Chapter 13

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Justins POV

I began to walk back downstairs until i heard a noise which made my heart skip a beat.


y/n POV

I closed my eyes tightly as i heard Katie pull the trigger, I was whispering "Please please don't do this" Just then. I heard a bullet being fired, i screamed out with my eyes still shut,Just then i realized i didn't feel any pain at all, after a few seconds i opened my eyes slowly to see Katie...She was cover in blood...

Justins POV

I heard a gun shoot followed by a scream, it was y/n. I instantly fell to the floor thinking there was someone in the house shooting, "Y/N!" i screamed, she didn't answer.

I ran into the lounge but know one was there, then i ran into the kitchen in complete shock to see Katie on the floor covered in blood, y/n's face was in complete shock, WTF did she just kill someone?!

Justin:"What the... OMG" y/n's eyes were completely focused onto Katie's body, so helpless on the floor, i felt physically sick top ever think MY girlfriend would murder someone.

"Y/N! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO!" It was like i was a ghost, she didn't respond in anyway, her facial expression was exactly the same. "Y/N!" i yelled, again she did not respond


Katie was lying helplessly right in front of my very own eyes, i was so shocken up about it, I could barely hear what Justin was saying, I felt as if i was literally glued to the floor, i couldn't believe what had just happened...

Justin:"Y/N!" our eyes finally met, as soon as that happened a tear escaped from my eye, i didn't move a single inch since she fired the gun.

y/n:"J-Justin" i could barley make out "I-i don't I don't know" i said, i had know idea how to explain it to him

Justin:"Did you just kill her!" he yelled i could see the anger in hes eyes, he was boiling inside i could tell. "N-No..I no" i whispered. He ran out the room, i heard the front door open & shut behind him, i couldn't get my head round what actually happened.

I started to move my leg from the position i was in, i stepped over Katie's body, onto a clean area of the kitchen, my back slide down the wall, my knees were up to my chest, i sobbed & cried my heart out.

Justin's POV

I ran outside, it was literally unbelievable, My own girlfriend, she, she shot someone? i can't quite understand what happened. I phoned the ambulance right away, i told them that Katie was shot, within 10 minutes they'd come, i ran inside with them to see y/n on the floor. She was crying her eyes were all puffy, her cheeks were stained with tears. my heart dropped!

Just then the police walked in and handcuffed y/n, i was shocked i didn't know how to react or what they were gonna do with her..."Please believe me" she whispered whilst they took her into the car. my head was spinning it was crazy!

***Police station***

as soon as we arrived, luckily tthere was know papparazzi around to see us, they took her into the empty room to question her, i was just sat in the waiting from terffied to what could happen after this.

After an hour an officer came out

Police officer:"Your Justin right?"

Justin:"Yes yes i am"

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