Chapter 35

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I felt as if i was being dragged back, I tried to scream but someone cover there hand over my mouth and eyes..

Justin's POV

I phone y/n but she never picked up...I suppose she just needs space as well.

Ryan:"Justin...y/n texted me like just now, but i dosent sound to good.."

Justin:"What? what did she say?" i snatched he's phone out of he's hand, my breathing hitched up i was so anxious to what she'd say.

"Hey Ryan, I'ts a little hard to explain but I need some help before it's to late"

I dialed her number again and rang her continuous times but she wouldn't pick up! i was panicking like crazy, Ryan was trying to calm me down but I just couldn't

y/n POV

I fluttered my eyes open slowly to see a very dark ceiling i thought it was at first until i got up and found myself in a car in the middle of know where, I tried to open the door but they all were locked!

"Some help!" i yelled, then i saw a familiar face walking towards the car, i was shaking i was so nervous. I tried to kick the car window but they just wouldn't budge.

"Hey cutie, long sleep you had" Ted winked at me, I couldn't work out how we got here? all i remember was being dragged back, i looked out the window to see us in an abandoned car park..

he then unlocked the door to get in but I quickly got out and slammed the door, i tried to run but he was to fast and strong, he pinned me to the car and was holding my arms so i couldn't get away

"Fuck off Ted!" i yelled at the top of my lungs, tears were rolling down my cheeks, i was shaking now. I tried to kick him but i failed to do so.

y/n:"W-why are you doing this!" i yelled into he's face.

Ted:"Look over you remember?" he asked me, i got a little confused at first until i looked at this little hill by the side of the car park.

Ted:"Remember?" memories flushed back into my head when me & Ted used to date, we used to skip school and run and just sat down on the hill and surprise each other with picnics.

I only left Ted because we were both to busy but he's turned into a monster..."Listen Ted, i told you i don't wanna be with you! why can't you just understand that" i sobbed quietly.

Ted:"If you don't go out with me then i'll kill myself!" he screamed which caught me of guard, I no i hate him but he's still human...I remind silent not knowing what to say to him

"get in the car" he demanded "No..." i said quietly worried to how he'd react. he picked me up on he's shoulders and literally through me into the car and snatched my phone out of my pocket,the second i got up he locked the door.

I was banging the car window for him to let me out but he wouldn't

Justin's POV

It had been ages now since y/n texted Ryan, maybe she's just playing with me? i decided to go back to sleep and just get some rest and just try and forget about her.

then my phone started buzzing on my bed side table, it was y/n! I jumped up right away clearing my voice hopping she'd come back and we could just sort this all out.

Justin:"Hello.. y/n!"

Ted:"Haha, she's with me, she only want's me you fucker"

Justin:"wait what?" I heard y/n screaming in the background then the line when dead... "HELLO?" i tried to dial the phone again but it went was as if he put it on silent as know one was answering

y/n POV

I saw he was dialing someones number and talking, i was contiuouing to bang on the window trying to get he's attention, he finally made eye contact with me, he looked so pissed...

he unlocked the door and sat in and lock it again. "Okay y/ are gonna call Justin and tell him it's over...or else things can get fun!" he winked at me,

"No!" i screamed and was still crying. "Well your gonna have to face the consequences then..." he said without any emotion, hes such a heartless pig! "Okay okay..i-i'll do it" i whimpered.

he smirked and tapped on Justin's number, Justin literally picked up the secound I pressed he's number.

Justin's POV

This prick called back which made my heart race again.

Justin:"Hello, ted if you have her, Oh I will f-"

y/n:"Hi..." y/n's sweet innocent voice feels like i haven't heard her voice in ages!

Justin:"Y/n does he have you?!" she was silent...then she spoke out

y/n:"N-no I wanna...i want to end this relationship" her voice cracked right away, my heart sank.

Justin:"Y/n if he's telling you to say this, text me! I'll come and fly over to pick you-"

y/n:"No! I said it, we are OVER" he voice automatically went strict and she immediately shut the phone. something inside me was telling me it was Ted telling her, i no what he's like....

I had know idea what to do as i'm millions of miles away i can't get to her in 2 seconds? I was putting my fingers through my hair in stress wondering what to do.

y/n POV

I felt physically sick, I know I've broken he's heart, Ted was terrifying me! He unlocked the door and pinned me once again to the car and started kissing my neck.

he was kinda dry humping my whilst i struggled to get out of he's grip, whilst he's head was in the other direction i phoned Justin and dropped my phone so he could hear us hopefully

Justin's POV

My phone started to go on yet again! i picked up right away and heard y/n crying in the background.

"Help ME! ARGHHH GET OFF!" i heard y/n's voice screaming in the background...

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