Chapter 12

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I hugged him, "LAST CHANCE" i warned him, he gave me a weak smile and we both left everything and went back into bed. Can i trust him? i thought...


I woke up to pattering on the window, it was raining quite alot, but it sounded so peaceful.I looked over to see Justin, he honestly look's like an angel, he's hair was all messy, which made him look even cuter! I smiled to myself and slowly got up...

i took a shower, and went downstairs to proper breakfast. After about 20 minutes of being down stairs I heard Justin call out my name, "I'm here!"

Justin's POV

I woke up with the rain hitting onto the window, it was really relaxing, i turned over but y/n wasent there? "y/n!" I yelled, she responded right away which put me at rest. I ran downstairs to see my beautiful girl cooking,so I wrapped my arms around which made her jump slightly then i kissed her neck, "Baby...I love you so much you know that?" she giggled.

we ate our breakfast and headed up stairs to get dressed.

Justin:"So what does my princess wanna do today?"

y/n:"Hmmm...maybe to the movies?"

Justin:"Yeah sounds good!"

we both started to get changed but just then i felt my phone vibrate in my pants.


Hey Justin, its Katie. come to my house ASAP! I need to talk..

What? What does she want from me now! I had enough from lying to y/n, so i told her there and then before we left. "Y/N baby, I need..I gotta go somewhere..can we go to the movies later?"

y/n:"What's up? studio work?"


y/n:"What then?" she giggled

Justin:"Please don't be mad.."

y/n:"tell me!"

Justin:"No! you promise you won't get mad?"

y/n:"I promise! Now tell me!" I could tell she was getting really irritated by this. I took her by the hand back inside on the sofa and looked her in the eye.

Justin:" know last night.."


Justin:"Well you know, Katie?" i whispered because i could tell as soon as the word "Katie" left my lips, y/n started to fist her hands obviously in anger but she promised to not get mad so i think that stopped her from saying a single word.

Justin:"She..she texted me, she urgently needs to see me and-"

y/n:"Justin! just because she texts you dosent mean you need to go and fucking-"

Justin:"y/n! you promised to not get mad!" she took a deep breathe in, knowing that she promised me and let her hands relax and looked deep into my eyes until she said

y/n:"I'm coming with you."

Justin:"What? No you cant!"

y/n:"And why not?" she sneakily asked obviously catching me out!

Justin:"Listen its just...Okay come along then" she rolled her eyes at me and we left the house and went into my car. "Don't you want me to come?" she asked out of the blue

Justin:"Of coarse! come along i don't care!"

y/n:"Then why did you-!"

Justin:"y/n, stop." she fell back into her seat and just looked out the window whilst we drove to Katie's, well...this is gonna be an eventful day i bet!

The journey took about 30 minutes, we both hopped out of the car, y/n was so egar to go inside so i pulled her back for a second. "Listen, don't start a fight or anything please I can't handle going into another argument with you yet again!" i shouted but in a whisper if you know what i mean!

she rolled her eyes at me and we both walked to the front door and knocked on it.

she opened it imidintly without a doubt, she had a huge grin on her face, then it fell into an anger as soon as she layed eyes on y/n.

Katie:"what she doing here? and so good to see you Justin!" she hugged me, y/n was holding onto my arm so tightly, i could tell Katie was so jealous!

Justin:"Katie, what do you want?"

Katie:"Come in silly! i need to talk to you"

Justin:"Make it quick!" i snapped at her


we walked into her house, it was a hot mess! there was vodka and beer bottles everywhere, heels, fake eyelashes, she was sure a pornstar party girl! i thought to myself.

"come sit down" she said, she looked at me with a disgust face i rolled my eyes at her. me & Justin both sat down on her sofa, she kept checking Justin out which was making me go insane inside! But i kept my word & promised Justin i wouldn't do nothing

Katie:"Lat night, I don't know if you heard but my boyfriend got- hit by a truck apparently" she quietly cried

Katie:"I, i don't know if hes gonna make it! he had some really bad injuries on hes head, i visited him early morning but he, hes still unconscious" she cried.

I did this to her boyfriend, i could of, well might of killed a man, i felt sick to my stomach. Justin leaned forward and put hes arm round her, I felt so jealous...

Justin:"Hes gonna be okay don't worry" I started to get really nervous, i was breathe to fast , my hands were sweaty, Justin noticed "Are you okay y/n?"

y/n:"I'm fine" i took a deep breathe looking at him, he knew exactly how i felt and how he knew I felt so guilty inside..

"Can i get a drink?" i asked katie, she looked me up and down in a disgust look. "Go ahead" she said coldly, I got up and helped myself to a glass of water and ice.

i walked back in to see katie giggling at Justin, they must have been flirting i bet. i sat myself down "I'm going to the toilet" Justin said, i smiled at him and he left the room and i'm guess he went upstairs!

katie came towards me, i got up because i felt extremely uncomfortable she kept walking to me and soon after my back hit the wall. "Justin likes me you know, he wants me, my body, i heart, He can fuck me whenever he likes..." she hissed in my ear

katie:"And you thing, one thing which is in the was of that" she smirked
"You know who's in the way of that?" i shook my head

Katie:"You" she took out a gun from the cabinate close to her, "Justin is gonna be mine, all mine you know that right?"

Katie:" Just gotta get ride of you..." my heart was racing, my hands were sweating, my breathing was to fast

y//n:"You- you don't wanna do this" i managed to say, the gun was right at my head.

Justins POV

I began to walk back downstairs until i heard a noise which made my heart skip a beat.


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