Seeing You

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(Mature Content Ahead)
That day went just like any other day went to school, learned came home.
The next few days went that way too, it all seemed to be going by really fast. Until Friday rolled around, last day of school.
Don't really want to talk about it.
I went to school. Tuned in things that were due. Didn't get a goodbye from a teacher. But hey, I got a heck of a goodbye from Kale and Jack, and I'm not going to lie, there were a bit of tears.
When I got home Friday, my dad had even more boxes for me, said I had to pack up everything, so that's what I did, I picked out an outfit or two for the next few days, but besides that, everything was in boxes.
I was taping up the rest of my boxes when my dad came into my room.
Dad: "Hey, so looks like your about done"
Me: "Yep."
Dad: "So Danny's pretty excited to have you back home, huh?"
Me: "I haven't really talked to him"
Dad: "Well I have, him and Damon, ready to have you home"
Me: "Yeah"
Dad: "So, we were thinking about seeing a movie? Wanted to do something before we have to move all weekend."
Me: "I um, think I'm going to go over to Raegan's, I mean we leave in two days, and who know how long it'll be before I see him again."
Dad: "Well I guess you have a point, if that's what you want, just let me know.
Me: "Will do"
I say, as my dad leaves the room.
I grab my phone out of my pocket and I already have texts from Raegan.
*So wanna come over?*
*Spend the night?*
I text him back.
*Yeah, I'll be right over*
Raegan: * Yay!*
I threw some shoes over, and headed over there.
I get over to Raegan house, knocking on the door, Raegan answers the door.
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "Hey baby boy"
He called me baby boy and I got the chills, I don't know why just hearing him say it turned me on. We went upstairs to watch a movie, after about 30 minutes Raegan turned off the T.V. looking me in the eyes
Raegan: "Baby boy you have such beautiful eyes.
I then started leaning in to kiss him. That kiss then turned into a make out session. Next thing i knew both our shirts are off. I started kissing his neck leaving hickies. I then went down to his boxers
Raegan: "May I"
I nodded and Raegan ripped off my boxers and dove into my area.
At this point I'm nothing but a moaning mess he started doing tounge flicks and UGHHHH this boy, it feels soo good.
Raegan: "Shh baby boy they're other people in this house
I nod.
Me: "Mm Raegan"
Raegan: "Yes baby boy?"
Raegan smirked.
Reagan keeps on eating me out until i came he cleaned me all up.
Raegan: "Damn baby boy you taste good."
I was out of breath at this point, this was better than what we did last time.
After that Raegan came up next to me, laying besides me.
Raegan: "Wow"
Me: "Yeah"
Raegan turns over.
Raegan: "Ganna miss being able to do that whenever."
Me: "Your telling me"
After laying there for a while, I get up, and get dressed.
Raegan: "Leaving?"
Me: "No I just have to use the bathroom"
Raegan: "Oh, okay"
I walk out of his room, heading to the bathroom when I was stopped my his brother.
RB: "Hey, Justin. Haven't seen you in a while"
Me: "Yeah, well here I am"
RB: "Hey I heard you were, moving, back to Minnesota.."
Me: "Yeah, unfortunately"
RB: "Oh, so um when do you leave"
Me: "Tomorrow night...."
RB: "Oh wow, that fast"
Me: "Yeah...."
RB: "Okay, well um I gotta get going, nice talking to you"
Me: "Yeah you too"
He left and I used the bathroom. I walk back to Raegan's room, he's fully dressed sitting on the edge on his bed.
I walk over to him sitting on his lap.
Raegan: "Hey"
Raegan says hugging me around the waist.
Me: "Hey"
I said hugging him back.
Me: "Ran into your brother in the hall"
Raegan: "Oh, what's he say"
Me: "Just saying hi, he told me he New about me moving and stuff"
Raegan: "Oh"
Me: "Yeah"
Raegan: "When is it your leaving again?"
Me: "Tomorrow night"
Raegan: "Oh damn"
I then felt Raegan hold me tighter.
I hugged him around his neck. And we stayed there for a bit.
I started to hear sniffles.
I let go of my hug and lifted his chin up, looking him in the eye. I watched as small tears rolled down his face.
Me: "Hey"
I said as I wipe the tears away from his face.
Me: "You can't do that, not right now."
Raegan: "I know, I'm sorry"
Me: "We still have night and all day tomorrow before I leave, and I'm going to spend all of it with you"
Raegan had a small smile appear on his face"
I smiled back at him.
I then hugged him tightly, him hugging me back. Then we fell back, laying on the bed, cuddling.
It wasn't before long that Raegan fell asleep, laying on my chest. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him, he was just so cute. I posted it o snapchat, *Sleepy Boy* I captioned it.
Wasn't before long people reposted it on Instagram.
*Aw goals*
*They're so cute*
Seeing those made me happy, so I decided to go to bed. I got up and turned off the light. I covered Raegan with a blanket, and laid up next to him, my arms over him. It was then I felt Raegan's arms hug me.
Raegan: "I love you Justin"
Me: "I love you too"
Then it was only a matter of time that we both fell asleep.

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