Chapter 32

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y/n:"Okay okay, I'll shut up...but one thing you'll need to know, IT WASENT EVEN YOUR FUCKING BABY!"

there was a moment of silence, All eyes landed on me..."What the f" Justin's jaw dropped, he couldn't even finish he's sentence,it felt as if we were all standing there forever...

Justin began to storm of back to the bus whilst Scooter ran after him, and the rest of the crew slowly went except Ryan.

My eyes landed to the ground, tears we rolling down my face, i couldn't believe i just said that. he was making me so mad! i knelled down onto the ground flooding in tears.

I felt an arm hug tightly around me, i looked up to see it was Ryan, he looked pretty startled as well as everyone else. "I-i d-on't know w-hat to d-o." i cried out, he's grip only got tighter comforting me more.

y/n:"C-can you go pack my stuff...i'm gonna go h-home" i said slowly getting up, he looked at me a little shock

Ryan:"y/n it'll sort out, he just needs a bit of t-"

y/n:"No Ryan! I'm leaving, Meet me here when your done" i said clearing my throat so i was able to talk a little more without breaking done, Ryan sightly nodded and walked back to the bus while i just sat on a bench near by.

All i wanted to do was hide away from everyone, I messed up so so bad. after about 15 minutes Ryan came out my suitcase and offered to drop me off at the airport but...Justin's on the bus...i can't face him, not after that!

I soon saw the tour bus zoom of, i was just stood there still in complete shock to what i'd said previously. i soon made my way to the airport with some help with a few strangers! i got given a lot of directions which helped a lot!

As soon as i arrived at the airport i phoned my mum & dad asking them to send me some cash for my flight, they were a little confused but ended up giving me some and transferred it to my card.

i was just waiting around for my flight until i saw someone i never thought i'd see again.... "Hey girl!" Stella ran towards me sarcastically, "How's tour going? Ohhhhh and how's that baby of your in there?!"

she pocked my stomach smirked at me knowing that I'm on my own i can't yell for Justin to stop her, i backed away from her right away.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" i asked coldly

"I'm going on tour with Justin! Ryan invited me back on as your not with them!" she flicked her hair at me smiling. my heart dropped, Justin promised me over & over again he'd never let that witch on the road with them.

Stella:"Mmmm....Wonder how Justin is? maybe i should fuck him as we haven't!" she winked at me, i dropped my bags launched my body at her punching her to the ground

y/n:"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BITCH!" i was pulling her hair so hard scrating her face, trying to get my anger out.

Stella:"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" she yelled which caught security's attention and picked me up from Stella. her hair was in such a mess, her face was slightly grazed too.I looked at her face, she was eyeing the security up and down.

Stella:"Hello there" she winked, Argh!

y/n:"you fucking WHORE!" i yelled at the top of my lungs making sure people saw who i was talking to! I wanted to fucking pull her hair out! shes such a whore.

the security separated us and she was soon gone thankfully! My flight had arrived so I rushed over getting to the plan.

i made myself comfortable and just watched as we took of into the sky full of was so peaceful, i looked down thinking of what Justin could be up to this very second.

I soon landed in LA! it felt like it took forever! I called over a taxi and hopped in, the taxi driver politely got my luggage which was really having and put the into the car for me. then he drove off.

As soon as i arrived i thanked the driver & paid him, i got out slowly looking at this huge mansion i share with the love of my life...I missed him even more now but...I can't do anything about it.

I unlocked the door the revealed the house we had left in, all in the exact spot, Justin's coat was on the floor...typical lazy boy he is! I took in the scent of our homely home, wishing it was all a dream, we were happily back together again.

I walked upstairs into the bathroom after placing my bags to the floor, I turned on the shower and quickly stripped down naked. I stepped in feeling the hot water land onto my body making me shiver.

But just then, all the memories flushed back into my brain making me sob, i was crying my heart out to get the pain away, I never wanted this to happen, i never meant it to happen! but...i have no excuse.

after my showing I gathered my things and packed a few clothes to take over to my parents as it feels way to lonely in this house, its so big! and theirs only one of me, besides i haven't seen my family in ages.

Justins POV

I couldent even look into her eyes without burting out crying, she...she lied to me which could have literally changed my life! how could she ever do this to me. how could i ever trust her again.

Since we left, I've been in my room on the bus for about 3 hours now, trying to get my head round what actually happened, just repeating the words she had said over & over again

"It wasent your fucking baby" that killed me inside knowing that i was already attached to an unborn baby who isent even MINE! me bring deep in thought a knock on the door made me jump.

"Justin?" i heard a familiar voice call out. it was Stella

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