Chapter 6

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...y/n was riding on Ryan..

"What the fuck is going on hear huh?!"


Shit! "OMG Justin!" i quickly put the bed sheets over my body and quickly took my bra & panties back on, Ryan quickly put on hes boxers

Ryan:"Bro it was an accident.."

Justin:"Haha yeah! and this is to!" He punched Ryan so hard in hes face, he kept punching and kicking him

y/n:"NO!!! JUSTIN PLEASE STOP" Ryan started to punch and fight back, i was so tired & weak...i continued to cry & scream for them to stop, but they wouldn't.

I sat on the floor whispering "Please, Ryan stop, Justin.." i had no use in that, i was literally broken to pieces inside and out. i was in so much stress, just then, I blacked out.

Justin's POV

me & ryan was in a very rough fist fight until i heard Ryan "WAIT WAIT! Y/N!!"
He screamed, i looked around to see her lying on the floor, so helpless, fuck.

i quickly got of from pounding in Ryans face and ran over to y/n, Ryan wobbled to get some water to chuck into her face.

it had now been 10 minutes until she blacked out, this all wouldn't have ever happened if i just didn't cheat..


I woke up slowly my vision was blurry at first, i could see two figures by my side, one of them standing up, and the other, on hes knees by me, "J-Justin"

Justin:"Baby girl i'm here" He held hes hand in mine, i sat up and hugged him, so tightly then ever before, he picked me up so my feet were round hes waist, and sat on the bed, I had nothing to say, it was all by accident...

Justins POV

"bro, I'm sorry..." i told Ryan after i completely busted hes face up, For a good reason! " No buddy it was my fault" he chuckled, it was probably 4am by now, i took y/n in my arms and went to my car, we drove home, I'm pretty sure y/n feel alsleep by now.


without doing anything, we went straight to bed, i held y/n in my arms the whole night, it felt like the most amazing feeling ever..


y/n POV

i woke up to such a beautiful morning, except,my head was pounding like hell, it hurt so bad, i looked to both of my sides to see Justin know where to be found
"Justin?" "Baby, i'm down here!" he yelled back, i just didn't know how to explain to him...what do i say?

I made my way down stairs, to see Justin making my favorite breakfast. Pancakes!
"This is for my love" he smiled, i was so confused? literally hours ago we were in the toughest situation and now everything's fine?

"Justin can we talk" i asked nervously, "Of coarse" he answered

"About yesterday...I, I'm don't know what got into me i just I-"

Justin:"we both made mistakes.we both will learn from it, so for now, lets just forget that yesterday ever happened"

y/n: "Justin you don't understand, yesterday was a day i'll never forget, i found out you cheated, went to hospital, basically kidnapped, its not that easy to forget!"

Justin sighed loudly

Justin:"I,I know what you mean, just for now, lets move on" he smiled
i smiled back, finally i'm happy! i know he cheated on me, but we all know i can't live without him.

after we'd eaten breakfast Justin asked he'd take me to dinner! so i got ready about 7pm, i wore a really elegant white dress which was above my knees and flowed outwards which was so feminine, perfect! I did my make up beautifully, added some fake lashes to give me more of a dramatic look, wedges, and i was done! my hair was in loose curls which i have to admit...I looked so good!

I added some perfume & i was done! Justin being Justin, took forever to get ready! sometimes he takes longer then me!

I heard a knock at the door, Justin was still getting ready as usual, i opened up to see a familiar girl? wait...that was the slut kissing some other slut in our bed!!

she was smirking at me, "What do you want?" i spat at her,

girl:"I wanna talk to Justin"


Girl:"Wow! none of your business!"

y/n:"actually it is my business because hes my boyfriend!"

girl:"Oh i don't know if that'll last any longer..." she smirked

y/n:"What the fuck do you want!"


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