The Truth

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I pulled into the parking lot, looking at the shop, I didn't want to be here, I mean don't get me wrong I love the job, but I love Raegan more, and I rather be with him.
When you think about it the only reason I'm still here is because he wants me to be here. But I guess the idea of some extra cash isn't such a bad idea, so I go in.
As soon as I get in, Aprils bringing boxes to counter.
She saw me walk in. I smiled at her.
Me: "Morning!"
April: "We have work to do"
Me: "Um, okay."
April: "Go grab the boxes in the back!"
April didn't seem in a good mood, I didn't want to ask why, she might get mean.
Me: "Why are we going through this stuff again?"
April: "Because the list of inventory we did got lost, and I can't find it. So we gotta re-do it.
Me: "Can't we just keep looking for it."
April slams the clip board in her hand on the counter.
April: "No we can't. Can you just get to work."
Me: "Do you have a problem."
April picks up a box carry it over to the table I'm standing by.
April: "Me, no, why would you say that?"
Me: "What is his about, your not mad about the thing getting lost, your mad at me!"
April: "Okay, and?"
Me: "Well, why?"
April puts down the box calmly on the table, taking a deep breathe.
April: "I totally embarrassed myself."
Me: "What are you talking about."
April: "Yesterday, when I was over and Raegan came back."
Me: "I don't think you embarrassed yourself.
April: "You really don't get it"
Me: "Get what?!"
April: "I like you!"
It went silent, my eyes opened up wide, and I looked at her, she looked back at me and smiled.
Me: "What did you say?"
April: "I like you. And I kind of think you feel the same."
Me: "April, you know that I'm gay, I have a boyfriend, you met him yesterday."
April: "I know, but some people change, and after the time we spent together-"
Me: "April no, listen we spend time together because we work together, and hanging out outside of work, was me just trying to be nice."
April: "Okay, but don't you feel something, a connection."
At this point I start to get mad, and I know she can tell by my face expressions.
Me: "No April we don't, not one bit."
At this point April start getting mad.
April: "Okay well can't you just take a minute to think about my feelings"
Me: "What feelings?! Im sorry you may be sad that I don't like you, But I'm not sorry that I don't like you. Okay I have a boyfriend, and I love him. And once again I'm gay, very gay. And for you to tell me something like that the day after he gets back, wow."
April: "You know what I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about your boyfriend and how gay you are, so just forget it."
I was going to burst out yelling but instead a took a deep breathe, calming myself.
Me: "You know what April."
April looks up at me.
Me: "Your right, I didn't come here to talk about that stuff, I came here to turn in my apron, because I quit."
I put my apron on the counter and start walking out of the shop.
April: "Wait, Justin."
Me: "See you around April."
By then I'm out the door, getting in the car, and start driving home.
I get in the car, before I start it, I look at the store, I can see April looking through the store window, maybe crying, I couldn't see that good. I started my car, and started driving home.
Half way home, I get a text, guess from who.. April.
*Justin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off on you like that, can we just talk?!?*
I don't bother with it, I go back to driving.
I get home, and head up stairs.
When I entered the room, Raegan was making my bed.
Raegan: "Oh hey, your back fast."
Me: "Yep"
I walk over to my bed that he just made, laying down on it, then pull him down by me, holding on to him, hugging him.
Raegan: "What happened?"
Me: "I love you"
Raegan doesn't say anything. We just both lay on the bed, me hold I on to him.
A couple minutes later I sit up.
Raegan: "So, what happened?"
Me: "I quit"
Raegan: "What? Why?"
Me: "That April girl."
Raegan: "What about her"
Me: "I get there, and she lays down the whole, "I like you" speech"
Raegan: "Oh, then what happened"
Me: "I told her that one that's messed up if her because she told me that he day after you get back, and I'm gay, and have a boyfriend that I love."
Raegan: "Oh, well, oh"
Me: "But don't worry about it, now I can spend more time with you."
Raegan: "Okay, I mean that's better on my part I guess."
Me: "You don't seem so happy"
Raegan: "No I am, just feel bad that you lost your job."
Me: " Well I didn't lose it, I quit."
Raegan: "Right"

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