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- my phone dings. April steps away. I put the ice cream that was in my hands in the garbage, then grabbed a napkin and wiped off my hands. April does the same. I grab my phone out of my pocket, it was a text from Raegan.
*Hey babe, hows the first day going? Did they fire you from eating all the ice cream?*
As I looked at my phone, I smiled, he managed to check in on how I was doing.
April sees the smile in my face.
April: "What win something?"
April said with a smile on her face.
Me: "Oh no, my boyfriend just texted me"
As soon as I said that, the smile on her face quickly faded away. I could tell she didn't know about the whole boyfriend part.
April: "You have a boyfriend?"
Me: "Yeah"
April: "Oh, what's his name"
Me: "Raegan, he went to the same school as you."
April: "Oh yeah, him."
Me: "Mhm"
April: "You said went? Where did he go?"
Me: "Oh well he's in Florida"
April: "He moved there, cause long distance-"
Me: "Oh no he just went to stay there for part of the summer, he should be back in a couple weeks"
April: "Oh."
Me: "Yep"
April: "How long have you guys been dating?"
Me: " Um, almost a month."
April: "Are you happy, you know, with him?"
Me: "Yeah, he makes me really happy, he's the only one that really understands me-"
April: "Yeah well we should get back to work"
April said pausing me in mid sentence.
Me: "Yeah we should"
April, walked to the bathroom, for some reason she didn't see to happy. I went on my phone, and texted Raegan back.
*Its going alright, I'll call you when I'm done?*
Raegan texted back pretty fast.
*Sounds like a plan. 😘*
I simply replied with a heart, then got back to work.
Me: "Yeah come again"
I said to the customer as he left the building.
April walked out front the bathroom.
April: "Did you get that guy"
Me: "Yeah"
April: "Hey why don't we end our shifts, go do something?"
Me: "Well we can't just end our shifts"
April: "We kind of can, well my dads the owner here, he kind of left me in charge of everything"
Me: "Oh, well what is it you wanna do?"
April: "I don't know? There's this cool park down the street from here, we could just take a walk."
Me: "Um okay? I guess."
Me and April close up shop, and then head over to the park, turns out it was the park where Raegan took me, and where he asked me out.
April: "So, beside your boyfriend, have any other friends since you moved here?"
Me: "Um no, I didn't really have time to meet anyone else. I had Raegan, so I didn't really feel like I needed anyone else."
April: "Oh"
Me: "Yeah, but then he had to leave. Then he encouraged me to meet some new friends while he was gone. It's really because of him I came looking for a job"
April: "Well he seems like a lucky guy, you know to have you"
Me: "Well I think I'm the lucky one, to have him, he's one of the only things that have kept me happy since the move."
April tried to change the subject.
April: "You know I could be your friend"
Me: "Yeah"
April smiled.
April: "Yeah!"
Me: "Okay."
I get a text from Raegan.
April: "Your boyfriend?"
Me: "Oh, yeah"
April: "He seems clingy"
Me: "Oh trust me he's not."
April: "He seems like it"
Me: "It's just been really hard on him, and me too, we used to see each other everyday, it's not that easy to do that anymore."
April: "Oh"
*Just let me know..*
April: "What does he want?"
Me: "Nothing, um I gatta head home, I'll see you tomorrow at work?"
April: "Yeah, I guess"
Me: "Alright, um, bye"
April waves goodbye and I start walking home.
I get home, take a shower getting into new clothes, then FaceTime Raegan.
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "Hey, so how'd it go?"
Me: "How did what go?"
Raegan: "Your first day at work"
Me: "Oh, that, it was okay"
Raegan: "Just okay?"
Me: "Yeah the day went slow, there wasn't that many customers"
Raegan: "Oh"
Me: "But that's enough about my boring work day, how was your day, I mean your in Florida, that must be way more fun than here."
Raegan: "Its really not though."
Me: "How come?"
Raegan: "Because your not here with me."
I smiled, looking down at my hands, for some reason when ever we talk about how we're apart I get a little emotional.
Me: "Yeah, not really the same here with out you, I think I'm having Raegan with draws, I really need to be in your arms again"
Raegan: "Well we only have to start here for about a week and a half, that's not a while."
Me: "Wait, really, that went by pretty fast"
Raegan: "Yeah, and we will spend the whole day together when we get back. We could go out and do something."
Me: "Or we could stay in and watch movies together, then probably end up falling asleep."
Raegan: "You know that plan could work too."
Me: "Great, well that sounds like a plan."
There was both smiles on our faces, but then it went silent for a couple of minutes.
Raegan: "Hey babe?"
Me: "What?"
Raegan: "I love you."
I look up at the screen.
Me: "I love you too."
After that we didn't really talk, we were both pretty tired and ended up falling asleep still on FaceTime.

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now