Chapter 47

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u wanna know why I'm angry? It' because I don't know if the baby is MINE! you told me the biggest lie, now it's so fucking hard to trust you ANYMORE!!"

Justin's POV

"Excuse me? Justin how could you fucking say that!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.How could he say that?! he know what I've gone through and it was hard! so fucking hard and now he's making the situation a whole lot harder.

"No no no babe it was only joking!" Justin chuckled in my face, He was laughing so hard yet it was a tough subject not knowing weather a child is your or not!

"Hahahaha" Justin said pulling me into a hug.

"Fuck off! Justin how could you ever fucking joke like that to me!" I screamed into he's face which made him laugh again, Arghhh! this boy drives me crazy!

I made my way downstairs feeling thirsty so i pulled out a glass and filled it up with water, Just then i heard Justin''s loud foot steps run down the stairs


I spilt all the drink on the floor after Justin grabbed me from behind! which led to a loud glass breaking noise.

I looked over at him wanting to pounce on him and attack but something about him always made me smile, "Come up babe! I was only messing with you"

Justin cooled at me.

"Well you can clean the fucking mess" I said trying to sound as serious as possible but just ended up cracking up on the floor with laughter while Justin joined me.

"You have know idea how excited i am to finally be a father." Justin kissed my forehead which made me have butterflies form in my stomach.

(sorry for the skip)

5 months later

Justin's POV

Okay seriously...y/n is driving me insane! her hormones are going crazy and she's just acting so spoilt but i guess when your pregnant it feels a lot more of a struggle to what it looks like!

y/n is back in good terms with her parents, they are just very protective! they call her literally 3 times a day which.... i'm happy with, i guess! sometimes it interprets us when we spend time together though.

"JUSTIN!" Oh how my sweet girlfriend calls me. "Coming babe!" I yelled from downstairs making my way up after grabbing MacDonald's for y/n.

she smiled happily as soon as i gave her the paper bag containing her food inside,

I just sat there watching her eat...she must be in quite some pain as her bump is really big now."Thanks" she gave me a weak smile then lying back watching Tv.

"What's up?" i asked politely knowing that she'll explode and become a devil to me any second if I say something wrong."I'm fucking pregnant what do you think?" I sighed loudly at her attitude and walked into my closet ready to pack as i'm back on tour!

"You sure you'll be okay?" I asked re assuring her before making my way out of the house. She huffed really loudly then got out of bed. "I'll be okay don't you DARE worry! I'll be at my parents place.

I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly then kissing her forehead before I noticed a tear escape her eye. "y/n, hun?" she quickly whipped it away then sat back on the bed which left me really confused?

"whats wrong-" "Leave me Justin! I'm pregant and your fucking annoying me!" she completely shocked me, I mean she's got a point but she needs to understand to not be so snappy!

"Wow...calm down! I was only helping..." i said rubbing her back slightly

"I-i'm sorry..I'm just so scared Justin..." "You'll be okay, call me skype me whenever you like! your not due for another 2 months so...I'll be back within a month and a half!" I put my arm round her feeling her lightly Tear up.

"I love you so much" She said kissing my cheek which made me have butterflies "I love you so much more trust me" I smiled at her.

"Well that's gonna be a challenge.." she smirked at me making me laugh. I kissed her then left the house walking to my car then driving off. well this is gonna be hard!

y/n POV

One minute i feel happy, the next minute i wanna cry my eyes out and kill someone! I seriously can't wait until this is all over! thees so much hassle and work to do, and now Justin's not around this is gonna be 10 times harder!

Just then i had literally the worst pain expanding in my stomach..."Ahhh" i screamed holding onto my stomach in pain.I stood up getting a glass of water until i heard the biggest splash land onto the floor...I think my water just broke....


Tell me what you think will happen my loves! Thanks so much for spending time to read this story!!!!! HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED IT!!! next chapter soon! RT & FAV!!!!

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