One Night

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Dad: "Boyfriend, huh?"
Me: "Yep, boyfriend
Dad: "Alright, okay"
Me: "Is that okay, I thought you were supportive of me liking boys"
Dad: "Oh Justin I am"
Me: "Then what is it?"
Dad: "Well, it's just, you've only know him for a few days, you met him what what Friday?"
Me: "Well, yeah"
Dad: "And it's what today, Tuesday? I just think that's really soon."
Me: "Dad, ever since we moved here, I have made no friends, except Kale, but we barely really even talk. But Raegan. He makes me happy, glad we moved."
Dad: "Well I do love that your happy."
Me: "Yeah, and we've gone through the same stuff, him being trans too"
As soon as I said that, my dad automatically made a face.
Dad: "Oh, well as long as your happy, I'm happy."
Me: "I am"
Dad: "Okay"
Me: "Well I'm going to go inside, I wanna find this movie, I was telling Raegan about."
Dad: "Okay"
I open the door and start walking in the house.
Dad: "Oh hey Justin?"
Me: "Yeah dad"
Dad: "Danny tried calling you, did you ever talk to him?"
Me: "Oh my phone died this morning, and I never charged it, I'll call him in a bit"
Dad: "Okay"
I shut the door and go back to my room.
I went through a whole bunch of drawers, I finally found this movie I was telling Raegan about, some stupid comedy. I put it on top of my dresser.
I grab my laptop out of its case in my closet, and go sit on my bed and open it up. I decide to call Danny, seeing that he was trying to reach I'm before.
He answers the FaceTime.
Danny: "Hey Justin!"
Me: "Sup Dan"
Danny: "How are you?"
Me: "I'm pretty good, how about you?"
Danny: "I'm good, it's nice hearing you, it's not the same texting."
Me: "A month and I miss you so much"
Danny: "I know I really miss you too, so how's everything, meet new friends? Spill."
Me: "Well um, didn't really meet anyone at school, accept one person, his name is Kale, and Kale has a friend that goes to my school Reagan, that's about it."
Danny: "Nice, do u hang out with them?"
Me: "Yeah, actually, they're both a trans too, so it was easy fitting in."
Danny: "That must be nice."
Me: "Yeah. And um, I'm kind of dating one of them, as of yesterday actually"
Danny: "Which one"
Me: "Raegan"
Danny: "Oh, is he nice, does he accept you,  has he meet dad?"
Me: "Woah, slow down with the questions"
Danny: "I just want to make sure this guys going to treat my twin, right"
Me: "Thanks, but you don't have to worry he's great."
Danny: "I'll take your word for it"
Me: "So how's Alex?"
Danny: "He's good, really good"
Me: "Cool"
Danny: "Yep"
Me: " So how's Damon?"
Danny: "Good, yeah, he was over the other day, he's good."
Me: "Cool"
Danny: "Yeah, so um I'm going to go, its later here than it is for you, text me"
Me: "Okay"
Danny: "Alright, bye"
Me: "Bye Dan."
After Danny hangs up the phone, I kind of think to myself, why didn't he seem happy. I mean it was hard in us when me and my dad had to move, but the other times we face timed he was happy, telling me about how he was doing new cosplays and stuff, now. I don't know, he's different.
I didn't try to get to caught up in it. What I did instead, was text Raegan.
Me: *Hey*
While I waited for him to text back, i went to my closet to get some clothes, get out of jeans. Now let's say, my closet, wasn't the cleanest, and that gave me something to do.
I ended up staying up til about 2 in the morning cleaning it out, I guess it was pretty bad, I had some music on in the background, and totally forgot to feel if Raegan texted me back. He never did.
When I woke up, the first thing I checked was my phone, a couple texts from old friends, some Instagram notifications, but no text from Raegan.

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