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Alright, so it's been about a week since I had my "freak out" and everything's going pretty good. Im just about to leave the house to pick up Raegan, and then we were going to head over to Kales, he's throwing another "Party".
I pulled up the the curb, and texted Raegan I was there, he walked out of his house, getting in the car.
Raegan: "Hey"
Me: "Hey"
Raegan leans over the counsel giving me a kiss.
Me: "Ready to go?"
Reagan: "Yeah, lets go"
Me and Raegan drive over to Kales house, and unlike last time there's more than just four people there, more like 10, 12.
Reagan: "Sup, kale"
Kale: "Hey Raegan, sup Justin"
Me: "Hey"
Kale: "Yeah there soda in the cooler and people, so yeah, have fun."
Raegan: "Alright kale!"
Me: "okay, yeah"
Kale: "So did you guys ride here together?"
Raegan: "Yeah, were um, a thing."
Kale: "Raegan Beast? Dating a boy? Never really saw that coming. You guys seem cute though"
Me: "Seem?"
Kale: "You guys are cute. Yeah, but Raegan now would be a good time to mention, Kayla's here"
Raegan: "She is, you invited her."
Kale: "Well no, I invited Lillian, and she brought her. "
Me: "Who's Kayla?"
I look at both Kale and Raegan, neither answered.
Kale: "Well I gatta go, I think more people are here."
Kale walks off, and Raegan starts walking toward the cooler full of drinks.
Raegan: "Thirsty"
I grab Raegan's arm.
Me: "Who's Kayla, Raegan?
Raegan: "She's no one"
I have Raegan a look, that type of look that says, "you better tell me before I get mad" kind of look.
Raegan: "No ones, she's just my ex"
Me: "Oh alright, was that so hard"
Raegan: "Your not mad?"
Me: "How can I be mad, about someone you dated in the past, it's fine, we're here to have fun."
Raegan: "Your right"
Raegan reaches into the cooler grabbing two sodas.
Raegan: "Thirsty?"
Me: "Yeah."
I used the bathroom then went back down stairs to the party. Raegan was talking to some old friends of his so I came up and joined the conversation.
Raegan: "Oh Justin this is my old buddy Jake."
Justin: "Nice to meet you"
Jake: "You too, he I'm going to go find Kale, talk later?"
Raegan: "Sure"
Jake walked away and it was just me and Raegan.
Raegan: "Having fun?"
Me: "Yeah, I guess"
Raegan: "Whats wrong?
Me: "Nothing, I just don't know anyone"
Raegan: "Well we can go, if you want"
Me: "No, no, you've been spending your whole summer with me so far, interact with your friends."
Raegan: "Okay, thanks."
Me: "Yeah. So this Kayla,"
Raegan: "Why are we talking about her?"
Me: "I don't know, I saw her on my way, back, she's pretty"
Raegan: "Justin"
Me: "Just one thing"
Raegan: "what?"
Me: "You know ex's they come up to you after the relationship, ask how they are, and stuff you know?"
Raegan: "Yeah, I guess"
Me: "Are you going to tell her who I am, you know, cause I'm your boyfriend"
Raegan smiled.
Raegan: "Of course I will, I'll tell everyone."
Me: "Okay, I just was wondering"
Raegan: "Yeah, you wonder a lot of things.
We both start laughing.
Me: "I know"
Raegan: "I'm going go get another soda"
Me: "Alright, well I'll be here"
Raegan: "Alright"
I see Raegan walk over to the cooler, grabbing a soda, then sits down on the couch, and starts talking to this dude, guessing they're friends.
I stay leaning against the wall drinking the soda I already had. Since I didn't know anyone but two people, but they were both occupied. So I just sat there looking around.
A couple minutes of watching people laugh and talk, a tall guy, with short blonde hair approaches me.
James: "Hey, I don't think I've ever seen you before."
Me: "Um probably, I moved here about a month ago."
James: "Oh, well I'm James"
Me: "Justin"
I shake James hand.
James" So where are you from?"
Me: "Minnesota"
James: "Oh dang, you know I went there one winter..."
James continues to talk, but I zone off, in the corner of my eye, I see Kayla, walking towards Raegan.

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now