Chapter 15

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y/n:"Whats WRONG WITH YOU"

I never thought i'd do this, but i slapt him so hard in the face, He held onto he's cheek on pain, I started to walk away until i heard Justin scream

Justin:"YOU SLUT" That hurt, that hurt ALOT out of all the names Justin could have called me, i think that hurt me the most. It made me feel so insecure and feel like shit! I continued to walk away trying my best to hold back my tears, but once again failed to do so...

I finally arrived home after calling a taxi to drop me home, the house looked so cosy and warm, All i wanted to do is jump in bed and wait for Justin to come home and cuddle him and watch movies but...

He's probably waiting to fuck Jessie now...

Well this time I've had ENOUGH, no more chances for him, hes blown it, this is IT for us. I started to pack my stuff thinking of all the memories about me & Justin, We had the best times together! when he was on tour we would be on the phone none stop.

We would Skype, we would go on adventures, meet hes beliebers outside our hotels, spend every minute together but...that's now done and dusted for us!

The house now looked pretty empty,i took as much clothes as possible and left everything thing else behind to pick up another day, I phoned Ryan right away

y/n:"Hey Ryan..."

Ryan:"Hey y/n! that's up?"

y/n:"I..Can i come round for the night?"

Ryan:"Of coarse you can! are you alright?"

y/n:"long story see you in 20" i shut the phone, i looked at this house for one
last time, i was crying so hard i couldn't catch my breathe, this is it for us.

I wrote Justin a letter quickly without knowing weather he'd be bothered to read it or not.

"I thought one day we'd start a family, get married, grow old together, do everything possible! I guess we just were meant to be. I'll always love you"

I left it on the kitchen table and left...

Justins POV

I was still mad at y/n, i waited till Jessie came but as soon as i layed eyes onto her, i felt a huge rush of regret fill my body, this, this wasent meant to happen.

Jessie:"Hey baby"

Justin:"Listen Jessie..I..I wasent meant to call you, I just...I was a big mistake
i'm sorry"

I felt her and ran back to my car and drove as quick as i could to y/n, I realized what a mistake i'd made, why am i acting like this?!

y/n POV

I reached Ryan's house now, admiring the moon shimmering onto hes house, Me & Justin always used to looked at the sun set, then when it got really late and we both couldn't sleep, we'd look outside and just watch the moon...

A tear stung my eye, i couldn't hold back anymore.

I walked over to Ryan's front door and knocked on right away, within seconds he came a really happy face to see me, but as soon as he saw me crying with my stuff he's face dropped in worry.

Ryan:"Fuck y/n come in"

I walked in and took my jacket off, then i just jumped into Ryan's arms, He hugged me so tightly he whispered into my ear "What's wrong" i couldn't speak, it felt like i had a lump in my throat. I was broken.

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