Chapter 20

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He came closer & closer to me until i felt hes lips attache mine, this was so wrong but so right at the same time! it got really heated up and we were soon enough stripping...

Everything was happening so fast! Ted was fully naked now and I was just left in my Bra & panties.

He slowly pulled them both off and pushed hes dick into my tight areas right away, as soon as I felt him enter me I felt so guilty...

Ted:"Mmmm You know i miss this so much" he smirked at me

My phone started buzzing so i quickly stopped what we were doing to see who called me but Ted stopped me

Ted:"The phone can wait baby"

we both eventually cummed and i got up right away feeling like shit after cheating on Justin...I had know idea how to tell him what happened.

I dressed up immediately and was just about to leave the house until i felt hes soft hands grip onto my arm pulling me back slightly

Ted:"There's no rush you know?" he asked a little confused

y/n:"Ted I came here to spend time with you not...not this! I'm sorry..." He's face completely dropped, It was he's fault not mine.

Ted:"No, it's my fault...Well I'm having a party tonight if you wanna come...alot of our high school friends will be there" He said in a soft voice

y/n:"Ermmm...Maybe, But for now i better get going" I ran out of hes house a drove straight home feel guilty incase Justin will find out, well i'm just have to tell him the truth.

Justin's POV

y/n went to her friends house which meant I was all alone today! I wish she'd stay home today i wanted to have a lazy day with her.

But i guess she needs to catch up with some old friends aswell as sticking to me all the time! I rang her to ask what time she'll be home but she never picked up, So instead of just lazying around i might aswell go to Fredos place.

y/n POV

I got home nervous to see Justin, but to my surprise he wasent home? I had a miss call from him eariler on I wish i picked up! He left me a text to say that he opened by fredos.

I was kinda revealed in a way, maybe I'll come up with a better excuse...but for now I changed into my PJ's and hopped into out bed and opened up that laptop, Justin always told me to never go through my Twitter because i do get quite alot of hate...

But i always try my best to stay on the positive side and just read all the positive tweets i get! I looked through my mentions

"y/n your beautiful! say Hi to Justin for me"

"Bitch go live in a hole"

see...i do get the sweetest beliebers tweet me but there lot of hate..

One tweet which really caught my eye was from a girl who was in Justin's Music Video she tweeted me

"@y/n I wanted to let you know Justin & I had an amazing video shoot, He squezzed my butt! haha" then there was a photo attached to see Justin actually doing what she mentioned in the tweet and was kissing her cheek like he kisses me...

we that hurt me, ALOT! I was burning inside, I just wanted to rip her hair out of the laptop screen! I was so mad, all the media had that photo of them plasted everywhere! "JUSTIN BIEBER NEW GIRLFRIEND?"

I felt so mad! how could he do this! he'd obviously know it'll get round all the papers & tv...he always tells me never to believe them, but this has PROOF!

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