Chapter 9

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Ryan burped and i couldn't help but laugh and whilst were were laughing, the door had opened and Justin walked in...

We both looked at Justin in a giggling then shocked face and quickly got up from each other.

Justin:"Whats going on here..." he asked quietly

Y/N:"It-It was nothing i swear" i quickly defending myself, He quickly left the house and i followed after him, "Ryan, I'll call you later i'm sorry" "No no its fine y/n...good seeing you" he gave a weak smile, with that said, I went outside to find Justin sitting in hes car

y/n:"Justin..." he ignored me

y/n:"Please don't do this to me, its not fair, we were only cooking and...and we slipped, that's all"


without making this an argument, he started the car and I mumbled to myself "I didn't fucking cheat about 100 times did I" i said it a little louder then expect

Justin:"What? Listen why are you acting like a bitch?"

y/n:"Me? You a fucking Man whore who's fucking every slut whilst I was on holiday! Your the bitch!" i yelled, He completely ignored me again.

Justin:"Its not my baby by the way..."

y/n:"Oh, well you took your time with her!" i laughed out

Justin:"What do you mean?"

y/n:"I called you & texted you all day, no reply! i was bored Justin! dont get mad at me for seeing Ryan whilst you left me hanging without saying a ACTUAL word to me! Ryan's so much more fucking understandable..."

I regretted theses last words about Ryan so much!

seconds after saying what i will regret my whole life i spoke out before he'd gotten a chance

y/n:"No no no no no, Justin i-i didn't mean to say that." "i'm sorry" I whispered, hes hands were tightly on the wheel of the car he looked so upset

Justin:"Haha, Let me go drop you off at Ryans and you can fuck him as much as you like"

y/n:"Justin...I really didn't mean it i swear, i don't know what-"

Justin:"Save it." He said with anger written all over hes face.

we finally arrived home a little awkward from the previous situation

y/n:"Do you want anything to eat...?" He ignored, Oh i see! giving me the silent treatment!

y/n:"Justin whats wrong with you! you can't keep doing this to me!" i begged

***1 week later***

Justin was still ignoring me as usual, it was frustrating me so much! He was in the studio alot, we literally have not communicated for 1 WHOLE week, nothing! I tried to talk to him but he acts as if i'm a ghost, hes making me feel sick to death from hes stupid games...he dosent get back from the studios about 4am EVERY night which is getting me really worried...

I decided i had enough! i called Fredo right away as Justin is out.

Fredo:"Hey y/n!"

y/n:"Hey Fredo...well, I need to ask you something, BUT you PROMISE you will not tell...Justin..."

Fredo:"Of coarse!"

y/n:"Justin wont talk to me, hes been giving me this silent treatment shit, Its driving me insane! has he been talking to you?"

Fredo:"Oh im sorry...Yeah Justin's the same Justin with me! nothings changed, Have you guys been arguing?"

y/n:"Well, Kinda yes...has he just been going to the studio?"

Fredo:"yeah he does,but he normally comes over here and we all go to the club.." i had to take a moment i was a little shocked? hes been going to the club to literally avoid me?


y/n:"Yeah i'm here...i-i gotta go" with that i shut the phone, Just walked in going to the kitchen, i felt so hurt, why is he avoiding me so much? I've had enough...

it was about 9pm in 7 days he actually said a word to me

Justin:"I'm going out with the boys..." He looked so hot, i missed sleeping next time him, cuddling up with him, generally spending time with him! he went out right away leaving me standing on my own...

I had enough! I wanna enjoy myself too! walked up stairs and called about 10 of my friends and invited them out to a club, they all happily agreed so i went to have a shower and get changed.

I got dressed in a crop top, hot pants, high heels did a really dramatic makeup look, my hair in loose curls, I have to say I looked so hot! Justin would never let me leave the house like this on my own because he knows all the boys will have there eyes on me...well...HES FAULT!

My friends were outside, one of the girls had hired a Limo Van to take us! it looked AMAZING! we all got in and drove to a club Me & Justin normally go to.

We finally got here, all eyes on us, there was a VIP section were all the celebs would go, I'd normally go there with Justin which got me a little sad...

Just then, my eyes looked with someone from the VIP area. It was Justin. he looked at me with a shocked face, i smirked at him and went to the bar to get some drinks with the girls, i started to drink ALOT, taking shots now and then.

I constantly felt Justin's eyes on me, he was licking hes lips checking me out whilst i wasent looking my friends had said to me. I started to get kinda tipsy.

I felt someone's hand on my butt, i looked round to see a really hot guy, he had brown hair, bright blue eyes, he was checking me out too! "Hey beautiful...I'm tony.." he whispered in my ear "I'm y/n" I smiled at him and took hes hand and went to the dance floor, PERFECT time to get Justin jealous!

We started dancing with each other, i was grinding onto him, he grip on my waist was a little rough for me, but i wanted to get Justin as jealous as possible, I could see Justin's eyes on us. I kept smirking at him, I could tell hes was turning a dark shade or red, i could see all the anger in hes eyes. I just kept smirking at him.

"Lets go beautiful, lets go have some fun" This guy winked at me, I felt my cheeks flush red, I knew this was a bad idea. He was slightly dragging me out, all my friends were to wasted to see what was going on.

y/n: "I can't go with you i'm sorry" i whispered in hes ears he smirked and only tightened hes grip which started to hurt ALOT

"Justin!" I yelled, He didn't

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