After School 🤷🏼‍♀️

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When schools over I catch up with Raegan, at my locker.
Me: "So wanna come over?"
Raegan: "Um sure, or we can go to my house"
Me: "Yeah, I put my books in my locker and then we head out"
As we walk to my car, I notice that Aprils not in it, she's always the first one to the car.
I decide to shoot her a quick text.
*Hey where are you? I'm leaving whether your in the car or not*
She replies instantly.
*Riding home with a friend, you coming home?*
Me: *Going to Rae's, be home later*
Isabel: *Yeah, sure thing*
I get in the drivers seat, Raegan getting in the passenger side.
Raegan: "So no Isabel?"
Me: "No, she met this friend she's hanging out with"
Raegan: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah"
Raegan: "What's their name?"
Me: "No idea"
I say starting the car pulling out of the parking lot, as I begin to drive to Raegan's house.
I pull into Raegan's driveway, my car was the only one there.
Me: "Where's everybody?"
Raegan: "Not home"
He says getting out of the car.
Me: "Oh"
We go inside dropping our backpacks by the door, then we head up to Raegan's room.
We ended up throwing in a movie. We both laid down on his bed, me laying in his arms.
About 15 minutes into the movie I look up at Raegan, he stares into my eyes.
Before I knew it, my lips were touching his. Just watching a movie turned into a make out session. From his lips I moved down to his neck. He stopped me for a second.
Raegan: "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Me: "I'm sure"
After that he pulled my shirt off, I found myself unbuttoning his pants.
Next thing i know our clothes are off, us under the covers.
It was he first time we've ever done anything like this, and let me tell you, it was amazing.
When we were done, Raegan just laid next to me, holding me, his arms over my shoulder.
Raegan: "So.."
Me: "Yeah."
After that it went silent, we just laid there, no one saying a word.
About 15 minutes went by, when we heard the doors open.
Raegan: "I think my dads home"
Me: "We should probably get dressed then"
Raegan: "Yeah that's I good idea."
We both got up getting dressed, then we headed down stairs to the kitchen where Raegan's dad was, putting away groceries.
Dad: "He boys, what's up"
Raegan: "Hey dad, um nothing much."
Dad: "What are you guys up too now?"
Me: "Um I actually have to get home"
Raegan: "Yeah"
I smile kissing Raegan.
Me: "I'll text you later?"
Raegan: "Yeah, do that"
He's says back. I walk to the door grabbing my backpack, then heading out to my car. I get in and just sit there for a minute, thinking, we actually did it. Then I started the car pulling out of his drive way, heading home. I pull in my drive way, and walk through the door.
Dad: "Justin hey"
Me: "Hey dad"
Dad: "How was Raegan's"
*It was excellent* I thought.
Me: "Oh good,"
I said.
Dad: "Okay, well dinners going to be done soon"
Me: "Okay cool, where's everyone"
Dad: "Um Lena's working late, Isabel's upstairs with her friend"
Me: "Okay cool, well I'm going to get the rest of my homework done"
Dad: "Alright"
I start walking up stairs turning the corner when I run into somebody, falling down.
Girl: "Oh I'm sorry."
Me: "It's all good,"
I say getting up, then I look at the girl."
Me: "I should of watched where I was goi- April?!"
I just looked at her, what is she doing here, who let her in? Why is she always there?
Me: "April what are you doing here"
April: "Came to hang out with your sister"
Then she whispered.
April: "You think we could talk"
Me: "No April, we can not"
April: "Shh, can you be any louder? What's your problem?"
Me: "Your in my house that's my problem"
Still in a louder voice I answer back.
April: "Just listen, I saw that Isabel was your sister so I became friends with her"
Me: "So you used her?"
April: "Well kind of, I just wanted a chance to talk to you, alone, no Raegan"
Me: "You don't even know how messed up that is"
April: "Whatever can we just talk now?"
Isabel: "No you can leave"
Isabel says coming out of her room, meeting us in the Hall.
April: "Oh Isabel, hey um.. I didn't know you lived with Justin"
Isabel: "Sure you didn't"
April: "We should go back to finishing our homework."
Isabel: "No you can get your stuff and leave"
April: "Why?"
Isabel: "I heard you, using me to get to Justin. To think I thought you really wanted to be my friend."
April: "No I do-"
Isabel: "No, just go"
April: *Sigh*
April walks to Isabel's room grabbing her stuff, then she leaves.
Me and Isabel are still standing in the hall at this point. I look over at her, as I see a tear trickle down her cheek.
Me: "Hey, what's wrong"
Isabel: "I thought she wanted to be my friend, I guess no one does"
Me: "That's not true, you'll find much better friends."
Isabel: "You think?"
Me: "I'm sure"
Isabel: "Okay, thanks Justin."
I smile at her.
Isabel: "What happened between you too?"
Me: "Long story"

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