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Me: "So what was it that you needed?"
Isabel: "What?"
Me: "Well, you knocked on the door, what was it you needed?"
Isabel: "Oh, um, I forgot"
Oh, great, I thought to myself.
It was just then my dad walked into the room.
Dad: "Oh good, you guys are both in here.
Isabel comes and sit downs next to me on my bed.
Me: "Why whats up?"
Me and Isabel sit there looking up at my dad.
Dad: "Just wanted to remind you guys that, open house is tomorrow, for school"
Isabel: "Oh"
Me: "That tomorrow?"
Dad: "Yeah, I have to work tomorrow, but I'm going to go in early to be home in time to take you guys."
Me: "What time?"
Dad: "Around 3:30"
Me: "Okay."
Dad: "You guys good then?"
Me: "Yeah"
My dad looks over at Isabel.
Isabel: "Yeah, I'm good"
My dad walks out of the room, Isabel still sitting next to me.
Isabel: "Besides Raegan, is there like anyone else you know going to this school"
Me: "Oh, I'm a couple people, some people that introduced me to Raegan, some I met at this party. Why?"
Isabel: "Just wondering; this schools new to you too, and you already know people"
Me: "What are you scared, or like nervous"
Isabel: "A little, I mean I didn't really fit in at my last school, I was bullied, didn't really have any friends. But this school you know, a new start, I'm just scared I won't fit in."
I looked at her, and I didn't mean to, but I giggled.
Isabel: "See, what? Why are you laughing at me."
Me: "I'm not sorry. Don't worry I fee the same way. But you have me, and Raegan, and I'm sure you'll meet more people you can become friends with."
Isabel: "Thanks."
I smiled back at her.
Isabel: "Well, I'm gonna go, see in the morning?"
Me: "Yeah, goodnight"
I say to her as she walks out of the room.
Isabel: "Goodnight"
It wasn't soon after Isabel left my room that I fell asleep.
When I woke I looked over at my phone, it was already noon.
I got up heading over to the bathroom, I got in the shower.
When I was done I got dressed, did my hair, normal "getting ready for the day" type stuff.
When I was done with all of that, it was about one, I had time to do whatever before my dad got home. I decide to make a couple musical.lys, because why not.
I posted three, and then went out to the living room, finding Isabel sitting on the couch watching some drama show.
Isabel: "Hey"
Me: "Hey"
I saw laying down on the couch on the opposite room.
I start watching what was on, I had no idea what was even on the tv.
I ended up falling asleep, I guess the show was that boring.
I was sleeping, then I felt pillows being thrown, swung as me. I open my eyes to find Isabel hitting me with couch pillows.
Me: "Jesus Isabel, what are you doing"
I yelled and laughed at the same time.
Isabel: "Come on, you dads waiting in the car, he texted me, because you didn't answer."
Me: "Well yeah it's called sleep"
I say getting up following her out the door.
I get in the front, Isabel getting in he back.
Dad: "You guys ready to go?"
We both nod yes.
Dad: "Alright"
He says started the car, and we start driving away.
I decide to text Raegan.
*Hey hottie*
Raegan: *Hey babe*
Me: *Are you going to that open house, for school, today*
Raegan: *Yeah I'm there right now*
Me: *Oh*
Raegan: *Why are you?*
Me: *Well heading there now*
Raegan: *Okay, well text me, I'll come find you*
Me: *Okay*
After sending that last text, we pulled I tot he school parking lot.
We all got out, walking to the office.
The main office, unlike the rest of the school, wasn't so busy. I guess the main office was only meant for new students.
When we got there, there was a woman at the front desk.
Woman: "Hey, how can I help you guys"
Dad: "Um, Hi I'm David,"
My dad says shaking the woman's hand.
Woman: "Mrs. Willing"
Dad: "Yeah, so I guess we're supposed to come here, um, these two are new this year, well One is, the other was here for the last month of the school year, last year."
Mrs. W: "Yeah, okay. Can I just have their names?"
David: "Oh yeah, um Justin Blake, and Isabel James"
Mrs. W: "Oh yes, Okay, I'm going to just go to the back to grab their ID's"
The woman said as she pressed a button on the computer, smiled then walked away.
Dad: "Yeah, okay"
My dad turns around looking at me and Isabel.
Isabel: "Hey so I have a question."
I look at her, so does my dad.
Dad: "What's up?"
Isabel: "I'm mean, since we'll car pool, and hang out, and I mean going to open house all together, what would we exactly tell people our relationship is?"
I look at my dad.
Dad: "Um, whatever you guys want, up to you guys, friends, friends with parents that date, step siblings, that one might be too far, but, you know"
Isabel glanced over at me, then back at my dad.
Isabel: "Okay, just wondering"
Mrs. W: "Okay so these are your student ID's, Um these things make it so you can wear it over your neck, don't lose them."
The woman says handing both me and Isabel our ID's.
Then she walks over to the printer, picking up two pieces of paper. Then handing one to each of us.
Mrs. W: "And these are your class schedules. That's all you guys need for today, you can walk through there, and see where your classes are, and etc."
She says pointing to a walk way.
Dad: "Okay, thank you."
Then my dad looks at us, then waking to the door way.
My dad heads first, me and Isabel behind next to each other.
Isabel: "So what do we say to people?"
Me: "Well we're not siblings, so friends, I guess"
Isabel: "Oh, um, okay"
Isabel said with a low tone. I think that made her sad. Did she see us as siblings?

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now