Chapter 23

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I started to drive down the road until there was literally 15 police cars going down the road we just came out of....

We drove as calmly as possible, keeping my head low...hoping that the police would just drive by without questioning me or anything...luckily we got past them without any trouble.

y/n POV

1 month later everything is easing back to how it was before all this drama came, Justin goes on tour now which is a bummer as I'm not going with him and I don't really have any friends or family which live in this part of LA.

I'm gonna miss him a lot, but i have Ryan who will hopefully be around to just hang out with me which is pretty good!"Please come with me y/n!" Justin whined.
"No! Justin i get in the way of everything, i want you to focus when your out there on tour...i...I'm gonna me fine" I smiled up at him leaving a tear to escape my eye.

"no baby, i feel more focused with you" he leaned down to my face whilst i was sat on the sofa. i giggled and got up slowly, i felt a huge breeze to my head then i had the urge to lean over the toilet and be sick. I ran right away to bathroom and locked the door, I vomited 3 times now in 1 week! must have eaten something pretty bad!

Justin:"y/n open up!! are you okay?!" he questioned, i could tell by hes tone of voice how worried he was.

y/n:"I'm fine, just ate something bad i think" i got up and brushed my teeth, then un locked the door to see Justin's face extremely worried. I giggled at him but that still didn't make him change he's face expression.

Justin:"y/n please come, i need to take care of you, you've been sick a lot this week! should i get you to a doctor? should i-"

y/n:"Justin! I said I'm fine!" i screamed into he's face then ran upstairs into our bedroom. I don't know what happened, i just began to feel really mad at him!

Justin:"y/n?" Justin questioned from down stairs, i heard he's foot steps rush upstairs.

Justin:"I was only helping you know.." he innocently said

y/n:"I told you i don't need your help! leave me alone!" i screamed

Justin:"I'm leaving today and i get treated like this? this has to be some type of fucking joke! I've done nothing wrong to you y/n!"

y/n:"I don't want you to leave!" i said through tears looking at he's face from angry to upset. he sighed really loudly and left the room.

Justin's POV

Whats up with this girl? at least be a little more respectful! anyway I have a surprise dinner sorted out for tonight, it's not really a surprise for the crew, its for y/n so hopefully she'll come along with us!

after about 1 hour of leaving her upstairs, i felt pretty guilty...this is the most perfect time to tell her! I made my way upstairs and as soon as i opened the door she was curled up in a little ball on the bed, she was sound asleep. she seriously looked like an angel.

"y/n baby?" i pushed her shoulder slightly making her fluttery her eyes open."Get ready, I'm gonna take you somewhere special" i kissed her on her head and began to get dressed myself.


Justin:"No buts! it's a surprise" she was smiling ear to ear which really made my heart feel so loved, I love her so much, if only she knew how much though!After about an hour we were both ready! y/n looking stunning as ever.

y/n POV

i wore a really nice fitted black dress which had patters on the back, then i just added some jewelry & wore my black pumps, i felt my hair a little curled from the previous hour of sleeping, and we were of!

Justin parked up to such a fancy restaurant, it was beautiful! we walked in hand in hand and then i saw about 20 familiar faces smiling over to me and Justin. "SURPRISE!" they all screamed which made me stumble back a bit, i was over the moon!

"OMG You guys!" i smiled so wide

"Don't thank us! it was Justin's idea" fredo winked at me which made us all chuckle.

We all began to order our pizzas! yeah i know, its a REALLY posh place but I've been here before and they have the most AMAZING pizzas ever! I just got a margerta and the others got like pepperoni and stuff like that.

whilst we waited for the food Justin out of know where blurted out "Come with us" he smiled which caused the whole crew to look in my direction, my cheeks flushed pink knowing that all there eyes were focused on me.

"Maybe" i whispered to Justin not allowing everyone else to hear me. finally about 15 minutes after ordering the food arrived! we were all buzzing to eat!

Justin's POV

I'm really hopping she'll come with us! it wont feel the same and she & my beliebers always keeps me smiling when i'm down, and my beliebers love her so i'm sure she'll have alot of fun!

the food finally arrived,it looked so good, all our eyes lite up! we began to eat but y/n caught my eye, I have never in my life seen her eat so fast before! we all ate 1 slice and she was on her 5th!

"Y/n your embarrassing me, slow down" i whispered into her ear, she completely ignored me! she had already drank all her drink and now was starting on mine.

all the crew were a little startled about her manners around the food. "I'm just doing to the restroom!" she smiled at us, i was kinda revealed she left us for a bit, i wanted to know what was up with her. hopefully she'll calm herself done when she comes back.

after about 10 minutes a women walked past us and went into the toilet, I was wondering why y/n was taking so long! the women i noticed walked in, within seconds she was out screaming over & over again


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