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I woke up the next morning, my laptop right next to me.
Raegan: "Well good morning-"
Me: "Ah, Jesus Christ Raegan"
Raegan: "Well someone didn't sleep good"
Me: "No sorry, I just forgot the FaceTime was still on."
Raegan: "I was going to click off, but I decided to stay on until you woke up."
Me: "Oh, well good morning."
With Raegan still on FaceTime, I get off my bed walking to my closet to get some clothes on, before I head out for another day at work.
Raegan: "You have work today too?"
Me: "Yeah, I work weekdays"
Raegan: "Have you meet any people yet? Co-workers?"
Me: "Yeah, only one, this girl named April, she's the only other one that works there"
Raegan: " Oh, so you made a friend?"
Me: "Yeah, I guess"
Raegan: "So how long do you plan on working there?"
Me: "Well most likely until you come back."
Raegan: "Why wouldn't you keep it?"
Me: "Well that's the whole reason that I got the job, to keep me occupied while you were gone. And once your back, your the only person I want to hang out with."
Raegan: "Aw, Justin. Now I feel special."
Me: "You are special, to me. But speaking of work I have to get to it"
Raegan: "Okay, talk to you later,"
Me:"Okay bye."
Raegan: "Bye."
I hang up, closing my laptop.
Then drive over to work. Damn, the same thing everyday, Work, home, work, home."
When I get in, again Aprils the only other person there.
April: "Morning Jay"
I kind of looked at her weird, no one really ever calls me Jay.
April: "Justin, can I call you Jay?"
Me: "Um, sure, I guess"
April: "Okay! Well, I'm just going to let you know, today's going to be a very boring day."
Me: "Why do you say that?"
April: "Have you checked the whether?"
Me: "Um, no."
April: "Well its only supposed to be in the 50's today."
Me: "okay?"
April: "Well not to many people want to buy ice cream in 50 degree weather"
Me: "Do then why don't we just go home?"
April: "Would you like to get paid?"
Me: "Well yeah.."
April: "Then we sit here, until the shift it up."
Me: "Okay... So what do we do?"
April turns around and grabs a container full of peanuts.
April: "Here sit down."
I walk over to the chair across from April and sit down.
April: "Your not allergic are you?"
Me: "Um, no"
April:"I'll throw them and you have to try to catch them with your mouth."
I laughed.
Me: "Um, alright"
For about an hour, maybe two, we were so bored I didn't really keep track, of throwing peanuts in each other's mouth. Then we blasted music while we cleaned the floors with mops, pretending they were people, pretending to dance with them. The to top it off we made what we called "Art" out of left over ice cream toppings.
Then it came to closing time.
Me: "This day went kind of fast."
April: "Yeah, and it's supposed to be the same weather tomorrow, so maybe that will be fun too!"
Me: "Yeah, maybe. I should get going."
April: "Okay, see you tomorrow then?"
Me: "Yep, bright and early!"
April: "Okay, bye."
When I got in the car, I got a text from my dad.
*Hey, gotta work late, won't be back in time for dinner, you'll have to fend for yourself, be back sometime tonight.*
He replied back.
*Okay, see you when you get home.*
I started the car, I was going to go home and make something, but instead I went through the Taco Bell drive through, I mean, who doesn't like that after a day at work, not that I did much at work.
I ended up eating everything in the car.
When I got home, my dad was still home at work, so I went up stairs, and took a shower. Then I went back to my room, it was about 10:30 pm, and I was pretty beat. I shot him a quick text.
*Hey, just wanted to say I miss you, and love you."
After that i went on some social media apps, you know Instagram, snapchat, that sorta stuff. Then I get a reminder, from that reminder app you have on your phone.
[Tomorrow: 1 month anniversary w/ Reagan]
Oh, dang, I month, I thought to myself.
I checked the text, he never texted back, so I decided to get some sleep, I'll FaceTime him tomorrow.
When I wake up the next morning, I smile, one whole month with that boy.
I mean over to check my phone. No new nonfictions, no text messages, no nothing. Maybe he was still sleeping, I thought to Myself. I didn't think much of it, I got dressed and headed over to work.
Me: "Morning"
The door was unlocked so I went right inside, I looked around, I didn't see April anywhere.
Me: "April? Are you in here"
I hear her yell from a distance.
April: "I'm in the back."
I walk around there, Aprils there organizing boxes of sprinkles.
Me: "Oh hey, I'm here."
April: "Cool, so yeah um, it's going to be slow again today"
Me: "Yeah figures"
April: "Um, so my dad needs inventory done, so you can help me with that."
Me: "Oh, great. That sounds fun."
April laughs and hands me a spread sheet full of different things I have to check off, she has one too. And we both get to work.
It hit about noon, we were just finishing up everything.
April: "Hey, why don't we call it a day."
Me: "Um, yeah okay"
April: Do you wanna hang out, maybe?"
Me: "Oh, um sure, I guess"
April: "Okay cool"
Me: "We could hang out at my house for a bit."
April smiled.
April: "Yeah, yeah we should"
I look weirdly at her.
April: "That came out wrong, I mean, sure, we could do that."
Me: "Okay, well lets go then."
We make sure all of the boxes filled with different things from the shop is all put away.
Then April takes the clip boards with all of the information we put down for inventory, in the filing cabinet.
I get in my car, April getting in hers and she follows me as I drive over to my house. When we get there we both get out of our cars.
April: "Dang, this is a nice house"
Me: "Yeah, it's alright."
I open the door walking inside and April follows."
Me: "So this is it, this is the living room, turning in here is the kitchen."
Then I walk upstairs,
Me: "You know bathroom, that ones my dads room, then my room there."
April: "Cool, what's your room look like?"
Me: "Oh, um"
April made herself feel welcome and walked right into my room."
April: "This is nice"
Me: "Yeah, but we don't need to be in here"
April: "Oh okay."
Me and April walk to the living room and sit on the couch.
April: "This is a nice place you got here"
I looked down at my phone as she was speaking to me, checking if Raegan ever texted back, or called"
Me: "Oh, what. Oh yeah it's alright"
April: "So how long have you lived here,"
Ever since I moved here, which is over a month ago."
April: "So your going to the same school next year then?"
I looked down at my phone again.
April: "Justin?"
Me: "Uh?"
April: "Thats like the 30th time you looked at your phone today, at the shop, then here."
Me: "Oh, um, sorry. Today's kind of me and Raegan's 1 month anniversary, and I haven't heard from him all day."
April: "Oh, well seem like he really cares huh."
Me: "Well you can't exactly say that, you don't know him."
April: "Oh, sorry, right, your right, I shouldn't assume."
Me: "It okay, I just it's almost been about-"
Just then there's a knock at my door.

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now