Chapter 48

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I think my water just broke....

"Ahhh fuck fuck fuck" I held onto my stomach in pain, I grabbed the home phone and rang Justin right away sitting onto the floor praying that he'd pick up as he left literally 5 minutes ago.

It rang and rang and rang but it just went straight to voice mail? beads of sweat began to form on my face will i was shaking in fear, where the fuck could he be?

I called him non stop i must have left around 30 miss calls!

I got up slowly and decided to just call Pattie as she's in the area and besides, I don't want my family around me when i'm giving birth because they'll worry which will make me worry more!

I couldn't think straight! the pain was starting to literally get agonizing!"Hello?" I heard Patties voice echo through the phone."H-hey it's me" i said trying to make out a word.

"y/n? are you alright honey?" she said politely but I heard the worry in her voice, "I-i need help..m-my water's b-broke" "Oh my goodness honey where are you?" "Ahhh...I'm at home" I said before shutting the phone trying my hardest to breathe in and out taking slow be deep breathes.

I tried so hard to distract myself from the pain but it just wouldn't work! within 10 minutes i heard the front door banging and Patties voice calling from the other side.

I crawled over to the door and slowly got up opening it to reveal a very worried Pattie."oh my goodness come now honey, your gonna be okay" she said hugging me

"L-let me go clean the water from the floor" i said randomly in frustration "NO we have to go now!"

She helped me into her car while i was just moaning in pain wanting this all to end and just have this baby already! "Breathe in and out, in and out" Pattie said looking over at me then starting the engine.

"Have you called Justin sweetie?" Pattie said which i noticed she was driving extremely fast "yeah he wont...mmm.....he wont pick u-up" I said barley talking.

the journey felt like FOREVER!

my head was literally in the car seat as i wasent comfortable in any position, Then i saw Pattie running out of the car then a bunch of doctors running after her.

My vision was starting to get fuzzy but just then i snapped back to reality and they carried me in placing me in a hospital bed right away.

"I-I need Justin!" i screamed over and over again panicking knowing that I could give birth at anytime without Justin beside me...

I was soon rushed into a large room which apreared very plan to my eyes, but i saw so many doctors inside running round near me getting me sorted out before i give birth

Justin's POV

So glad everything is working out, I just miss y/n so fucking much! I decided to call her just before I boarded my flight, But just then I saw literally 40 miss calls and texts from both my mum & y/n!

what would be so important for them to leave me this many missed calls? I began to dial y/n's phone but it just led to the voice mail so i rang my mum right away.

Justin:"Hey m-"

Pattie:"JUSTIN! COME QUICK! Oh my goodness y/n!" my hands started to tremble while my head sprung up with negative thoughts pushing away the positive.

Justin:"MUM?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" i screamed not caring how many people stared at me while i was in line to get into my private jet.

"Y/n's in LABOR!" I heard y/n screaming in the background. I felt physically sick, It wasent long since i left her and all this is going on. "Fuck" i cursed under my breathe "Ahhh where is she!?"

"At the hospital! come quick Justin!" my mum screamed shutting the phone...

well fuck this...

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