Chapter 19

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I looked at all three of the guy's eyes light up, "But open the doors so we have more room" I demanded going along with the plan....

Ben unlocked the doors and they were all taking there clothes of already, as soon as Ben took down hes boxers i punched him right in the balls and bolted out of the car!

Justin's POV

I've been trying to find y/n for hours now! still no luck...I was worried sick, i called Ryan multiple times but he never answered.

I was driving around for ages asking people close by if they'd seen her but it seemed as if she literally left the earth...

Ryan's POV

I woke up so late today after all that shit which went down last night! I had gotten so many miss calls, mainly from Justin.

I looked through my miss calls and came across a number which i didn't recognize so i decided to call them back!


Ryan:"Hey I got a miss call from you earlier on?"

Ben:"Wait...Oh yeah!" I could hear him mumbling and people whispering and laughing in the back round


Ben:"Biebers girl stopped us to call you but you never picked up so she came in the car with us!" he chuckled

Ryan:"What? so is she with you now?" I questioned

Ben:"She was about 10 minutes ago! that little bitch ran off" i heard so much laughter in the background.

Ryan:"Wait wait wait, I'm confused! so where is she now?"

Ben:"I don/t know! That bitch was so close to sucking my dick aswell, she punched me right in the nuts! if you see her tell her to come and suck me will-" i slapped the phone on him.

Who the fuck does he think he's talking to? He has know fucking disrespect, right that second Justin poped into my head, I had so many questions running through my head for why y/n was with theses guys.

I rang Justin right away to see what's going on

Justin:"Hey Ryan, forget what ever fucking happened yesterday, have you seen y/n!?"

Ryan:"Listen, She apparently went in a bunch of stranger's car, long story short, they don't know where she is..."

Justin:"Wait what!"

Ryan:"she ran away from them near your new house!"

Justin:"Fuck. Okay" He shut the phone right away, my stomach was flipping i was so worried for y/n.

Justin's POV

I continued to drive round for ages! It had been about 10 minutes after talking to Ryan that i spotted a very familiar girl running in the direction of my car, the closer she came she looked like y/n.

I jumped out of the car to see y/n's eyes shoot right in my direction, your eyes met like we were a magnet, She looked so scared.

I ran over to her and she ran to me, as soon as out body collided it was the best feeling ever, she was hugging me so tightly until seconds later she pushed me away and said...


okay first time ever, i actually missed her yelling, i was so reveled to have her back i didn't care how much she would yell at me.

"Calm down i only went and drove round a bit, i cam back and you were GONE!" she bursted into tears and ran into my arms again, gripping so tightly to my top.

y/n:"I'm...sorry, I'm so sorry" she sobbed into my chest making me melt inside

Justin:"Don't be! we both messed up... I'm sorry my baby" We just sat on the ground, her cries got lighter & lighter until she was silent and i could feel her heart beating normally.

***1 week later***

Everything started to go back into place again, Ryan & I we back to normal too! everything started to get back on track.

But y/n was acting a little secretive which didn't bother me at first, but now shes acting really wired!

y/n POV

Everything is getting better for me and Justin! I'm so happy for us now but my ex won't stop texting me...He's constantly saying that he loves me and misses me and wants me back, But it's been 2 years!

Okay i might have the smallest feelings for him but i know Justin's the love of my life, I don't want anything to come between us!

My ex is called Ted, Today he text me that he want's me to meet him so we could just catch up with life and stuff...I made sure to text him back and tell him it was only as friends, He happily agreed!

I have kind of been maybe a little secretive around Justin, I just don't want to hurt hes feelings or fuck up anything for us!

Justin:"Babe do you wanna go to the movies or something?"

y/n:"Erm...I'm kind of busy...I'm meeting some old school friends" It felt so guilty to lie to him but i had know choice!

Justin:"Oh...okay" he smiled at me which made me feel worse!

I got all my things together, I wore just a skater skirt and a tank top and just left my hair natural and did my make up slightly not to impress anyone obviously. I kissed Justin and left the house

As soon as I parked up for my Ted's house my stomach was flipping, I haven't seen him for 2 years now! i was so nervous! I pulled up the courage and got out of my car and walked to the front door

At first i hesitated to knock on the door but i did...He opened the door within seconds of knocking, he was really checking me out which made me blush!

Ted:"Woow! You look beautiful..I haven't seen you for ages! still beautiful as ever!"

y/n:"Haha, only friends Ted...only friends...but it's good to see you after so long!" i gave him a friendly hug

He invited me I and we went straight to the lounge, hes house has completely changed since i saw it last, it looked alot bigger and homely i guess!

We began to talk about EVERYTHING in our lives right now, He acted really sweet...i do miss him...but JUST as friends, I know Justin won't understand that so i know this is gonna be the last time i see him...

we were sat here talking for ages until he blurted out "You have the most beautiful eyes" I smiled at him "Thank you!"

He came closer & closer to me until i felt hes lips attache mine, this was so wrong but so right at the same time! it got really heated up and we were soon enough stripping...

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