First Day Drama

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Before I knew it the teacher came into the classroom, Mr. Gray.
Mr. G: "If everyone can take there seats, summers over, this is School"
Everyone starts to sit down in their seats listening to him.
Mr. G: "Now I assume everyone has their books? Everyone open to page 287; Greek and Roman Empire."
The whole class signs as we all open our books.
After first period was over everyone packed up leaving the class. I thought April would have came to me to talk, instead she left the room.
Me: "What's your next class?"
I say over to Raegan.
Raegan: "Algebra 1"
Me: "Oh, I have Spanish"
Raegan: "Oh,"
He said with a chuckle.
Me: "What?"
Raegan: "Have fun with Mr. Darsey"
I frowned guessing this period won't be fun.
Raegan: "We don't have another period together til after lunch."
Me: "So see you at lunch?"
Raegan: "Yeah"
Raegan walks out of the room first, then me.
As I walk out I'm followed with April standing right next to me.
Me: "No"
April: "I haven't even said anything yet"
Me: "You don't need to"
April: "Can we talk?"
Me: "April I have class"
April: "Justin"
Me: "Bye April"
It was then April stopped until he middle of the hall, as I kept walking, she started talking, loud enough that everyone could here.
April: "Justin Blake! You will talk to me"
She was about to go on, but this was my first day, I couldn't have her messing it up.
I go back up to her.
Me: "Okay, god dammit April, we can talk. But don't go on doing stuff like that."
April: "Okay so."
Me: "No we can't talk now"
April: "You just said"
Me: "I have class, it's my first day I'm not about to just skip."
April: "Then when? Lunch"
Me: "No, um after school"
April: "Okay meet me by the bush by the eastern exit."
Me: "okay, I have to go"
I walk off to my next class.
Raegan was right, the Spanish teacher, not the best teacher I've ever met. Not to mention I'm not very good at Spanish, heck I'm not even that good with English.
That was probably the most slowest class of the morning, after Spanish I went to, Biology, after that, Literature. Then finally it was time for lunch.
I grabbed a tray, put some food on it, then paid and I looked around for Raegan, he was sitting at a table, there was a lot of people sitting there, should I find somewhere else to sit? Just then I see him see me, he motions me to come over there, so I do.
I sit down on the spot next to him.
Raegan: "Guys, this is Justin. Um Justin this is everyone"
Me: "Hey."
This guy, he looked buff, he also looked mean.
Charlie: "Interesting."
I look at him confused.
I whisper over to Raegan.
Me: "Who's that?"
Raegan: "Charlie, head of the football team"
Me: "oh"
I look back at him.
Me: "What do you mean, interesting?"
Charlie: "What?!"
Me: "Why'd you say interesting?"
Charlie: "You an interesting person, what's the name?"
Me: "Justin, it's Justin"
Charlie: "Mhm"
I didn't really even care what he had to say, no one is going to bring me down.
Charlie: "So this is your boyfriend then Raegan."
The only other people I knew at the table were Jack and Kale, and Raegan of course. At the time there was about 10 people all together.
Everyone stopped looking at him.
Raegan: "Yes, guys this is my boyfriend, Justin"
Then a random girl lets it the question.
Claire: "Your gay Raegan?"
Raegan: "Yep."
The whole table went quiet.
Raegan: "I'll be right back"
Then Raegan got up leaving the table.
Charlie said something, once he was gone.
"Never would have thought that, he doesn't even look it"
Me: "What does that mean"
Charlie: "Well all I'm saying is he doesn't look gay"
Me: "And I do?"
Charlie: "Well yeah"
Me: "What grade are you in again?"
Charlie: "12th"
Me: "What math class do you take?"
Charlie: "Remedial"
Me: "Uh, figures, cause you look stupid"
After I said that I got up from the table to go look for Raegan.
As I leave I could hear people laughing, and when I glanced back at Charlie, he didn't look happy.
I walked outside the cafeteria, I look down the halls to find Raegan sitting against some lockers.
I walk over to him and sit down next to him.
I don't even say anything, I just grab his hand holding it, he holds it back.
I wait a couple minutes before I say anything.
Me: "What's wrong?"
Raegan: "That's not how I thought it would go"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Raegan: "Coming out"
I stopped for a second, oh. No one but Me, Jack, and Kale knew he was gay.
Me: "Was it that bad though?"
Raegan: "Well I didn't mean to come out tot he whole school"
Me: "Only like 10 people heard"
Raegan: "Not when one of them is one of the most popular in the school"
Me: "Charlie?"
Raegan: "Yeah, everyone will know"
Me: "And that's a bad?"
I look at him. Is it a bad thing, is he embarrassed for being gay.
Raegan: "What?"
Me: "Well are you embarrassed to be gay?"
Raegan: "What? No, that's not how that meant to come out, I just don't know how I'll be treated."
Me: "Oh. Why were you sitting by him anyways."
Raegan: "Well at first it was just me, Jack and kale. The rest just came over with Charlie, they like to make fun of us, since we're trans.."
Me: "Well if it makes you feel better I said something to make everyone laugh at him.
Raegan: "Justin.. he's only going to go after you"
Me: "Trust me, some big bully isn't going to bring me down"
Raegan smiled and looked at me, then put his head on my shoulder, and we sat their for a little longer.
Me: "I'm going to talk to April, like you wanted"
Raegan: "Yeah?"

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