Chapter 49

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well fuck this...

I ran faster then i thought i ever could! I tripped a few times which caused a lot of people to stair and point over at me,It was even harder because of all the luggage i had in my arms!

as soon as I got to my car I through my bags at the back seats then my phone started to vibrate like crazy again! "Hello?!" i answered without looking at the number as i was so caught up in the moment to get to y/n.

"Hey baby...miss me?" Stellas voice echoed through the phone making me cringe knowing that y/n is in labor and i'm on the fucking phone to Stella.

"Listen Stella I'm busy" i said but just before hanging up i heard her scream "Wait!" "what?" i said coldly.

"I want some company i'm bored" I could hear she was just trying to whined me up so I hung up the phone right away and started the engine of the car before shooting off to the hospital.

y/n POV

It seemed as if I was gonna give birth so soon as the were placing me on the bed with all the equipment a doctors around supporting me whilst Pattie was at my side. Even with all this pressure...

I was thinking about Justin "Wheres Justin?" i panicked quickly trying to get up but the doctors told me repeatedly told me to remain calm which felt impossible!

"JUSTIN!" i screamed louder trying to hopefully magically get him here "Sweetheart shhhh he's on he's way" i started to cry, this is really happening...I'm giving birth to a child which could be in literally minutes.

"P-pattie i'm so scared" i said grabbing onto her hand feeling the pain rush through my body into my blood, feeling my heart beginning to pump even faster, Pattie was just squeezing back onto my hand telling me to breathe deeply.

my eyes got sleepy while the nurses were running around me and just then they started to tell me to push..."I'm not ready for t-this" i said trying to attempt to escape this all but it just wouldn't work.

The pain was increasing, beads of sweat ran down my face, but just then Justin bursted through the door. "J-Justin help me" I whimpered now squeezing onto he's hand. "Shhh baby girl you'll be okay" he kissed my head.

Justin POV

Just that moment we all heard a baby cry..."Congratulations! It's a boy!" a nurse beamed up at me then looking over at y/n to see her looking so exhausted, her eyes were shut which made us all panic.

"Y/N baby?!" i said shaking her but her eyes were still shut. "NURSE!" I screamed over at her which she ran over checking y/n.

"Shhh Justin she's absolutely fine, leave her to rest" wtf was this nurse on about?! getting lost in my thoughts i looked over to see the most beautiful baby boy i'd ever lay eyes on....

y/n's grip got tight again on my hand which made my head snap in her direction "Justin..." she moaned rubbing her eyes then looking over at the baby.

"oh my goodness..." she put her hands over her mouth while tears were welling up in her eyes. the nurse past our and i mean OUR baby over to y/n while her eyes lite up completely.

I was in complete tears...this little human, this new born baby was all ours "What shall we call him?" i smiled at her while she held him in her arms crying lightly.

"Hmm...Romeo" she weakly smiled at me "Hello lil buddy! hello Romeo" i said bending over seeing he's beautiful innocent face.

"he's gorgeous" my mum smiled at us both, i seriously felt so proud right now, me and y/n have a very unusual relationship, but that's what makes us, us!my phone started to vibrate again which caused everyone to look over at me.

Stellas name beamed up to my phone once again.....then I heard y/n's voice echo through the room."Who is it Justin?"

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