Chapter 22

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I was soon enough standing in front, I heard a very familiar scream, it was y/n. My heart was beating so fast, she was screaming so much! I could hear her calling my name...

I continuously banged on the door without caring how much noise i was making!

y/n POV

I can barley remember what happened, my head was spinning he came closer & closer to me until he's for heard was touching mine, he's hand slowly made it's way to my butt which caused me to push him back and run upstairs without thinking what i was actually doing!

I was screaming my heart out hoping someone, anyone would hear & help me! I was continuously yelling for Justin's help which was know point of after he was probably at home. As soon as i got upstairs i went into the closest room i could see and hide in there

"You know you can't hide from me forever..." i heart foot steps running up the stairs and slam the room door i was in. he smirked at me and locked the door and through back into hes pocket.

I was stood at the coroner of the room praying someone would come and rescue me from this monster of a man. he jumped into the bed and as soon as theses words past he's mouth, my skin curled in fear "Strip NOW"

Ted:"Okay y/n I'm gonna tell you one more time, I've warned you, STRIP NOW OR ELSE" he screamed which made me whimper from he's powerful words. within seconds he got up from the bed a stormed over to me, I screamed as loud as i could

"Ted!! please please i'm begging you d-don't do this" i screamed which was no use, I couldn't think straight

Ted:"Or else what? prince Justin will come and save you? haha well that only happens in the movie...your all mine!" he grabbed me roughly then slapped me so hard in the face which made me wince in pain, before i knew it he's Plump lips came down on mine.

His tongue tried to force itself in but I clamped mine shut so that his tongue met the seam of my lips pressed tightly together. Then I felt his hand wrap so tightly around my arm that I let out a gasp, until we both heard a huge glass smashing down stairs which made us both jump!

Ted:"You got lucky...i'll be just a minute, you stay here and then we'll finish this off" he smirked and unlocked the door and ran down stairs, I sat in the corner of the room and sobbed knowing that seconds later he will be coming to get me.

I heard very loud shouting downstairs, but i couldn't care less! I was shaking in fear.

Justin's POV

I knocked on the door so much that i started to get fed up, i ran to the side of the house to find a glass window which i had know choice of, but to break through there before this man could hurt y/n.

I through an enormous rock which shattered the glass into pieces, i jumped in hearing tiny whispers upstairs then large foot steps running down stairs. surprisingly i was excited to get my hands on this big jerk!

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" This guy screamed into my face.

"WHERES Y/N?!" he smirked at me right away which made me punch him right into hes jaw, he stumbled back with blood falling from hes bottom lip. He's fist swung my way which i caught before he could hit my face. We began to fight! he's fist collided many times to my face.

My vision was going blurry...i took the closest thing to me which was a piece of glass i had broken with the rock, i stabbed it into hes arm which made me scream in pain. this gave me the chance to get on top of him so i could punch him in the face, we continued doing this until I beat him up so bad he went unconscious.

"Y/N?!" I yelled out looking though out the whole down stairs until i made my way upstairs shouting her name over & over again but she never answered, i went straight into the first room and saw a small figure sitting on the floor huddled up in a little ball.

"y/n?" i questioned running to her, i placed my hand onto her shoulder seeing if she was okay, she flinched with my touch

"Please don't hurt me!" she screamed

Justin:"Baby look up, it's me!" she looked right into my eyes, her eyes were so puffy she jumped into my arms and hugged me so tightly "Please don't l-leave me" she sobbed, my heart broke into a million pieces. i had some blood on my face which she looked at me again with a worried face "Wher-wheres Ted?" she asked in a panic

Justin:"forget about him...Your safe" a tear escaped my eye, her cheek was really red which was obviously slapped why that bastered. We cuddled for ages which felt so good to be in each others arms. I waited until her tiny sobs completely went, and her shaking frame was back to normal

We both made our way down stairs, she gasped in complete shock over the state the house was and Ted on the floor covered in blood "it's okay baby, he's not going to hurt you" i said and we both ran outside back into my car. she breathed out in relief i'm sure.

I started to drive down the road until there was literally 15 police cars going down the road we just came out of....

READ THE TOP IF YOU HAVENT READ IT!!! thanks so much for spending time to read this story! ....HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED IT!!! next chapter tomorrow! RT & FAV!!!

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