Chapter 29

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"Hello, nice to meet you both! We have the results in for the DNA of your baby y/n, i can confirm to you that Justin...

y/n POV

Just then my phone went of really loudly and the doctor stopped talking. "I'm closer then you think" i got yet another text from Ted which freaked me out! my breathing hitched up and Justin snatched the phone from me to see what is said.

seconds later a familiar figure came bursting into the doors whilst nurses were trying to push him back. "Hey! miss me?" it was TED! How the fuck did he know we were here!?! he had stitches on he's face and a few scares.

we all quickly stood up and i hid myself behind Justin shaking like crazy! I was so worried to what he could do to me right now.

Justin:"What the fuck?! your suppose to be in jail!" Justin screamed into he's face which caused me to rush up to Justin to back him away from Ted.

Ted:"Me? Jail? Never!" he chuckled, I would have killed him literally this second if we were outside! i gave him a death look to back up but it just made him come closer.

"You should both stop, young man, get out were in the middle of something" the doctor said to trying to push Ted away but he was completely ignoring him.

Ted:"So pregnant?" Ted smirked at me just made Justin punch him so hard in the face making he's stitches loosen out and started to bleed, Ted stumbled back and hit the wall hardly. "STOP!" I yelled whilst the doctors were trying to keep Ted & Justin calm.

"HE RAPED MY GIRLFRIEND! CALL THE fucking police!" Justin screamed.a few more doctors came rushing in calling the police to come that instants.

One of the doctors yelled out "Get this BOY OUT OF HERE!" and the doctors dragged him out, i saw all police flashing lights outside which made me tremble knowing that he's got he's own games so he knows how to escape.

We all took a few breathes, i was still trembling from he's words, "My dear would you like some water?" i nodded quickly so worried to what he's able to do. the doctor was about to walk out until

a police bursted in asking to talk to Justin, so he quickly left. now it was my chance to find out the news ALONE!

y/n:"wait before you get me a drink...Could you please tell me if it's Justin's baby?" i questioned the doctor

Doctor:"But Justin did want to know"

y/n:"Please i need to go..i-i have a lot of work to get back too! its urgent just tell me!"

Doctor"Okay okay! so now that know one will disturb us! Justin is not the father of your baby..." my heart began to literally break out of my chest! what is Justin gonna say to this...

y/n:"i-i gotta go" i announced to the doctor and rushed out in tears, i saw Justin running toward me with a worried face on. "Are you okay? lets go find out about the baby" he smiled at me. "N-no!" i protested. he gave me a really puzzled look!

y/n:"Erm are the father" i lied through my teeth, how could i be so selfish!

i looked at Justin slowly seeing he was smiling ear to ear! he's jaw dropped and looked so over whelmed! he even squealed in excitement! But...this isent what i wanted.

Justin eyes light up, i felt so guilty knowing how much i didn't want to lie but i had know choice.

snapping back into reality thinking about the consequences "I-i want an abortion" i said through tears, Justin snapped he's head looking right into my eyes full of tears. He was in so much shock i could tell, I'm sorry i mouthed to him.

He began to chuckle loudly "You don't mean that!" he laughed, "I-i do Justin"

i said through tears i was so worried to what Justin would do. he began to shake he's head disagreeing.

"We will talk about this later, please!" he said whilst he gently yanked my hand so we both walked out the hospital, there was so much paparazzi outside which freaked me out!

I had my hands covering my face whilst Justin headed the way. they were throwing really hurtful words against they hell did they find out though?!




They were cheering, making me have a break down on the way to the car. I don't deserve this, Justin's grip around my wrist got tighter as those words left the paparazzi's mouths.

we both soon jumped into the car and the driver took off. "J-Justin I can't do this"

Justin:"Yes you can! don't do this to me y/n! this is my-OUR first child! don't you want that?" I felt like the most guilty person on could I do this...

y/n:"No, you just don't understand"

Justin:"Listen it's just your hormones acting up! i know you want th-"

y/n:"Don't talk to me like i'm a fucking child Justin! i said it! i'm not giving birth to this baby no matter what!" I yelled trying to make it sound convincing that it was he's baby and i wasent ready, even though i'm not ready at all!

we were getting closer & closer to the venue, it was so late though! i was so exhausted from all this drama but my main concerns was knowing how the paparazzi knew about this & how Ted got out!?

Justin:"You know, we could start a family" he smiled so innocently making me die inside! We were both quite, i had know idea how to respond to him knowing that Ted is the father of my baby.

we were just turning in the corner to the venue to find all the tour buses lined up nicely ready to go to another destination. i hopped out and ran inside, whilst Justin ran into the dancers bus to tell them the news!

I started to hear some sexual noises coming from inside

"Ahhhh Ryan!!"

"Mmmm so fucking tight Ahhh"

i bursted in, to my surprise it was Ryan & Stella fucking in mine AND Justin's room!

y/n:"Woow...what the fuck are you both doing?!" i squealed, they cant fuck wherever they like!

Stella:"Oh waa waa, just because your jealous! Oh and was there alot of paparazzi outside the hospital?" she smirked at me

y/n:"You BITCH! you told them?!"

Stella:"Haha well...yeah" she smirked

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