Chapter 28

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he wasent listening, everyone was screaming and shouting until i said something i regretted so so badly i was crying so hard at this point...


Everyone stop what they were doing and went completely silent, all eyes landed on me.I looked into Justin's eyes whilst my eyes were still filling with tears, "What..." Justin said on the edge or breaking down

I ran out of the bus as fast as u could, I ran into Justin's bus and went into our bedroom, i was whimpering & sobbed so hard. this will never fix up.

Justins POV

She's got to be kidding right? s-shes pregnant? Everyone was left in shock, Stella ran off to but i didn't give a fuck about her.Ryan sat down beside me whilst i was deep in though from the things y/n had said. "Bro are you okay?" Ryan asked with a hurt tone.

"I..i can't believe it..did you n-no about this?" i said whilst tears were pinching back into my eye's making few tears fall down my cheeks. Ryan slowly nodded then bowed he's head down, "Let me go check where she's gone" Ryan said and ran off.


"y/n?" Ryan's voice echoed into the tour bus. I was sat on our bed not listening to a word Ryan had just said. then he finally came back into the room.

y/n:"Are you fucking HAPPY?" i cried out physically hurting inside after the drama.

Ryan:"Listen, i'm so sorry...i didn't...mean to hurt you but i kinda...had feeling for Stella and well...It seemed as if Justin & Stella were flirting alot which made me jealous...I'm sorry i took it out on you..." He whispered which made me in complete shock! i didn't realize he had feelings for her! well he didn't show it very well!

"Y/N!?" I heard Justin's voice running into the bus, I quickly got up and went into the bathroom. tried my best to hold my breathe so he couldn't hear that I was sobbing, but i couldn't help it.

"Y/N, Open up now!" he screamed whilst be banged the door. "Im not leaving till YOU OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" he yelled which made me flinch from he's words, Just then my phone vibrate to see yet another message from Ted!

"I need that pussy of your's...btw what was you gonna ask me to do?"i was sobbing louder by now,he disgusts me so much. I just wanted this all to work out on it's own but it can't, i had to fucking cheat on Justin without protection!

Justin:"OPEN UP NOW Y/N! please...i'm not leaving till I talk to you...Please" he begged, i could hear he had a lump in hes throat as he was struggling to get the words out.

Justin:"If you don't open up i will fucking break this door NOW!" he screamed kicking the door. i whimpered in fear knowing that i have no choice but that face him. He tried to sound more brave but i could tell how much he was hurting inside.

y/n:"N-no, L-eave" i struggled to say. I've fucked things up so much i had enough with this all, I scratched my arm continuously making myself feel more pain. I deserved the pain, And i knew it.

Justin:"Then open up.." he softly said, i soon gave in and undid the lock but immidently sat back onto the cold floor putting my knees up to my chest whilst i layed my head down my knees. i was crying alot, I just didn't want to face Justin after what I had said, He could never forgive me.

The gasped really loudly but i still had my head down so i couldn't exactly see what he was doing.

"I-is it true y/n?" he cried silently, he hardly ever really cries but i never heard him cry in such a hurt way before. I looked up slowly to see he's eyes all puffy and he's hair in a mess. He was sat down opposite me.

I nodded, i was so worried to how he'd act.."I'm s-orry" i barley made out. Justin started to cry harder which made it even worse for me. i got up slowly to see Justin look up right away at me.

"W-we need a DNA test, i cant go on done now" i said trying to sound as if i wasent crying but i failed to do so.

Justin slowly got up and we walked out of the bus, Justin was walking really fast which i didn't bother trying to catch up. we both need some time alone.

we got one of Justin's drivers to drive us to the hospital right away whilst i was hysterically shaking & trembling not knowing what could happen when we step out of the hospital knowing weather this is Justin's baby or not.

Justin's POV

this had to be done weather is it or isent my baby, we gotta get this done, i was so mad at her! but at the same time i just wanted to tell he that everything's okay and that i forgive her's to late i guess...

We both had to get tests done and y/n left her phone behind, about 2 minutes later her phone was going off like mad! i know i shouldn't have, but i looked at the messages being was Ted.

Man i will fucking kill him when i get back! I saw the tweets she wrote out which broke my heart, will there me a feature for us? i questioned myself

as soon as y/n came back she sat next to me, it was really awkward as we were sat for 2 hours whilst they tested everything. I miss her alot even when she was backstage and stuff, it felt as if she was at home... i'm just so nervous for the news.

A very large doctor came into the waiting room and called us both inside.

"Hello, nice to meet you both! We have the results in for the DNA of your baby y/n, i can confirm to you that Justin.....

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