After Math

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Okay so it's been three days, three, since Raegan's family got home. Raegan and I have been texting, but he's been spending time with his family, which I understand.
At this point me and my dad are fine. But me and Lena, well not so much, we'll talk, but we're not close, not one bit.
Isabel and her mom have talked some things out, I can never really tell if she's still mad at her, I never really asked.
The only thing I do know is that me and Isabel have become very close over the past week. She's actually really fun to hangout with.
School starts in less than two weeks.
I was sitting in my bedroom when I heard a knock at the door.
Me: "Who is it"
Isabel: "Me"
Me: "Okay, come in"
Isabel walks inside, closing the door behind her.
Me: "Hey"
Isabel: "Hey I just wanted to ask did you get your school stuff yet?"
Me: "Oh yeah, um no, why?"
Isabel: "Well I was going to go pick up that stuff, supplies, stop at the mall get some clothes, you wanna come."
Me: "Oh yeah, that would be great, I can drive."
Isabel: "I was thinking about leaving in a hour or so?"
Me: "Yeah, hey can I bring Raegan?"
Isabel: "Yeah sure"
Me: "Okay"
Isabel walks out of my room. I roll over to grab my phone and text Raegan.
Me: *Hey babe*
He texts back pretty fast.
Raegan: *Babe, what's up*
Me: *Me and Isabel are going school shopping in an hour, I was wondering if you wanted to come with*
Raegan: *Um sure, I mean if you want me to come*
Me: *Of course I want you to come*
Raegan: *okay, what time should i be over*
Me: *As soon as you can*
Raegan: *Okay be over it a bit*
Me: *Cool*
After that I put some clothes on, brush my teeth, do my hair.
Then I hear the door, I go and answer it, Raegan was here.
Me: "Isabel's brushing her teeth and then were going to go"
Raegan: *Okay cool*
Raegan sits down on the couch, so I sit next to him.
Me: "So everyone's back?"
Raegan: "Yep. How's um, things with your dad, and Lena. I've been meaning to ask you about that."
Just then Isabel enters the room.
Isabel: "You guys ready?"
I wished to Raegan.
Me: "I'll tell you later."
Then to Isabel.
Me: "Yeah let's go."
Me, Isabel, and Raegan drive over to Walmart, that win where we were going to get school supplies, but I'm guessing you already knew that.
We get there and then all walk into the store.
Raegan: "Do we need a cart?"
I shrug my shoulders.
Isabel: "Well do you want to carry everything around the store?"
Raegan: "I'll grab one then"
He grabs one then we start walking.
Raegan: "Okay so what do we all need?"
Isabel looks at Raegan, confused.
Isabel: "Um, school stuff."
Raegan: "Oh yeah, right"
We make our way over to the school stuff, looking at the large selections of things.
Isabel: "Okay so I have the list of my phone"
Raegan: "You need a list?"
Isabel: "Well yeah, to figure out what you all need."
Raegan: "Bella, its high school, just get a notebook for every class and you'll be good to go."
Me: "Yeah, really."
Isabel: "You two decided to come with me to get this stuff so we'll do this my way, okay?"
Raegan just rolls his eyes.
Me: "Alright, 'Mom'"
Isabel: "Good."
Isabel brings up her list naming off school items as we go along, and we pick what we want putting it in the cart, she made a bigger deal of this than it needed to be.
Isabel: "Okay now we need, 10 notebooks"
Isabel goes up to them, and we hear her talk to herself.
Isabel: "Well u can get a red one for math, and then a green one for literature, but then I have to make sure to get a different color for History."
I look at Raegan, him looking at me.
Then we both just count out 10 notebooks not even looking at the colors and put them in the cart.
Isabel: "Damn guys, this is supposed to be fun."
Me: "Were dudes, this stuff isn't fun to us."
Isabel: "Well you could at least pretend"
Raegan: "Oh your right."
Raegan looks over at me and smiles, raising his eye brows."
Me: "Yeah, oh my gosh what am I thinking. Hey babe, should I get the blue binder or the sparkly one."
Raegan: "Oh hunny, you should get the purple one, it will match the rest of your supplies."
Isabel: "Okay, alright, you guys made your point."
Raegan: "Just come on what else do we need?"
Isabel names off the rest of the things that we need, and we get them.
After we get all of our stuff we head to checkout, paying for our stuff, getting back to the car. Then we decide to head over to the mall to get some clothes and such.
Once we get to the mall, the first place that we hit is the food court.
Isabel: "What are you guys getting?"
Me: "I don't know, I'm not that hungry"
Raegan: "Yeah me either"
Isabel: "Well I'm going to get something for over there, meet me at that spot I guess."
Isabel said point to some empty spot to sit.
Me: "Yeah okay."
Isabel went to get her food then sat at that spot, me and Raegan ended up splitting some French fries from this one place I can't remember.
Isabel: "So where do you guys shop?"
Me: "Anywhere that sells clothes really"
Isabel: "Oh, what about you Raegan"
Raegan: "You know, Walmart."
Isabel looks at him like he's crazy.
Raegan: "I'm kidding."
Then more quietly he says.
Raegan: "Even though I sometimes I shop there."
I laugh, pulling out my phone.
Me: "We should take a picture."
I say looking at everyone.
Isabel: "Yeah okay"
Raegan: "Sure."
I hold up my camera, Raegan hugging me from behind and Isabel popping her head in.
Me: "Looks good!"
Raegan: "Yeah you should post that one."
Me: "Okay."
I go to Instagram, where I post pretty much everything.
Me: "Isabel what's your Instagram, so I can tag you."
Isabel: "Oh, I don't remember I don't go on it."
She opens up her phone and shows me what it was, and I tag her."
I caption our picture;
*Lunch out with my favorites*
Me: "We're cute."
Isabel: "God damn Justin!"
Me: "What?!"
Me and Raegan look at her like something bad happened.
Raegan: "What is it?"
Isabel: "You have almost 60k followers"
Me and Raegan let out our breathes, thinking it was something bad.
Me: "Oh yeah, I know"
Isabel: "How'd you do that?"
Me: "I don't know"
Isabel: "Your like famous"
Me: "I'm not famous, it's just a bunch of people that like my content"
Isabel: "60,000 people is a lot."
Raegan: "You should see how much he has on Musically."
Isabel looks at Raegan more interested.
Raegan pulls up his phone showing her my account.
Isabel: "153k?!?!"
Me: "Can we not a big deal out of this."
Isabel: "Yeah, sorry. I just didn't know how relevant you were."
Me: "I'm not that relevant."

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