Back at the House

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Raegan: "So looks like I'm your first friend, uh."
Raegan looks at me with the same stupid grin on his face.
Me: "Well your my first friend that gets me, and that I enjoy being around."
Raegan: "That makes me feel special"
Me: "You are special"
Raegan looks at me, smiling once again.
Me: " oh I mean like a-"
Before I could finish Raegan interrupts me.
Raegan: "Why do you do that?"
Me: "Do what?"
Raegan: "Get nervous every time you say something you think is wrong?"
Me: "I don't know, I'm nervous, and I like you.. I mean-"
Raegan: "See there you go again."
Me: "Sorry"
Raegan: " Its okay, I like you too"
The movie finished right after he said that. I decided not to say anything, I mean, I have to keep telling myself, he's straight, he likes girls, don't get attached. I know this is only like my second day of knowing him, but I feel like I've known him forever.
Raegan gets up, and begins looking around my room.
Raegan: "You have a lot of hats"
Me: "Yeah I always wear hats."
Raegan: "Yeah, I don't even know what your hair looks like"
Raegan reaches for my hat, which in my mind, is trying to take it off. I duck and back up.
Me: "Why do you need to see my hair."
Reagan just looks at me and smiles. Continuing to try to take me hat. I drop the the floor. Laying down, he does the same.
Raegan pins both my arms down, then taking my hat off with one arm, then pinning me again.
Raegan: "I like your hair"
Reagan smiled at me, that stupid smile of his. Looking me in the eyes.
Raegan: "I like your eyes too."
I smile at him.
Reagan: "And your smile"
At this point we are both on the ground him pinning me, smiling stupidly at each other. He leans in and-
-I hear my dad walk in the house, which didn't make sense since he said he had to go back to work.
Raegan lets me go and stands up reaching his hand put to me to help me up. I grab his hand. I'm kind of mad, my dads home, if he didn't walk in the door I was sure that Raegan would have kissed me. But I mean there's not much I can do, I had my change.
After he helped me up he looked at me, still holding me hand, and he stared in my eyes. And the thing I didn't think would happen.
Raegan leaned in, he kissed me. It was a long kiss, sent it went on until his phone went off. He stopped and smiled, then walked over to my bed where his phone was.
Raegan: "Hey, I'm sorry I can't stay for dinner, my mom needs me home for some reason."
Me: "Oh, okay."
He grabs his stuff and starts walking into the living room where my dad was.
Raegan: "Hey Mr. Blake-"
Dad: "David"
Reagan: " David, thanks for having me, sorry I can't stay for dinner, my mom needs me home.
Dad: "Well that ma okay, maybe next time?"
Raegan: "Yeah, that would be great."
Me: "I'm just going to drive him home"
Dad: "Okay see you in a bit"
Me and Raegan both walk outside and get in the car. Turns out he only live a couple blocks away.
About a block away from his house, I let it out?
Me: "So you, um, kissed me"
Raegan: "I did"
I pull over to the side of his house.
Me: "But why?"
Raegan: " You didn't like it?"
Me: " Well that's not it I just thought-"
Raegan leans over the seat and kisses me again.
Reagan: "Good"
He says getting out of the car, walking to his door.
I sit there in the car till he's in the house, then smile. I've been smiling all day, but this smile on my face, the biggest so far.
I start to head home.
I walk through the door and see my dad in the kitchen.
Dad: "Back that quick?"
Me: "Yeah I just lives a couple blocks away"
Dad: "Oh that's cool. He's nice, I really do like that boy"
Me: "Me too"

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now