Chapter 39

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"Arghhh come on Justin! pick up" i cursed under my breathe, then the door started to bang and Ted was screaming my name to come down...."Wait i-i'm...i'm just finishing off my makeup!"

I screamed hoping he'd walk back down and he luckily did! I phoned Justin again because this could be my only hope. It went the last ring until he finally picked up...

Justin's POV

Me & Scooter have been here for close to 4 fucking hours! and the police officers haven't informed us of any news on y/n, I was getting so impatient.

My phone started to ring yet again coming from the same number, I was so fed up i decided to pick up. "Justin!" y/n screamed through the phone.

Justin:"Y/N baby! Oh my goodness with the hell are you!?"

y/n:"I-i'm scared Justin.." I could hear her voice cracking.

Justin:"Your gonna be alright baby! say on the phone were just gonna get the officers to track you down"

y/n:"Please come quick" I could hear how upset she sounded on the phone, Scooter was already at the front desk tell the Officers that we got a hold of y/n, The lady reshored y/n not to shut the phone and they began to track her.

"Okay Mr Bieber we have the area address, if you'd like to take your phone now" I felt so revealed! she kindly handed it back to me.

Justin:"y/n baby are you still there!?"

"Please come I'm so scared" she whimpered into the phone "COME DOWN!" I heard a faint shout coming from the phone?! "Please Justin" then she hung up..."Fuck" I said under my breathe.

There was a number of officers running down into there police cars. I insisted i'd go along and Scooter stayed behind, "Kid are you sure you wanna come? It could-" "YES! I'm coming no matter what!" i interrupted and got into the vehicle.

y/n POV

I was so ready to break down in tears but i held them back, Ted was twisting the handle on the door and I Imidently threw the phone under the bed hopping he wouldn't see it.

He licked he's lips and held out he's hand for me to take, I got up myself which made him a little surprised. He pulled me into him and whispered in my ear "I want you acting like your with me? Got that my slut?"

He slapped my ass and I pulled away from him but He was gripping onto me to tight. I could smell the very strong scent of Vodka in he's breathe....

We slowly made out way down stairs hand in hand, me shaking like a chihuahua completely dreading this moment.there was so many party guests here.

the boys started whistling really loudly and hooting. I felt like a real slut, Is Justin really coming to save me? I thought in my head until i saw a group of boys on the sofa with there drinks they looked so drunk but still excited to see me.

I gave them all a dirty looking until Ted let me go and he sat down himself. I gulped hard and just stood there not knowing what to do,Ted and The boys all started to get undressed down to there boxers

y/n:"W-wait wait wait, what are you doing?" i questioned.

Ted:"Your gonna have a a little fuck with all of us" Ted smirked at me.

y/n:"That wasent the fucking deal Ted!" I screamed getting into he's face about to walk upstairs until he gripped my waist with he's hand and dragged me back, I let a small whimper out.

Ted:"Your gonna do what I say bitch" He slapped my ass again. "Stop doing that Ted! it hurts" I said but he didn't give a fuck. they were all undressed and they were all stroking there members which made me feel sick.

Ted:"Now completely strip" He gave me a death look, I was about to take of the straps on my shoulders until we all looked round to see people screaming and running out?! Ted looked scared as fuck.

He took my arm and ran upstairs with me. "T-ted what's happened?!" I asked shaking I was so nervous. "The police are on there way, if you fucking told them, I'm gonna kill you"

my heart dropped, Justin promised he'd come and he is but this fucker want let me anywhere near him...

"Keep the lingerie, your gonna wear it for the next house we go to" he winked,I began to put my jumper & leggings over my body with the lingerie still attached to me. I

was so nervous then we started to make our way down stairs we ran out of the house until there was literally 20 police officers and like 7 police cars surrounding the house. He was squeezing my hand tighter and was stood still.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The police screamed, I was trying to but Ted wouldn't let me, Ted looked sacred as shit.

The police were all aiming guns over at him, and just then my eyes met with Justin...he looked so worried, i tried to free myself from Ted's grip but he wouldn't let me go. "J-Justin" I whimpered

"Let the girl go!" the police yelled, Ted did and i was about to run into Justin's arms until I was being yanked back by my hair, then Ted instantly got something heavy out of he's pocket which made everyone gasp.

I squealed in pain and the corner of my eye I saw gun at the side of my head.

"You let us go or I'll explode her head right now." I heard Ted's voice from behind me. He's words scared me so much, I broke down into tears absolutely terrified.

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