Chapter 45

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"I-I've missed my period...And i was sick twice...what if i'm....."

I sat up a tears stung my eye thinking that i could be carrying a baby inside of me right now...what am i going to do now!

"Shhhh, relax we will go to the hospital tomorrow" Justin hugged me tightly and lay me down again so I had my head on he's chest listening to he's heartbeat. My eyes got super heavy until we both dropped off.

"Wake up princess!"I heard Justin's morning voice shouting from downstairs, I put on my slippers and made my way down stairs to see Justin cooking breakfast for once!
I giggled at the sight of him, he looked like he was really focused on he's cooking.

Then right away i thought of last night..."Justin i want to go to the hospital.." I whispered barley making the full sentence. "Okay babe" Justin smiled, I ran up and got dressed right away just putting on a baggy jumper and leggings.

Then leaving my hair in a messy bun not bothering about my make up. "Don't you wanna eat?" "No" i responded at him taking in he's messy hair which made me laugh even more.

"Shut up you!" He sarcastically pushed my arm chuckling.
We both made our way to the front door leaving the house entering the Justin's Car.

We both finally arrived and before Justin opened the door i stopped him.
"Justin I'm...So scared...." I said squeezing he's hand tightly.

"It'll all be fine! You wanna know soon rather then later. don't you?"
I nodded lightly then stepped out of the car making my way into the hospital.

we both soon walked over to the front desk to be greeted with an slightly over weight looking nurse "How may i help you?"she smiled at us.

"We've got an appointment for miss Y/L/N" Justin said looking around to see if any paparazzi where around. "Right this way" she smiled leading us to the doctors room.

"Hello! come right in!" The doctor beamed at us, He must have been about 21? He was attractive, but know way near as attractive as Justin."Here you go, when your done come back into the room and pop it onto the desk" He smiled.

I toke the pregnancy test stick shaking with fear running throughout my body, what if i am pregnant? i could lose the baby again! or if i'm not...It's another let down for Justin! Ahhhh i was worrying so much!

After the test I walked out nervously into the doctors office again seeing Justin sat down looking as nervous as me! "Thank you" the doctor said taking the test out of my hand.
I sat down beside Justin squeezing he's hand so tightly
Not knowing what could happen right now....

"Okay y/n, you just need to lay on the bed so i an check you" he said patting the hospital bed. "Why does she need you to check her?" Justin spat at the doctor "As y/n had lost her previous baby, we just needed to check if she's okay to give birth, IF she is pregnant" he said smiling over at Justin.
I pulled my leggings right down to my ankles and my panties, Justin looked jealous as fuck! I decided to get him more jealous so he could be rough during sex as i miss the rough side of Justin during sex.
I licked my lips looking at the doctor while he was grinning over at me, I glanced at Justin, he was obviously trying not to look, but failed to do so.
I leaned my head back how i normally do i pleasure.

Justin's POV

What is this girl trying to do to me! she's going to get punishment...but it fucking looks like the doctor is licking her down there as he's so in between her legs!

My face was burning red, I had to admit i was jealous...But it's only because this dick of a doctor thinks is amusing to play along with y/n! anyway when he finally finished "Y/n is okay, no need to worry, we have the results in" he said looking over at the test.

"Congratulations! You are pregnant!" my heart beat out of my chest, My eyes were lighting up, I looked over at y/n to see her in complete shock! I wasent to sure if she was excited or scared?

I got up from the chair shaking the doctors hand even if i was pissed at him, i pulled up y/n from the bed, the got up slowly with her jaw down to her feet literally, she was in so much shock.

"Okay mister Bieber & Miss Y/L/N, you'll need to come back to the hospital for more check ups, we will call you to arrange an appointment." i was smiling ear to ear "Thanks so much" I said dragging y/n out of the room, into the car.

y/n POV

I couldn't believe it...I was pregnant again...Justin never looked so happy in my life! seriously he looked like the happiest person alive. I was just nervous of losing it though...

We were both in the car until i spoke out "J-Justin...what if i lose it again" I said with no emotion looking down. "You wont!" He said placing he's fingers under my chin looking into my eyes kissing my passionately until he started the engine of the car.

through out the whole car journey i was just thinking about the past, knowing i lost my child which was with another man unfortunately...Justin had he's hand rubbing my thigh up and down.

We both arrived home Justin jumping out in joy running to the entry door making me laugh.we shut the door behind us until he hugged me tightly

"I can't believe this! I love you so much" he said picking me up spinning me around. For some reason I had the biggest urge to have sex, I was so horny for some reason, Justin rubbing my leg in the car defiantly turned me on.

But i wanted him to be rough with me so i decided to whined him up a little....

"That guy doctor was pretty hot" I said smiling like an idiot. I walked over to the kitchen until Justin stopped me.

"Excuse me?" Justin said, he looked really hot when he's jealous.
"He probably has a bigger dick then you...." I grinned until he pinned me to the wall, I bit my lip...this is gonna be fun!

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