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I could hear the water turn off, and a couple minutes later Raegan comes back into the room.
Raegan: "Hey, so we could- is that my sweatshirt?"
I look down at it.
Me: "Oh, yeah I got cold, you want it back"
Raegan walks over to me.
Raegan: "No it's fine, it looks good on you, but I'm guessing everything looks good on you.
Raegan comes over to the bed where I'm laying down and lays on top of me, hugging me.
Me: "You smell good."
Raegan: "Do I?"
Me: "Yeah you do"
I say to him hugging him tighter.
Me and Raegan just sat there for a while, it was nice, he hugged me tight, I felt so happy, I've never really experienced something like this with anyone else, the love. I felt the love until chase came walking through the door.
Chase: "Guys come on, back at again with this gay stuff."
I giggled, and so did Raegan.
Raegan: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up chase?"
Chase: "There's this movie on on the living room, if y'all wanna come watch it with me"
Raegan: "I don't know, Justin?"
Me: "Yeah I don't know, we're not too gay for you?"
Chase: "You guys know I'm just messing with you. Come on, I made popcorn."
Raegan puts his head, up looking at me.
Raegan: "yeah?"
Me: "okay!"
Raegan gives me a kiss then gets off of me.
Chase: "There's no doing that during the music though.
We all laugh walking into the living room.
Me: "Can't promise you that."
Chase: "Just keep it PG please"
Me: "Alright"
Chase had two bowls of popcorn on the counter, he grabbed one and Raegan grabbed the other.
Chase sat down in a recliner chair and me and Raegan sat down on the long couch. He gave me the popcorn to hold and he put his arm over me, and then I put my head on his shoulder....
Chase: "As I said before, that's gross."
Raegan: "Just start the movie."
The movie that Chase had on wasn't even that exciting, it was some old movie with Adam Sandler, don't get me wrong he's a good actor, but the movie was boring, and I got bored quick.
I ended up moving down the couch and using Raegan's lap as a pillow. And before I knew it I was asleep.
The sun shined right into my eyes,I tilted my head bag and opened my eyes. I was so confused. Where am I.
I started looking around the room, it was Raegan's room, I get it now I'm in Raegan's room, in his bed. But how? I feel asleep on the couch. I can feel Raegan's leg touching my leg, so he's right next to me. I turn over to see him on his phone.
Raegan: "Morning, how'd my boy sleep."
He says to me putting down his phone.
Me: "Good, but your boy was wondering how he got here"
Raegan: "What do u mean?"
Me: "I fell asleep in the living room, and now I'm here"
Raegan: "Oh I carried you in here"
Me: "Oh."
Raegan: "You were out 15 minutes into the movie,"
Me: "Yeah because it was a boring movie. "
Raegan: "Yeah, it was pretty boring."
Me: "So.. what's today's plan."
Raegan: "Well, you'll go home, and miss me."
Me: "Well alright there, maybe I won't miss you"
I say to him with a smile.
Raegan: "Oh but you will"
Me: "What do you mean"
Raegan: "Well after you feel asleep yesterday, my dad got home."
Me: "Okay?"
Raegan: "We have to go stay in Florida, where my grandma is, for about a month"
The smile in my face then fades away.
Me: "Oh... well when do u leave?"
Raegan: "In a few hours."
Me: "Isn't this all a little last minute, I mean don't you have to pack."
Raegan points to a large suitcase in the corner of his room.
Me: "oh."
Raegan: "But hey, it's only 3 weeks"
Raegan says grabbing my hands.
Raegan: "Okay?"
Just then Raegan's dad comes into the room.
R Dad: "Hey, oh, Justin, Rae, did you um"
Raegan: "Yeah, I told him."
R Dad: "Okay well, we were going to get on the road sooner rather than later, so... I'll just, ill me in the living room."
I get up, and walk to where Raegan had plugged in my phone. Raegan got up and turned me around.
Raegan: "Justin, I'm really sorry, don't be mad, I- "
Me: "I'm not mad, I'm just really going to miss you."
Raegan's dad loads everyone's stuff into the car, then everyone gets in the car.
I'm standing next to Raegan by the car. He looks at me in the eye, giving me a kiss goodbye, I was a long kiss, and I'm not going to lie I liked it.
After that moment went by, he gives me a hug.
Me: "I'm really going to miss you, you don't even know."
Raegan: "Im going to miss you too"
Raegan let's go and opens the door to the car, but before he gets in-
Me: "Hey babe?"
Raegan: "Yeah?"
Me: "I love you."
Raegan: "I love you too!"
Raegan gets out of the car, and his dad starts the car. The car pulls out of the driveway, then into the street, and then before I knew it, the car wasn't in sight.
I ended up walking home. When I got to my house I could see my dad sitting on. The couch through the window.
Dad: "Hey how was your night?"
My dad said as soon as I walk in the door.
Me: "Oh, it was good"
Dad: "Do anything fun?"
Me: "Ah, me and Raegan just watched some movies, nothing much really.
Dad: "Oh... cool hoodie, where'd you get it?"
Me: "Oh, its um, Raegan's"
Dad: "Oh alright, hey do you want to-"
Before my dad could even finish what he was going to say, I was ready out of the room.
I went down to the laundry room, and I through in one of my loads of laundry, along with Raegan's hoodie that I was wearing.
Then I went up stairs, grabbed some clean comfy clothes out of my closet and went to the bathroom, turning on the shower.
I took an extra hot shower, I washed up. I was in the shower for about 10 minutes.
I went to turn of the water off, but then I didn't. The water ran right over my face. And I kind of just let it, the hot water pouring down my face, and I just stood there.
And then I don't know what happend, but the tears started, and I don't even know why. I wasn't even thinking about Raegan at the time, but now that's all I can think about, the last time I hugged him, it was the last, until he comes back.
I ended up staying in the shower for a decent hour, I'm surprised my dad didn't come and tell me to get out.
I got out of the shower and got dressed and then headed back to my room. There was a laundry basket on my bed that was folded and had a note on it, the note read:
*Hey Justin, I finished your laundry. I had to go to work, so I'll be back in a couple hours, you can invite someone over if you'd like.*
The only person I'd want over is Raegan, but that would be a long way to pick him up. The first folded piece of clothing in the basket was Raegan's hoodie, I took it out and placed it on my bed. Then put the basket on the floor.
I put Raegan's hoodie on, outing the hood up, then I crawled into bed, and I ended up falling asleep.

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