn't something which would happen to a regular girl like me,

Me & Ryan were staring at each other , then i felt lips touch mine, he began to kiss me, I pulled back in shock

Ryan:"I'm so sorry"

y/m:"don't be" what was i saying!?

i began to kiss him, he kissed me back, it was turning into a make out session, it started to feel kinda heated up by now but just then i heard a familiar voice..

Justin: "Y/N!!! wait..what....?"

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