Rae's Fun Idea

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When me and Raegan are in the car, I start it and start driving off.
Raegan: "that was pretty interesting in there"
I turned to Raegan and laughed.
Raegan: "I'm serious"
Me: "All I did was imply you were dating someone, that someone being me!"
Raegan: "I know, her face though, no one ever did something like that to her before."
Me: "Yeah well I'm different than other people. So where are we going, mine or your house?
Raegan: "Neither"
Me: "What?"
Raegan: "Lets go somewhere"
Me: "What do u mean"
Raegan: "Lets go somewhere, like a store or park, we always are stuck in the house"
Me: "Raegan it's 10'o'clock at night."
Raegan: "Your point"
Me: "Okay"
Raegan: "Alright, lets go to, that grocery store on the corner of 5th, it's open 24/7"
Me: "Okay, I don't know where that is, but okay"
Raegan: "Just keep driving"
Raegan tells me the directions on how to get to this store I've never been too. A little while longer we pull into the parking lot.
Me: "Okay.. Now what"
Raegan: "What do mean, now what, lets go"
Raegan gets out of the car, closing his door. He walks around the car, opening my door.
Raegan: "You coming?"
I look at Raegan, and he just smiles at me.
Me: "Okay, why not"
I get out of the car and Raegan closes it behind me. We both then go up and walk into the store.
Once we get in the store, I take a second to look around, no one was here.
Me: "So what is it we need"
Raegan: "Justin.."
Raegan looked at me, kind of like I was crazy..
Me: "What?"
Raegan: "How often do you get out?"
Me: "Excuse me?"
Raegan: "Not trying to be mean, just do you ever get out, you know go places?"
Me: "Not really."
Raegan: "well lets have some fun"
I stand there looking at him.
Raegan: "okay?"
I keep looking at him, and I let out a smile.
Me: "I guess we can have some fun."
Raegan: "Alright let's go"
Me and Raegan walk completely non the store. Then a guy at the main desk starts talking to us.
Guy: "Hello, can I help you boys with anything?"
Me and Raegan both look at him.
Me: "Um, no sir."
Raegan: "Yeah we're good"
He smiled back at us and went on with whatever it was he was doing. Me and Raegan started walking fast to the nearest isle. Then we both start laughing.
Me: "Okay now what?"
Raegan: "Um.."
Raegan starts looking around, we were by the fruit and vegetable section so it was an open place. He looks at this cart, he got it and brought it back to where I was.
Raegan: "Get in"
Me: "Me? You want me to get in the cart?"
Raegan: "Yeah!"
I smile at him, then start getting in the cart.

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