My Love

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My dad quietly walks into my room. I have my eyes closed and I haven't said anything for about 10 minutes, I assume they think I'm sleeping.
Dad: "Is he awake?"
Raegan: "Um, no I think he's sleeping"
I was still awake hearing everything they say.
Dad: "oh, alright. What all happened, he woke up screaming No, and was all sweat and shaky, he said he was fine."
Raegan: "He told me he had a bad dream, and he was like paranoid."
Dad: "Oh, and you came over"
Raegan: "Yeah, I hope that's alright. He called me and texted me freaking out, so I came over as fast as I can. I wanted to be here for him"
Dad: "Can I be honest with you Raegan?"
Raegan: "Um, sure"
Dad: "The other day, when Justin came over with you and told be you were his boyfriend."
Raegan: "Yeah"
Dad: "After you left, I asked Justin if he really wanted a boyfriend, if it was too soon."
Raegan: "You don't think I should date your son?"
Dad: "Well I thought that at first, but you seem to really care about him, and this is really the first time he's been happy since we moved. So forget my first judgement okay! I'm glad your dating Justin. "
Raegan: "Wow, thank you sir."
Dad: "Yep, well I'm going to go, I have some things to get done around the house. Are you staying?"
Raegan: "No I gatta get home, I'll stay for a couple minutes though."
Dad: "Okay"
I feel Raegan's hand rub against my back. He then leaned over and kissed me in the forehead, he was getting up with I grabbed his hand. He sat back down.
Raegan: "Your still awake?"
Justin: "I was never asleep. Looks like my dad likes you."
Raegan: "Yeah, I guess so. "
Me: "Thank you, for being here, even if you think craz-"
Raegan: "I understand, okay, you don't have to explain, just get some rest, okay?
Me: "Okay. I'll text you later?"
Raegan: " Yeah, you do that"
Raegan leans over and gives me a kiss. Then gets up walking towards the door, but before he closes it, he says one more thing.
Raegan: "Hey Justin?"
Me: "Yeah?"
Raegan: "I love you"

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