A Typical Summer Morning

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Me: "Morning"
Raegan walks over to me, kissing me.
Raegan: "oh, morning"
Isabel: "Morning"
Me: "Okay I think we've established that it's the morning."
Raegan: " Someones cranky"
Me: "Me? No I'm not"
Raegan: "Okay.."
Isabel: "Well! I'm gonna go shower, if that's alright?"
Me: "Yep."
Isabel: "okay, oh wait, towel?"
Me: "Under the sink"
Isabel: "Thanks"
Isabel walks to the bathroom, and it's just me and Raegan.
Raegan: "Well I'm gonna go, do something, so I don't get you more mad."
Raegan starts walking away from me, but I grab his hand, pulling him towards me.
Me: "I'm not mad"
Raegan: "Sure about that?"
Me: "Yes I'm sure"
Raegan smiles, hugging me, then lifting me up. He ended up carrying me to my room.
We both laid back down. He had his arm over me, we just laid there.
Me: "Hey, doesn't everyone come back tomorrow?"
Raegan: "Ugg, you didn't have to remind me:"
Me: "Sorry"
Raegan: "I'm going to miss waking up next to you every morning."
Me: "Yeah, me too"
Raegan: "School starts soon"
Me: "Oh yeah, like 3 weeks"
We both hear the shower turn off.
Raegan: "Well, not even, like 2"
Me: "Really?"
Raegan: "Yep"
Me: "I don't really want to go back to school"
Raegan: "Why?"
Me: "I don't know, it just don't think I'll fit in."
Raegan: "I think you'll fit in fine"
Me: "Yeah, I hope"
Raegan: "Trust me, you will"
Me: "Yeah... well my dad said that we have to hang out with Isabel today, so I guess we should find something all of us can do."
Raegan: "Yeah, I heard that conversation this morning."
Justin: "Well we should get dressed then."
Raegan: "Yeah, I suppose that's a good idea."
Raegan gets up walking over to the dresser pulling out some clothes. Then he walks out of the room, into the bathroom to change.
I do the same, except I change in my room.
When we were both done, we walked into the living room, where we found Isabel sitting on the couch.
Me: "Hey"
Isabel: "Hey guys"
Me: "So wanna do something?"
Isabel: "Um, like what?"
Me: "I don't know, we could um, Raegan?"
I look at Raegan, he shrugged his shoulders.
Me: "Go outside?"
Isabel looked at me confused, then Raegan looks at me the same way.
Me: "Well no one else shared their idea."
Isabel: "Well outside it is."
All three of us walk outside, sitting on the chairs that were on the patio. We sit there for a couple minutes, in silence.
Isabel: "Well this is an upgrade from sitting inside."
I stand up walking over to this big container thing, that some people have besides their house, mainly to keep pool stuff, we didn't have a pool.
Me: "Well I don't know what you wanna do."
I open the the container thing, going through it while we continue to talk.
Isabel: "Well what do you guys usually do"
Raegan: "Couple stuff."
Isabel: "I see."
I find some old water balloons in the container and bring them to the table.
Me: "How about these."
Raegan: "What are we five?"
Me: "Well then we can all be bored."
Isabel picks up one of the water balloons bringing it over to the hose, filling it up.
When she was done she brought it back over to the table.
Isabel: "Water balloons are still fun."
She said holding it, ready to throw it.
Me: "What are you doing"
She shrugged her shoulders throwing it at me, I was sitting right next to Raegan, so some water got on him too. We both get up, chasing Isabel, she grabbed more water balloons heading to the hose to fill more up.
She grabs the hose, but then I grab it too, we both fight over it, but not a mean fight, more of a playful fight.
Me: "Here lemme have it"
Isabel: "You want it for the same reason I do."
Then the hose goes off, water flying everywhere. Soaking both me and Isabel. We look at Raegan, standing by the house where you turn the hose on. Standing there laughing.
Me and Isabel look at each other, then both hold the hose up to Raegan, spraying water all over him. He stops laughing.
Raegan: "C'mon guys, that's cold."
Raegan starts running from the water, I let go of the hose, running after him. When we were in the middle of the yard, we both stop.
Me: "That wasn't so boring"
Raegan: "No but it was cold"
And just then more cold water splashes on us, Isabel spraying us with more water.
Raegan grabs me using me as a shield, making all the water hit me.
Me: "Wow Reagan, I feel the love"
Isabel puts down the hose, and goes to turn it off, me and Raegan walk over to the table, and then so does Isabel.
Isabel: "See there's always something fun to do."
Me: "Yeah I guess"
Raegan: "Now were all soaked"
I walked over to the container again, pulling out some towels we kept in there, handing one to Raegan, one to Isabel.
We all dried off, then went inside. At this point it was about 1, 2 in the afternoon.
Me: "You guys hungry?"
I looked at Isabel.
Isabel: "Um a little, yeah I guess"
Then I looked at Raegan.
Raegan: "Oh, yeah."
Me: "I can make something, a pizza or something?"
Isabel: "Yeah, okay. I'm gonna go put some new clothes on."
She walks out of the room.
Raegan: "Yeah me too."
He looks at me.
Raegan: "Are you staying in those clothes."
Me: "No I'll change."
I follow Raegan to my room where we both picked out some new clothes, he threw on some swat pants and a t-shirt. I put on about the same thing.
We walked back to the kitchen, where Isabel was sitting at the kitchen table.
I preheated the oven, and put the pizza in, then went to sit next to Raegan at the kitchen table.
Isabel: "You know you guys are pretty fun"
Raegan: "You thought we'd be boring?"
Isabel: "No, but I didn't really know you guys, so I didn't know."
Me: "True."
Isabel: "So how much longer is Raegan staying here, will we have days like this everyday?"
Raegan: "I actually go home tomorrow."
Isabel: "Oh."
She looked sad, like she was happy to spend time with us.
Me: "That doesn't mean he's not going to be over anymore, he's almost always here anyways."
Isabel: "Oh really!"
Raegan: "Yeah."
Isabel: "Okay, cool"
The pizza cooked pretty fast, I took it out of the oven cut it up, and everyone took a couple pieces.
All three of us, sitting down eating pizza.
Isabel: "That's a nice tree."
Me and Raegan both look at her.
Raegan: "Uh?"
Me: "The tree?"
Isabel: "I mean like it's a good climbing tree, I bet."
Me: "Oh, I wouldn't know."
Isabel: "You've never climbed it?"
With pizza in my mouth I shook my head no.
Isabel: "Well then I guess there's only one way to find out, uh."
Isabel puts her plate in the sink then goes outside in the backyard, by the tree, her looking for a way to climb it.
Me and Raegan look at each other, then both get up going outside.
Me: "I don't know that this is a good idea."
Isabel: "Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"
Me: "Oh I don't know, you could fall, break your neck, die"
Raegan: "I don't know that you could die"
Me: "Your not helping"
Isabel: "Come on, it'll be fun."
Isabel starts climbing up the tree, and before long, she sits on a branch, that seems sturdy.
Isabel: "Justin, come on"
Me: "Yeah I don't know"
Isabel: "Raegan?"
Raegan shrugged his shoulders than started walking over to the tree.
Me: "Raegan!"
Raegan looked back at me.
Raegan: "Looks fun"
Raegan starts climbing, until he sits on a branch close to Isabel.
Raegan: "Justin"
I look at Raegan, he just smiles.
Me: "...Fine."
Raegan and Isabel cheer in joy, as I start climbing it. Before long I'm up on the tree sitting on a branch close to Raegan.

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