Chapter 36

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"Help ME! ARGHHH GET OFF!" i heard y/n's voice screaming in the background...


She wasent responding? I was getting so nervous! "SCOOTER! Scooter! turn this bus round we gotta go to the airport! I need to get to y/n NOW!" i screamed running over to Scooter, I felt sick to my stomach....

I continuously called out to her as the phone was still in contact! I heard her whimpering and begging for someone to stop?

Scooter:"Justin calm down! you've got a show tomorrow!"

Justin:"Well we will move the date! Scooter i NEED TO GET TO HER! shes on the phone still Scooter! what do i do!" i screamed getting right in he's face.

Scooter:"Call the police! I will not let you go, this show is a big deal! your beliebers will be-"

Justin:"Well we will give extra fucking meet & greets then! I just NEED TO GET TO HER!" i cried out, physically shaking! I was so nervous.

I took my passport not bothering with all my clothes as i just want to get her back safe with us, Scooter phoned security to tell the private jet to get ready for us, and the bus finally made it's way.

Scooter:"Wait a seound! if the phone is still in contact then lets call the police for them to track the phone! we will get her as soon as we arrive!" Scooter beamed with he's idea.

Justin:"Great! okay call them right away then!" Scooter began to dial the police and explained the matter to them, he exchanged y/n's number and i finally left at ease knowing that the police will deal with this shit.

y/n POV

I was praying that Ted would get off me & Justin heard us to help, I literally decided to give up fighting back, he was hurting me so bad, my waist was really hitting into the car whilst i was pinned back.

"P-please Ted..." I eyes were getting weak from crying, I completely let him do what he wanted to do. he was pushing he's crotch onto me and kissing down my neck. I jut kept my eyes shut, praying that any minute he'd stop and let me free...

he was mumbling dirty things into my ear which made me completely cringe, this was enough! I punched him so hard out of know where right into he's face which made him stumble back on the ground.

I helped my hands up to my mouth shocked at the action i'd just done...knowing that the outcome will be so bad. He's nose began to bleed as he wiped he's hand onto the ground next time him soon noticing my phone...

"Haha you think your smart bitch" he winked at me and shut my phone so now the phone line was dead, He chucked my phone back to the ground, he got up walking slowly towards me, My hands were trembling.......

Justin's POV

we finally arrived at the airport running through security check to my private jet, we hopped on right away and jumped into our seats and soon after the flight left.

I finally looked at my phone for literally the 15th time checking if she was still on the line....

"SHIT!!! HE PHONE HUNG UP!" my hands covered my petrified face, This can't get any fucking worse!

Scooter:"Calm down the police have her details, she's gonna me-"

Justin:"How the fuck would you NO!" i screamed into he's face punching the table in font of me. I saw Scooter laughing from the corner of my eye, i wanted to punch that smirk off he's face so bad!

Justin:"You fucking laughing? she might DIE SCOOTER! YOU HEARTLESS COW" not regretting a word i'd said, how the fuck am i suppose to be calm! Scooter gulped hard, i could tell he was now nervous but still hadn't a clue whats happening.

The flight to absolutely FOREVER! I was getting so impatient!I was fiddling with my fingers, looking though my phone old messages to when me & y/n was arguing to when we first started dating.

My heart was literally breaking, I promised her that the monster Ted would never get he's hands on her again...I lied obviously, feeling so guilty.

We finally landed and arrived back into LA, i ran out to the inside of the airport and went though all the check points and security stuff, We were just about getting into the blank tinted van until i felt a young girl tap my back

"H-hi can i get a photo..." she asked politely, but i couldn't...not in this state! "I'm sorry sweetie...I'll sign something but i'm a little ill..." She then ran off crying which made me feel even worse about the situation!

We both jumped into the car and headed to the police station...My hands we shaking, the literally felt numb. Scooters phone started buzzing, I looked over he's shoulder to see it was from an "Unknown number"?

My heart started to race, Scooter answered the phone immediately, then he whispered to me covering the phone "It's about y/n!" he smiled. my heart was beating so fast wondering if that'd got her back safe.

Just then he's face completely dropped into a terrified expression....

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