What do I do?

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Ive been sitting in my room for about an hour now, after just yelling at Raegan and Isabel, I feel pretty bad. I checked my phone a hundred times to see if Raegan texted me, he never did.
Do I text him first? Do I wait? Should I call him? Do I got to him? I don't know.
I sat in my room most of he Day watching some stupid show, still checking my phone through out the day, nothing.
I got extremely bored, I decide to walk over to Isabel's room. When I get there I stand in her door way.
*knock* *knock*
She looked at me, she way organizing some school stuff.
Isabel: "What do you want?"
Me: "Can I come in?"
Isabel: "No go away"
I walk and sit down on the carpet, where she's also, again organizing some school stuff.
Me: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take things out on you"
Isabel: "Why did you?"
Me: " I'm sorry, me and Raegan got into a fight, then he left, and I was mad when you came in, just, I'm sorry"
Isabel: "Its okay, I forgive you. Just what happened?"
Me: "You know, a disagreement, whatever."
Isabel: "He seemed really mad"
Me: "He did?"
Isabel: "Yeah"
Me: "Yeah, I guess, see I kind of lashed out at him, for nothing."
Isabel: "Well have you talked to him since?"
Me: "No.."
Isabel: "Oh, well maybe just take the night to cool off, text him in the morning."
Me: "Okay, yeah maybe your right"
Me and Isabel talked for a little bit longer, as she continued doing what she was doing. Then I went back into my room.
I decided that I would head to bed early, it was a long day, well it felt like one anyways.
I tried to stay away from my phone, keeping it on my end table. As I tried to fall asleep, I just thought about Raegan, he seems so mad, what if I don't make up with him now? Will he not want me anymore? Then I tell myself.
*Justin, calm down, just go to sleep, we'll fix everything tomorrow*
That night it was hard to go to sleep, fall asleep, I kept twisting and turning. I ended falling asleep at about 3 in the morning.
The next morning I wake up at about 11. Of course the first gun I do is look at my phone.
Nothing but some Instagram nonfictions. No new texts, from Raegan anyways. I did get some texts from the number he was asking about yesterday that started this whole thing.
*These are sending still so I'm not blocked*
*Just answer*
*i really want to be friends*
*What I did, I wasn't thinking*
*I think if you just let me talk to you, we can make up, be friends, we can all be friends.*
All from just last night, cause again, I didn't check my phone.
I decided to reply.
*Stop texting this number, I don't want to talk to you okay, can you get that please!*
Then once again, blocked the number.
I didn't know what to do, I just sat there on my bed.
Isabel told me that I should just wait the night before bugging him, texting him rather.
I would of thought he would text me, even a goodnight, I mean couples get in fights but they still love each other, right?
He said he loved me a billion times, you can't just stop loving someone. I honestly didn't k ow what to think anymore.
I mean the fight we had, it's want even that bad, but I've never really been in a serious relationship before, so what if it really was bad, what if I messed up.
I didn't want it to happen, but some tears started to fall down my face, then more and more camel dripping down on the pillow I was holding, I became a sad mess. I don't even know why I was crying, I'm never really this emotional, maybe it's the hormones? Or maybe it's really my emotion.
After all this stuff was going around in my head, I wipe away my tears.
I just have to talk to him, I mean school starts tomorrow, and me being in a new school, he's the really only person I have.
Just then Isabel walks into the room.
Isabel: "Justin.."
I wipe my eyes, I think she still saw some tears. She comes and sits next to me.
Isabel: "Talk to him, it'll make everything better"
I look at her in the eyes. She has her arm over my shoulder.
Me: "Yeah?"
She shook her head yes.
I looked over and grabbed my phone. And opened my text messages. Just then she snatches the phone out of my hands.
Me: "What?"
Isabel: "What are you doing?!"
Me: "Texting him"
She looked down shaking her head.
Isabel: "No, a text message isn't the same as in person. Go to him, his house, tell him everything you need to tell him in person"
Me: "Okay, okay"
I get up, I don't even get the phone back from her. I walk straight to his house.
I turn a couple blocks and there I am standing on his door steps, I knock on the door.
30 seconds later the door unlocks and it's open.
Me: "Raegan?"

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