The Beginning

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I look in the mirror, it's been a long, not to mention tough year, school year anyways. No one wanted to be friends with the transgender kid, at least that's how it seemed. It was different at my old school, back in Minnesota, but my dad got a stupid job offer in Maryland, and at this point he really needed the money.
I only had to go to this school for about a month, I didn't make friends with anyone, accept one boy, his name was Kale, we were only friends for about 2 weeks before school let out, but we haven't talked since. But it's summer now, 3 months where I don't have to be around people who don't accept me.
The first few days of summer, didn't consist of much, laying on my bed, watching Criminal Minds on repeat. My dad would come into my room telling me to go out and do stuff, "make more friends" he said. But at this point I didn't have any friends.
Well I didn't think I had any, a couple hours later I get a text from Kale;
*Hey I'm having some friends from school over tonight, and I think you should come*
I stare at the text for a moment, well longer than a moment. If I went, I could make more friends, and my dad would stop yelling at me to get out of the house. But if I didn't go, then I could catch up on more Criminal Minds. I figured the "making more friends" idea would be the better choice.
I texted Kale back saying I would come, he texted me the address and said I could come over now.
After running it pass my dad, which he was happy about, I grabbed my car keys, and drove over to Kales, which wasn't that far.
I pull my car over and put it in park. Besides his dads car, mine was the only other one there, I get out knocking on the door. Kale answers, hugging me, inviting me inside.
Me: "Where is everyone?"
Kale: "Well more people aren't coming til later, right now it's just you, me, and Raegan."
Who's Raegan? I thought to myself..  it was just then a tall boy, who lets mention look sorta like Justin Bieber, came walking into the living room, where me and Kale were.
Raegan: "Hey, I'm Raegan, Reagan Beast."

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