Chapter 46

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"Excuse me?" Justin said, he looked really hot when he's jealous.

"He probably has a bigger dick then you...." I grinned until he pinned me to the wall, I bit my lip...this is gonna be fun!

He started to kiss my neck and suck slightly on it, nipping at it leaving marks for sure.

"Jump" Justin commanded, I happily obeyed and jumped up so he was holding me while I had my legs wrapped around he's waist.

I was moaning in he's ear until he placed me down onto the sofa "What? I wanna try something different" Justin winked at me, we started to make out while we were both undressing each other.

Justin's POV

She's so sexy when she's like that, but she's gonna get a huge punishment to what she had said about the other doctor having a bigger dick then mine...

We were both undressed and at it right away.

"Actually let's do a challenge...let's see how long we can both not moan for, if you moan I need to give you a truth or dare and the same thing goes to for me..." she smirked at me.

"Sounds good" I grinned, she went down to my dick placing her tongue onto of the head swirling her tongue around then sucking deeper and deeper,

I was literally on the edge of moaning out, I grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked onto it keeping my eyes shut.

I slowly peaked my eyes open to see her head bobbing up and down to the rytheme of my hips which buckled forward with her tiny mouth. I was so close to shooting my cum into her mouth until she stopped which made me sigh so loudly "Ahhhhhh"

Her eyes shoot up in excitement "Haha you've lost already!!" she smiled pocking my dick making me wince in pleasure."Fuck that, let's just do this normally" I getting up and putting my warm tongue into her tight soaking wet pussy.


"Mmmmm....right there baby" I tugged onto he's hair whilst he was really deeply in my pussy. "Who made you this wet?" He smirked up at me and continued again "Y-You Ahhh fuck Justin!" I screamed getting closer.Until I felt he's warm tongue leave my pussy.

"Ahhh Justin!" I screamed while he just chuckled at me "Haha you like the feeling huh? should of that about doing that to me" he said smirking at me.

I got up until he was laying on the sofa, I crawled over to him sexily and placing he's dick at my entrance. I slide down easily because i was so wet and started to bounce, he wasent rough enough though...

"Hmm...I bet that doctor is so much better then much bigger then you too..." I bit my lip until he got up from the sofa. "You messing with me princess?" He said.

Get on your fours now..." he hissed.

I thought he was gonna take it slow but NOOOO he was pounding into me before i could even say a word "Can he fuck you this good?" Justin said spanking my butt and pulling onto my hair making my back arch.

"AHHHHH JUSTIN FUCK THIS IS....Mmmm" i screamed out not able to finish my sentence. He'd never gone so fast before! I must have really pushed he's buttons

Justin:"Who can fuck you this good?!"

y/n:"Y-you Justin!"

"OH FUCK JUSTIN YOUR SO B-BIG I 'M GONNA...." i said until i felt a sharp pain directly at my butt. "You can't fucking cum until i'm ready!" Justin screamed which was so sexy! I love when he's in control!

But it was so difficult to hold it "J-Justin i'm gonna cum-" i whined until he interpreted me "H-HOLD IT!" He shouted, I tired my best until i felt he's hand spank me again.

Justin:"O-Okay 3...2....1" We both released, Justin shot he's warm sticky cum up me filling me completely. "Ahhhh that was THE BEST OMG" I breathed out at Justin. "So fucking good baby" He responded making me have goosebumps all over.

We were both breathing heavily for about 5 minutes until Justin broke the silence."Round two later?" He smirked, I gladly nodded and placed the a blanket around my body.

y/n POV

We both walked upstairs and jumped into bed and just lay there looking up at the ceiling, But it seemed a little wired as Justin was really silent? "Justin what are you thinking about?" I said looking over at him.

He seemed upset about something but I couldn't make out what it was. "N-nothing" He said clearing he's throat. "Justin don't lie to me...i know your hiding something, tell me" i said sitting up placing my bra & panties back on then sitting back our king bed.

"I told you it's nothing, I'm fine" He answered but he was blatantly lieing! he said it with a really hurt tone...I wonder what's bothering him? "Justin you know you can tell me anything" just about to rub he's back but he quickly got up and made he's way to the bathroom.

"Justin seriously! What's wrong? Please I'm begging you tell me" I said to him in the bathroom. Now he looked really pissed at something...

"You wanna know why I'm angry? It' because I don't know if the baby is MINE! you told me the biggest lie, now it's so fucking hard to trust you ANYMORE!!"

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